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Basic Christian<br />

late to the political scene in Egypt and its view of Creation attempted to incorporate the ideas of Memphis,<br />

Heliopolis and Hermopolis into a new cosmology that subordinated the chief deities of those cults to Amen, chief<br />

deity of Thebes. The Theban doctrine holds that in the beginning there was the great primeval flood known as Nu or<br />

the Nun. The god Amen then appeared in a series of forms, first as an Ogdoad, then as Tatenen (a Memphite name<br />

for Ptah identified with the primeval hill), then as Atum, who created the first gods, then as Re. After this he created<br />

humanity, organized the Ennead, appointed the four male members of the Hermopolitan Ogdoad as his divine<br />

fathers and priests, and appointed Shu as their leader. Another Theban tradition holds that Osiris built the first city<br />

at Thebes. To equate all these ideas with the biblical Creation stories would be a massive undertaking, far beyond<br />

the scope of this short paper. Therefore I will deal only with a small piece of this very large subject. In this paper I<br />

will just compare some elements of the Heliopolitan cycle with the biblical account of Adam and Eve and the<br />

second day of Creation. ... Summary: In conclusion, I note that the bible places Israel•s formative years as a cultural<br />

entity in Egypt, and its leading figures, Joseph and Moses, were educated in Egypt•s traditions. What they new<br />

about the origins of the world they learned in Egypt, and what they wrote about those origins should surely have<br />

had an Egyptian influence. Yet, while scholars are willing to admit all sorts of Semitic pagan influences on early<br />

Hebrew historical beliefs, they treat the idea of Egyptian influence as far too profane for intense examination. I hope<br />

in this paper I have been able to at least raise some interest in more closely examining the [false] idea that Egyptian<br />

ideas greatly influenced the writing of early biblical history. {Note: The concepts, practices, laws, medicines,<br />

religion, etc. that Moses wrote about in the Pentateuch [first five books of the Bible] were completely foreign [i.e.<br />

the 8 Feasts of Leviticus chapter 23] and in many cases the opposite of the traditional teachings of ancient Egypt.}<br />

*Note: Monday - back to blogging and very excited about it!<br />

Topics for this week: First some Bible verses that have been important guidance [the equality of God, the<br />

righteousness of God, the Holiness of God and the independence of God] for the Basic Christian Ministry are going<br />

to be posted. Then a wrap-up for this year regarding the Jewish Fall Feast Days. Also a completion of the study of<br />

generational sin [all children are conceived and born in the original sin of Adam and Eve and also have received at<br />

conception some of the accumulated sins of the previous 3 or 4 generations]. Then content about the current state of<br />

Presidential politics [Basic Christian is not going to blog either the 2010 or the 2012 elections] and the current<br />

merging of politics and the New World Order (NWO) [7th Kingdom] system. Then the beginning/resuming of the 8<br />

Kingdoms of the World Study picking up again with Nimrod [1st Kingdom] and the [Kingdom] Tower of Babel and<br />

including in the study a study and background regarding "The Days of Noah." --- Also the new Basic Christian<br />

resource <strong>BasicChristian</strong>.air is now available and is recommended for download and use, some help and <strong>info</strong>rmation<br />

about the file will be provided this week as well. ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown<br />

Tower of Babel May Have Been Located Near the Black Sea [West and<br />

North of the traditional location for Noah's Ark] in a remote region of<br />

eastern Turkey - He believes he has found a possible location near a<br />

place whose name means "Gate of God," the same literal meaning as<br />

Babel - In the Tower of Babel story in the book of Genesis, Noah's<br />

descendants [journeyed from east (the Ark) to Shinar] led by Nimrod<br />

arrived at Babel in the land of Shinar - Sanders' work is a challenge to<br />

conventional beliefs - Traditionally, biblical scholars and<br />

archaeologists have placed the dawn of [after Noah] civilization in<br />

Mesopotamia [directly South of what is considered to be the site of the<br />

Ark of Noah], the area bounded by the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, now<br />

mostly located in Iraq -- "Genesis 11:1-5 And the whole earth was of<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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