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Basic Christian<br />

Church and against mankind in general this History documentary will<br />

lay aside all doubts.}<br />

Between the Fall of Rome and the dawn of the Renaissance, Europe plunged into a dark night of constant war,<br />

splintered sovereignties, marauding pagans, rabid crusaders and devastating plague. That anything of value arose<br />

from this chaotic muck - much less the Renaissance - is nothing short of miraculous. Through masterful<br />

cinematography and ground-breaking research, THE DARK AGES brings to life this amazing and mysterious time.<br />

Relive in striking detail critical turning points in the Early Middle Ages including the fall of Rome to the Visigoths,<br />

the horrors of Bubonic Plague, the rise of Charlemagne and the launching of the First Crusade.<br />

Introduction [1 of 2] The High Middle Ages: The period of human<br />

history commonly referred to as the High Middle Ages (1000 A.D - 1300<br />

A.D.) brings about two seemingly unrelated events, the Battle of<br />

Hastings in 1066 A.D. and the Crusades of 1095 A.D. to 1270 A.D. -<br />

Events that have caused some of the most dramatic, functional,<br />

substantial and long standing changes known to mankind - And in all<br />

actuality the events of the aftermath of 1066 A.D. are the very rails<br />

that the train of human society currently rides upon and it is these<br />

same rails that are directing mankind into the very events of the End<br />

Times<br />

Background: Going back one thousand years prior to 1066 A.D. brings us back to 66 A.D. and the very days of the<br />

foundation of the Christian Church especially among the Gentiles having just been laid by the Apostle Paul. With<br />

two notable exceptions [Roman Church and State - Charlemagne's designation of the Nations of Europe] not much<br />

had changed in the form of human history and human government but that was about to change in 1066 A.D. In the<br />

six global Gentile Kingdoms previous to 1066 A.D. all of the six Kingdoms [Nimrod, Egypt, Babylon, Persia,<br />

Greece and Rome] had similar rulers, venues and Characteristics yet the Bible (Daniel 7:23) tells of a 7th Kingdom<br />

the Kingdom of Antichrist a Kingdom that is vastly different from the 6 Kingdoms that preceded it. When and<br />

where these Satanically inspired changes would enter into human society would remain a secret that is until the<br />

events of 1066 A.D. unfolded.<br />

Introduction [2 of 2] The High Middle Ages: The six Kingdoms prior to<br />

the coming Kingdom of Antichrist are all somewhat similar in that each<br />

King was head over their own society and also over the society of<br />

strangers. The six Kings were each stable functioning dignitaries,<br />

each married to at least on wife and each had at least one child to<br />

carry on their newly installed Dynasties. The unfortunate hallmark of<br />

each King's Dynasty is that what had started so wonderfully and had<br />

become so grandiose had in a relatively short time [usually within only<br />

a few generations or a few decades later] come crashing down into<br />

such a ruinous heap.<br />

For example what King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had so magnificently achieved in just a few decades his<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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