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Basic Christian<br />

times, they gave it two heads, back to back ... In time, this [back-to-back key symbol] became the double-headed<br />

Eagle of symbolic Masonry." [p. 42]<br />

What is the Tower of Babel? The Tower of Babel is a fascinating story<br />

which helped the ancients understand God - The story of the Tower of<br />

Babel doesn't take place in a vacuum - It falls in between Noah's flood<br />

and the call of Abraham - The parable [from the events of Babel] tells<br />

us that the road without God is doomed to disaster - The citizens of<br />

Babel thought that they were able, technologically, to challenge God's<br />

leadership - Man's pride, vanity and lust for power need to come under<br />

God's authority - That is the theological lesson of this section of<br />

scripture - They are the only kinds of lessons the Bible gives<br />

The call of Abraham comes about as God decides to form a people of his own to carry the knowledge and worship<br />

of Him into the world. The Flood did not stem man's evil ways and the activities around the Tower of Babel showed<br />

that man loves himself more than any God. The glory of man is what was sought with that tower, not the glory of<br />

God. So, in Abraham, God forms a people who will glorify Him. -- The story of Babel comes at a point after the<br />

flood where everyone is seen as a descendant of Noah. Genesis 10 and 11 is a genealogy from Noah to Abraham<br />

and an attempt to classify everyone in the known world as a descendant. I say "known" world because as far as<br />

these early Hebrews were concerned the world was flat and rested on pillars. The sky was a shell with stars fastened<br />

to it. Ethiopia was as far south as they could identify, Iran to the east, Armenia to the north and Greece to the west.<br />

They had heard of a place called Tarshish (Spain - also possibly Britain) but weren't sure. Jonah had tried to go<br />

there because it was as far as he could imagine going. -- The whole story of Babel lasts for only nine verses,<br />

Genesis 11: 1-9. Its fame has far exceeded the space that the compilers of Genesis have given it in the Holy<br />

Scriptures. Just before we are given the names of the descendants of Shem (Shemites or Semites) whose line brings<br />

us to Abraham, the story of the Tower of Babel is inserted. What could be the significance of this little parable at<br />

this point in Bible history? -- Of course, the ancients wanted to know why and how we all came to be speaking<br />

different languages. If Noah and his sons repopulated the world shouldn't we all speak their language? Verses ten to<br />

twenty six bring us from Shem to Abraham. The story of Babel is there to explain to a primitive society how we get<br />

from Noah to Abraham with so many different languages having developed in so short a time. What could be the<br />

cause of this impediment to human cooperation and understanding? -- The choice of the name "Babel" is not an<br />

accident. The reference to Babylon reflects the way that Babylon was abhorred by Hebrew society. Babylon<br />

represented everything that was wrong with humanity. As a city, Babylon was both envied and loathed. The city was<br />

beautiful and graced with streets and palaces. The hanging gardens of Babylon are one of the seven wonders of the<br />

ancient world. Writing and science were developing there. In the meantime, the Hebrews were a nomadic society<br />

concerned with day to day survival. Babylon represented oppression, cruelty and violence by which it remained<br />

powerful. -- So Babel (Babylon) is portrayed as a society where everyone speaks with the same language and<br />

through human cooperation attempt to climb to heaven on a tower. This is not a God centered society but a<br />

fellowship of men dedicated to elevating man to his proper position as God of this world. This is a theme often<br />

repeated in the Bible. The ziggurats stand as evidence against them. So Babylon gets the blame for confusion<br />

because they try to get up to God's level. The disdain that ancient Israel felt for Babylon is reflected in the Tower<br />

story. -- So, is this science or theology? There is no science in the Bible. There is no point looking for it there. The<br />

Bible is a theological manuscript. It is the story of God's dealings with humans from the viewpoint of an ancient<br />

society. Is Babel the reason for all of the various languages in the world? Of course it isn't. Is Babel a parable? The<br />

story of the Tower of Babel is a parable about mankind, where his heart is and how God feels about it. -- The<br />

account of Babel's tower is lousy history and terrible science. It is terrific theology. The final judgement against any<br />

society is its willingness to press forward in the name of progress without reference to or respect for God. The<br />

parable tells us that the road without God is doomed to disaster. The citizens of Babel thought that they were able,<br />

technologically, to challenge God's leadership. Man's pride, vanity and lust for power need to come under God's<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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