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Basic Christian<br />

Vinci Code] concept that we are all little gods). The tip of our finger<br />

analogy is completely wrong in that three dimensions (length, height,<br />

and width) always have with it the 4th dimension of time and for<br />

example the higher [5th and 6th] spiritual dimensions including the<br />

ever present eternal, limitless dimension of God so using the tip of our<br />

own finger to represent the Trinity of God is perhaps the worst of all<br />

possible examples and any Seminary Theology professor should be<br />

able to give a more concise and coherent statement on the Trinity than<br />

Caner is able to explain - as though he is publically explaining it for the<br />

first time.} (Mp3)<br />

Discussed today: A May [2010 - San Diego, CA] recording of Ergun Caner talking about haters [and 'flamers' i.e.<br />

Caner's version of Christians who simply question him]. Dr. White also took two calls.<br />

Rapture - The Old Covenant [Old Testament] is considered an earthly<br />

covenant while the New Covenant [New Testament] is considered a<br />

Heavenly Covenant - causing the gathering of the Christian<br />

Congregation [the Rapture] to occur in Heaven - {Note: It seems to be<br />

that this is why Jesus did not write documents while He was on earth<br />

[as Moses did] because it would replicate the (O.T.) Old Covenant.<br />

Therefore Jesus speaks (writes) from Heaven as the N.T. is based in<br />

Heaven "Heavenly Jerusalem" and no earthly documents were from<br />

Jesus because that would have duplicated the O.T. Ministry of Moses.<br />

Also Note: The Book of Revelation in parts i.e. (Revelation 1:17-3:22) is<br />

a direct transcript from Jesus "Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus<br />

Christ, which God [the Father] gave unto Him [the Son], to shew unto<br />

His servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and<br />

signified it by His angel [mesenger] unto His servant [Disciple] John:"}<br />

Hebrews 12:18-29 For ye [Christians] are not come unto the [unapproachable] mount [Mt. Sinai "out of Egypt"<br />

(Exodus 18:1,5) in Saudi Arabia - where God came down] that might be [physically] touched [and the person who<br />

touched it died], and that burned with fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest, And the sound of a<br />

trumpet, and the voice of Words; which voice they [Congregation of Moses] that heard intreated that the Word<br />

should not be spoken to them any more (Exodus 20:18): For they [Congregation/Church of Moses] could not endure<br />

that which was commanded [by the voice of God], And if so much as a beast touch the mountain [Mt. Sinai], it<br />

shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart: And so terrible was the sight, that *Moses said, I exceedingly fear and<br />

quake: But ye [Christians] are come unto [approachable] mount Sion [Mt. Zion in Jerusalem - cross and resurrection<br />

of Jesus], *and unto the city of the living God, the *Heavenly Jerusalem [Heaven - where God (Jesus) ascended up<br />

into], and to an innumerable company of angels, To the general assembly [O.T. Saints] and [Christian] Church of<br />

the Firstborn [Jesus Christ], which are written in Heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men<br />

made perfect [complete in Jesus Christ], And to Jesus the mediator [for mankind to God] of the New Covenant, and<br />

to the [N.T.] blood of sprinkling (O.T. Exodus 24:4-8), that speaketh better things than that of Abel (Genesis 4:10).<br />

**See that ye [Christian] refuse not Him [Jesus] that speaketh [from Heaven]. For if they [Congregation of Moses]<br />

escaped not who refused Him [God revealed] that spake [O.T. Covenant] on earth, much more shall not we escape,<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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