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Basic Christian<br />

proved to have been extremely precise in his report of the doctrines he rejected. The oldest lists of bishops also<br />

were countermeasures against the Gnostics, who said that they possessed a secret oral tradition from Jesus himself.<br />

Against such statements Irenaeus maintains that the bishops in different cities are known as far back as the Apostles<br />

- and none of them was a Gnostic - and that the bishops provided the only safe guide to the interpretation of the<br />

Scriptures. With these lists of bishops the later doctrine of "the apostolic succession" of the bishops could be linked.<br />

Hippolytus of Rome (170-235 A.D.) - Photios I of Constantinople<br />

describes him in his Bibliotheca (cod. 121) as a disciple of Irenaeus,<br />

who was said to be a disciple of Polycarp a disciple of the Apostle<br />

John<br />

Hippolytus of Rome (170 - 235) was the most important 3rd-century theologian in the Christian Church in Rome,<br />

where he was probably born. Photios I of Constantinople describes him in his Bibliotheca (cod. 121) as a disciple of<br />

Irenaeus, who was said to be a disciple of Polycarp, and from the context of this passage it is supposed that he<br />

suggested that Hippolytus himself so styled himself. However, this assertion is doubtful. He came into conflict with<br />

the popes of his time and seems to have headed a schismatic group as a rival bishop of Rome. For that reason he is<br />

sometimes considered the first Antipope. He opposed the Roman bishops who softened the penitential system to<br />

accommodate the large number of new pagan converts. However, he was very probably reconciled to the Church<br />

when he died as a martyr. He is the person usually understood to be meant by Saint Hippolytus. Starting in the 4th<br />

century, various legends arose about him, identifying him as a priest of the Novatianist Schism or as a soldier<br />

converted by Saint Laurence. He has also been confused with another martyr of the same name.<br />

Tertullian.org: The 'Noddy' guide to Tertullian - Tertullian lived in the<br />

ancient city of Carthage [North Africa] in what is now Tunisia,<br />

sometime around 200 A.D. - Tertullian was the first Christian writer to<br />

write in Latin - He was deeply conscious of his own failings, and had a<br />

burning desire for truth and integrity - His most important work is the<br />

Apologeticum, in defense of the Christians - Running it close must be<br />

Adversus Praxean, in which the doctrine of the Trinity comes into clear<br />

focus for the first time, in response to a heretic who was twisting the<br />

biblical balance between the persons of the Godhead - In this work, he<br />

created most of the terminology with which this doctrine was to be<br />

referred and is still, such as Trinitas (Trinity), etc. - Tertullian had<br />

grown angry at what looked like compromise creeping into the church -<br />

unwillingness to be martyred, willingness to forgive more serious<br />

public sins - and aligned himself with the Montanists - It is unclear<br />

whether this involved actually leaving the church - As such he was not<br />

recognised as a Saint, despite his orthodoxy, and his works were all<br />

marked as condemned in the 6th Century Decretum Gelasianum<br />

Tertullian lived in the ancient city of Carthage in what is now Tunisia, sometime around 200 AD. Very little is<br />

known about his life - that little comes either from writers two centuries later, or from the scanty personal notes in<br />

his works. Much of it has been asserted to be untrue anyway by some modern writers. He was born a member of the<br />

educated classes, and clearly gained a good education. Life in his times wasn't very different in some ways to the<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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