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Basic Christian<br />

offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD." The offering of fire is likely the Baptism of Fire that the Christian<br />

is undergoing since the Flames of Fire upon the heads of the believers occurring at the Feast of Pentecost. The<br />

Trumpet is an announcement and in this case it is an announcement for God's people to gather together into one<br />

place. For the Church this is very likely fulfilled in the Rapture, the calling by God of His Church into Heaven to be<br />

with Him and to escape His coming judgment that is about to come upon the entire world of non-believers.<br />

"Revelation 4:1 After this I looked, and behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the voice which I heard was as it<br />

were of a Trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be<br />

hereafter." -- Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) "Leviticus 23:27-32 Also on the Tenth day of this Seventh month<br />

there shall be a Day of Atonement." This feast in a large part was completed at the cross of Jesus as Jesus is the<br />

Atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world. Atonement is the repair the mending of a broken relationship. For a<br />

relationship to be repaired there has to be a desire to repair the union and there needs to be an acknowledgment of<br />

the wrong that severed the relationship in the first place. It is corresponding to the second coming of Jesus because<br />

there is still much to be fulfilled with this particular feast. For starters at the Atonement Feast Leviticus 16:1-34<br />

there are two goats the first goat is sacrificed for the atonement, the removal of sin, because the result of sin is death<br />

so only when death occurs is sin satisfied. This sacrifice is a representation of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for<br />

us. Meanwhile, the second goat called the "scapegoat", the carrier of sins is released far away carrying with it the<br />

sins of the people and if that scapegoat never returns then the sins never return and are completely removed and stay<br />

away. If the scapegoat does return then all of the sins return with it. It is evident that at the cross of Jesus that a man<br />

called Barabbas was the scapegoat, as Barabbas was set free and he was never heard from again. That is until the<br />

Antichrist comes because the Antichrist will be carrying the name of "Son of the Father" which translated into<br />

Hebrew is "Barabbas" Bar = son and Abba = Father. Unfortunately the scapegoat the carrier of sin "Satan" will be<br />

returning one day as he will again be accepted by the people to be their friend and their king and when he does<br />

come he will bring with him the sins of the world. Also the Jewish people as a nation have not yet recognized Jesus<br />

as the true Messiah and this will happen at the second coming of Jesus so this feast is still partially yet to be<br />

fulfilled. -- Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) "Leviticus 23:34-43 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The<br />

Fifteenth day of this Seventh month shall be the feast of Tabernacles for seven days unto the LORD. ... That your<br />

generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of<br />

Egypt: I am the LORD your God." The Tabernacle is a Tent a temporary shelter as opposed to a Temple which is a<br />

permanent building. The Jewish Temple originally was a Tabernacle a Tent that the Hebrews carried with them and<br />

set up during their wilderness journey prior to their entry into the Promise Land of Israel. Once in the Promise Land,<br />

the permanent living place the Tent was then replaced in Jerusalem by the permanent Temple made of stone. This is<br />

the comparison of our earthy body to our future Spiritual body. Currently we Tabernacle in a Tent body a temporary<br />

body made of flesh. Whenever anyone dies their spirit and soul departs this tent and if you are a child of God, God<br />

then accepts you into Heaven our Permanent home and we receive our new Temple body, a Spiritual body to match<br />

our spirit and our soul. {Note: The 8 Holy Fests of Leviticus Chapter 23 have been separated primarily into two<br />

parts, the three Spring Feasts of the 1st Coming [Firstfruits] of Jesus Christ and the three Fall Feasts and the2nd<br />

Coming of Jesus Christ. Together the 8 Holy Feasts combine to usher in on earth the one Kingdom of God in Jesus<br />

Christ.}<br />

Part 4 the Conclusion: The three Fall Feasts of Leviticus Chapter 23<br />

seem to be the Transition Phase out of the approximately 2,000 years<br />

of individuals serving and fellowshipping with God in the Christian<br />

Church Age - Into the 1,000 year Millennial Kingdom of Messiah the<br />

reign of Jesus Christ among the Nations on the Earth<br />

The whole concept of the 8 Kingdom Study has been that there is a major transition in the Kingdom of God that is<br />

to take place and that is the Kingdom of God being shifted from the individual perspective (Church Age) to the<br />

National perspective (Kingdom Age). The shift from the individual (remnant) worship of God to the (corporate)<br />

National worship of God is continued and completed during the transition of the Antichrist Kingdom. In short<br />

throughout human history and particularly while going through the Book of Revelation there are two separate<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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