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Basic Christian<br />

monasticism -- The so-called Athanasian Creed dates from well after<br />

Athanasius's death and draws upon the phraseology of Augustine's De<br />

trinitate {Note: The Athanasian Creed, was probably written by Vincent<br />

of Lérins in about (475-525 A.D.) as a summary of Athanasius' works<br />

and writings in the same way that the Apostles' Creed was earlier<br />

written by Ambrose in about 390 A.D. as a summary of the Apostles<br />

(N.T) works and writings.}<br />

Athanasius is counted as one of the Great Doctors of the Church in Eastern Orthodoxy where he is also labeled the<br />

"Father of Orthodoxy". He is also one of the four Great Doctors of the Church from the East in the Roman Catholic<br />

Church. He is renowned in the Protestant churches, who label him "Father of The Canon". Athanasius is venerated<br />

as a Christian saint, whose feast day is 2 May in Western Christianity, 15 May in the Coptic Orthodox Church, and<br />

18 January in the other Eastern Orthodox churches. He is venerated by the Oriental and Eastern Orthodox, the<br />

Roman Catholics, the Lutherans, and the Anglican Communion. ... Athanasius' letters include one "Letter<br />

Concerning the Decrees of the Council of Nicaea" (De Decretis), which is an account of the proceedings of that<br />

council, and another letter in the year 367 which was the first known listing of the New Testament including all<br />

those books now accepted everywhere as the New Testament. (earlier similar lists vary by the omission or addition<br />

of a few books, see Development of the New Testament canon). Several of his letters also survive. In one of these,<br />

to Epictetus of Corinth, Athanasius anticipates future controversies in his defense of the humanity of Christ.<br />

Another of his letters, to Dracontius, urges that monk to leave the desert for the more active duties of a bishop.<br />

There are several other works ascribed to him, although not necessarily generally accepted as being his own work.<br />

These include the Athanasian creed, which is today generally seen as being of 5th-century Galician origin.<br />

Athanasius was not what would be called a speculative theologian. As he stated in his First Letters to Serapion, he<br />

held on to "the tradition, teaching, and faith proclaimed by the apostles and guarded by the fathers." In some cases,<br />

this led to his taking the position that faith should take priority over reason. He held that not only was the Son of<br />

God consubstantial with the Father, but so was the Holy Spirit, which had a great deal of influence in the<br />

development of later doctrines regarding the Trinity.<br />

Wikipedia: Ambrose - Aurelius Ambrosius, better known in English as<br />

Saint Ambrose (337 - 4 April 397), was a bishop of Milan who became<br />

one of the most influential ecclesiastical figures of the 4th century -<br />

He was one of the four original doctors (of particular importance) of<br />

the Roman Catholic Church - In spite of Imperial opposition, Bishop<br />

Ambrose declared: "If you demand my person, I am ready to submit:<br />

carry me to prison or to death, I will not resist; but I will never betray<br />

the Church of Christ. I will not call upon the people to succour me; I<br />

will die at the foot of the altar rather than desert it. The tumult of the<br />

people I will not encourage: but God alone can appease it." - Soon after<br />

acquiring the undisputed possession of the Roman empire, Theodosius<br />

died at Milan in 395, and two years later (April 4, 397) Ambrose also<br />

died - He was succeeded as bishop of Milan by Simplician - Ambrose's<br />

body may still be viewed in the church of S. Ambrogio in Milan, where<br />

it has been continuously venerated - along with the bodies identified in<br />

his time as being those of St. Gervase and St. Protase - and is one of<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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