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Basic Christian<br />

[parallel] Kingdoms at work in the Kingdom of Antichrist and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. In the Book of<br />

Revelation while the Antichrist Kingdom is attempting to unify (666 - fallen angels, fallen humans, demons) and is<br />

unable to do so the Kingdom of God [888 (in a sense) - Holy God, holy Angels, redeemed mankind] does unify.<br />

The Kingdom of God starts out in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 1:10-18) with Jesus walking among the 7<br />

Churches of the earth and holding the stars of Heaven in His hand as Jesus is in the process of reconciling the earth<br />

back to Heaven to make the two separate Kingdoms of Heaven and earth back into one Kingdom. Jesus writes<br />

seven letters to His Church in each letter identifying Himself with each Church. Then in Revelation (Revelation<br />

5:6) Jesus is seen as The Lamb Slain as Jesus identifies Himself with all of His Martyred Saints from all of the<br />

Children of God from throughout all human history. During the events of Revelation the Kingdom of God in Jesus<br />

Christ becomes so identified with and intermingled with the Saints on earth and the holy Angels of Heaven in<br />

bonding and closeness that as an Angel appears (Revelation 10:1-7) it is difficult to tell if it is an Angel speaking<br />

and acting or if it is Jesus Himself speaking and acting. Note: In concluding this 8 Kingdom summary by reading<br />

the events of the Bible's Book of Revelation the Kingdom of God becomes identified with the Christian Saints, the<br />

Martyrs and even the holy Angels of Heaven at the very same time that the Kingdom of Antichrist is attempting to<br />

unify with fallen mankind, fallen angels and the demons but the Kingdom of Antichrist is falling apart and coming<br />

apart at such a rapid pace and in reality is never anywhere close to mixing into a unified Kingdom as the "iron does<br />

not mix with the clay" of Daniel. While in complete success the Kingdom of God is unified, united and completly<br />

identifiable with both mankind and with the holy Angels of Heaven all through the accomplishments and<br />

achievements of God the Son Jesus Christ. -- Ephesians 1:10-14 That in the dispensation of the fullness of times<br />

[ages] He [God] might gather together in one all things in Christ, *both which are in Heaven, and which are on<br />

earth; even in Him: In whom also we [Christians] have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the<br />

purpose of Him who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will: That we [Apostles] should be to the<br />

{Anointing} Praise of His Glory, who first trusted in Christ. In whom ye [individuals] also trusted, after that ye<br />

heard the Word of Truth, the Gospel of your Salvation: in whom also after that ye [individuals] believed, ye<br />

[individuals] were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our [individual] inheritance until<br />

the redemption {Kingdom Age} of the purchased possession, unto the {Anointing} Praise of His Glory.<br />

Continuing to examine the Thursday and Friday of the ancient Holy<br />

week Timeline - The original Holy Week days of Thursday and Friday<br />

having been meshed together into the one Friday of the modern Holy<br />

Week [a Friday crucifixion - because Saturday is the Sabbath Day]<br />

excludes the purchasing of additional oils and ointments to further<br />

anoint the body of Jesus while it lay lifeless in the tomb -- 'Mark 16:1<br />

And when the [Thursday] (evening) Sabbath [from the 1st day of the<br />

Feast of Unleavened Bread] was past, [on Friday - a normal working<br />

day] Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome,<br />

**had bought (purchased) sweet spices, that they might come [on<br />

Friday] and anoint Him (Jesus).' {Note: it appears that by the time of<br />

their arrival to the tomb on Friday, with the oils and spices to anoint<br />

the body of Jesus, the tomb had just been sealed by Roman guards and<br />

they would have to come back on Sunday [at the end of three days]<br />

when the seal was to be removed by the Romans intending that the unresurrected<br />

body of Jesus would still be in the tomb on Sunday but<br />

early Sunday morning Jesus resurrected.}<br />

The Gospel of Luke tells us that the newly purchased oils and spices were prepared in order to further anoint the<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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