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Basic Christian<br />

with Ambrose to Caesarea, where he spent some time. Here, in conformity with local usage based on Jewish<br />

custom, Origen, though not ordained, preached and interpreted the Scriptures at the request of the bishops<br />

Alexander of Jerusalem and Theoctistus of Caesarea. When, however, the confusion in Alexandria subsided,<br />

Demetrius recalled Origen, probably in 216 A.D. -- Origen excelled in multiple branches of theological scholarship,<br />

including textual criticism, biblical interpretation, philosophical theology, preaching, and spirituality. Some of his<br />

teachings, however, quickly became controversial. Notably, he frequently referred to his hypothesis of the preexistence<br />

of souls. As in the beginning all intelligent beings were united to God, Origen also held out the possibility,<br />

though he did not assert so definitively, that in the end all beings, perhaps even the arch-fiend Satan, would be<br />

reconciled to God in what is called the apokatastasis ("restitution"). Origen's views on the Trinity, in which he saw<br />

the Son of God as subordinate to God the Father, became controversial during the Arian controversy of the fourth<br />

century, though a subordinationist view was common among the ante-Nicene Fathers. A group who came to be<br />

known as Origenists, and who firmly believed in the preexistence of souls and the apokatastasis, were declared<br />

anathema in the 6th century. This condemnation is attributed to the Second Ecumenical Council of Constantinople,<br />

though it does not appear in the council's official minutes. Few scholars today believe that Origen should be<br />

blamed, as he commonly was in the past, for tentatively putting forward hypotheses, later judged heretical, on<br />

certain philosophical problems during a time when Christian doctrine was somewhat unclear on said problems.<br />

Eusebius of Caesarea (263 - 339 A.D.) also called Eusebius Pamphili - a<br />

Roman historian, exegete and Christian polemicist - He became the<br />

Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine [Israel] about the year 314 A.D. -<br />

Together with Pamphilus, he was a scholar of the Biblical canon<br />

Eusebius of Caesarea (c. AD 263 - 339) also called Eusebius Pamphili, was a Roman historian, exegete and<br />

Christian polemicist. He became the Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine about the year 314. Together with Pamphilus,<br />

he was a scholar of the Biblical canon. He wrote Demonstrations of the Gospel, Preparations for the Gospel, and On<br />

Discrepancies between the Gospels, studies of the Biblical text. As "Father of Church History" he produced the<br />

Ecclesiastical History, On the Life of Pamphilus, the Chronicle and On the Martyrs. ... Little is known about the life<br />

of Eusebius. His successor at the see of Caesarea, Acacius, wrote a Life of Eusebius, but this work has been lost.<br />

Eusebius' own surviving works probably only represent a small portion of his total output. Since he was on the<br />

losing side of the long 4th-century contest between the allies and enemies of Arianism (Eusebius was an early and<br />

vocal supporter of *Arius), posterity did not have much respect for Eusebius' person and was neglectful in the<br />

preservation of his writings. Beyond notices in his extant writings, the major sources are the 5th-century<br />

ecclesiastical historians Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodoret, and the 4th-century Christian author Jerome. There are<br />

assorted notices of his activities in the writings of his contemporaries Athanasius, Arius (Arianism heresy), Eusebius<br />

of Nicomedia, and Alexander of Alexandria. Eusebius' pupil, Eusebius of Emesa, provides some incidental<br />

<strong>info</strong>rmation. -- By the 3rd century, Caesarea had a population of about 100,000. It had been a pagan city since<br />

Pompey had given control of the city to the gentiles during his command of the eastern provinces in the 60s BC.<br />

The gentiles retained control of the city in the three centuries since that date, despite Jewish petitions for joint<br />

governorship. Gentile government was strengthened by the city's refoundation under Herod the Great (r. 37-4 BC),<br />

when it had taken on the name of Augustus Caesar. In addition to the gentile settlers, Caesarea had large Jewish and<br />

Samaritan minorities. Eusebius was probably born into the Christian contingent of the city. Caesarea's Christian<br />

community presumably had a history reaching back to apostolic times, but it is a common claim that no bishops are<br />

attested for the town before about AD 190, even though the Apostolic Constitutions 7.46 states that Zacchaeus was<br />

the first bishop. -- Through the activities of the theologian Origen (185/6-254) and the school of his follower<br />

Pamphilus (later 3rd century - 309 AD), Caesarea became a center of Christian learning. Origen was largely<br />

responsible for the collection of usage <strong>info</strong>rmation regarding the texts which became the New Testament. The<br />

<strong>info</strong>rmation used to create the late-fourth-century Easter Letter, which declared accepted Christian writings, was<br />

probably based on the Ecclesiastical History [HE] of Eusebius of Caesarea, wherein he uses the <strong>info</strong>rmation passed<br />

on to him by Origen to create both his list at HE 3:25 and Origen•s list at HE 6:25. Eusebius got his <strong>info</strong>rmation<br />

about what texts were accepted by the third-century churches throughout the known world, a great deal of which<br />

Origen knew of firsthand from his extensive travels, from the library and writings of Origen. In fact, Origen would<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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