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Basic Christian<br />

[non-Christian] national-international (secular) and fraudulent causes<br />

i.e. Rick Warren's purpose driven agendas and the New Apostolic<br />

Reformation and their upstream donations to their main church offices<br />

and to a select few (possibly non-Christian, infiltrated) directors,<br />

presidents and staff members.}<br />

If the SBC is to adopt a new mission statement -- and such adoption should be considered a huge undertaking -what<br />

is the statement it replaces? The SBC was formed in 1845, according to our founding documents, for the<br />

"purpose of carrying into effect the benevolent intention of our constituents by organizing a plan for eliciting,<br />

combining, and directing the energies of the denomination for the propagation of the gospel." The purpose of our<br />

convention, according to Article II of our bylaws, is "to provide a general organization for Baptists in the United<br />

States and its territories for the promotion of Christian missions at home and abroad and any other objects such as<br />

Christian education, benevolent enterprises, and social services which it may deem proper and advisable for the<br />

furtherance of the Kingdom of God." Are a "purpose" and a "mission statement" the same thing? If the proposed<br />

mission statement is an add-on, it can be enthusiastically endorsed. If it is to change the purpose statement of the<br />

convention, it needs far more serious consideration than to be the first of seven recommendations from a task force<br />

formed for a different purpose entirely. The task force still wants to dilute the Cooperative Program by making it the<br />

"first and primary component" of something they would call Great Commission Giving. The progress report in<br />

February basically would have taken any responsibility for Cooperative Program promotion and "returned" it to the<br />

state conventions. The new version still doesn't recognize that the states have always had primary responsibility for<br />

CP promotion and it urges the SBC Executive Committee to work with state conventions to form a "unified strategy<br />

with clearly established goals" by 2013. My strategy to encourage churches to higher CP giving is this:<br />

Demonstrated commitment to CP from those who lead the Southern Baptist Convention. SBC president Johnny<br />

Hunt, who has pledged to double his church's CP giving this year to about $900,000, rightly reminded the editors<br />

that no one responds positively to criticism. You can't get someone to do more of something by emphasizing how<br />

little of it they currently do. He reminded us that "thousands" of churches that claim SBC affiliation give nothing to<br />

CP -- and the six-percent average church CP commitment would be much smaller if not for the large dollar amounts<br />

churches like his provide.<br />

Gimme That OC Religion - Crystal Cathedral Declares Bankruptcy - Why<br />

Robert Schuller Had it Coming - Schuller ultimately influenced<br />

American Christianity [but not in a lasting, positive way] the most of<br />

any pastor in OC - at the expense of his own flock and for personal<br />

benefit<br />

Because, when all of OC's titans of Christianity eventually meet Charles E. Fuller in the afterlife, the world will see<br />

that Schuller [Robert H. Schuller (Sr.)] ultimately influenced American Christianity the most of any pastor in OC-at<br />

the expense of his own flock and for personal benefit. While Chuck Smith revitalized American evangelicism<br />

[according to Chuck Smith - because everyone knows that it was Billy Graham not Chuck Smith that 'revitalized<br />

American evangelicism'] via Calvary Chapel, the [TBN] Crouches [Paul and Jan Crouch - Trinity Broadcasting<br />

Network] revolutionized broadcasting the words of Christ (including Schuller's own Hour of Power) and Rick<br />

Warren built a global megachurch without peer, Schuller put too much of his church's focus on himself--the bestselling<br />

books, the television program, the many lectures. **His message of possibility thinking [i.e. Chuck Smith<br />

"made room in his heart ... generating a movement of the Holy Spirit"] and seminars for pastors made Warren<br />

possible, created the megachurch movement, and brought in millions to build his Crystal Cathedral--but while<br />

Schuller mugged for the cameras, he never did set a course of succession for his flock [Robert H. Schuller (Sr.) had<br />

a clear succession in his son Robert A. Schuller - but Robert A. Schuller turned out to be an actual Christian and<br />

that was unacceptable to NWO instigator Robert H. Schuller]. If I was more up-to-date on my Scripture, this is the<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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