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Basic Christian<br />

successor-state to Alexander's empire, the Ptolemaic kingdom of<br />

Egypt in 31/30 BC - The Hellenistic period was characterized by a new<br />

wave of [Greek] colonists which established Greek cities and<br />

kingdoms in Asia and Africa [including in Israel - The Decapolis ("Ten<br />

Cities"; Greek: deka, ten; polis, city) of Jesus' day]<br />

Rise of Rome [via - trade, goodwill, treaties, politics, policy and lastly overt military action]: Widespread Roman<br />

interference in the Greek World was probably inevitable given the general manner of the ascendency of the Roman<br />

Republic. This Roman-Greek interaction began as a consequence of the Greek city-states located along the coast of<br />

southern Italy. Rome had come to dominate the Italian peninsula, and desired the submission of the Greek cities to<br />

its rule. Although they initially resisted, allying themselves with Pyrrhus of Epirus, and defeating the Romans at<br />

several battles, the Greek cities were unable to maintain this position and were absorbed by the Roman republic.<br />

Shortly afterwards, Rome became involved in Sicily, fighting against the Carthaginans in the First Punic War. The<br />

end result was the complete conquest of Sicily, including its previously powerful Greek cities, by the Romans. The<br />

independent cities of Magna Graecia did not form part of the Hellenistic domains and had, by this time, been<br />

eclipsed in power by the Hellenistic kingdoms of the east. They also remained independent at a time when the<br />

Mediterranean was increasingly dominated by 'great powers'. This, and their proximity to Rome, had made them<br />

easy and obvious targets. *Conversely, the major Hellenistic realms were not in the immediate Roman sphere of<br />

influence, and were powerful enough to deter Roman aggression. The events which, in retrospect, marked the<br />

beginning of the end for the Hellenistic kingdoms could have been avoided; even if it seems likely that a collision<br />

between them and Rome would have ultimately occurred. -- **Roman entanglement in the Balkans began, as so<br />

often, with trade. Illyrian piratical raids on Roman merchants twice led to a Roman task force invading Illyria (the<br />

First and, Second Illyrian Wars). Tension between Macedon and Rome increased when the young king of Macedon,<br />

Philip V harboured one of the chief pirates, Demetrius of Pharos (a former client of Rome). As a result, in an<br />

attempt to reduce Roman influence in the Balkans, Philip allied himself with Carthage after Hannibal had dealt the<br />

Romans a massive defeat at the Battle of Cannae (216 BC) during the Second Punic War. Forcing the Romans to<br />

fight on another front when they were at a nadir of manpower gained Philip the lasting enmity of the Romans; the<br />

only real result from the somewhat insubstantial First Macedonian War (215-202 BC). -- Once the Second Punic<br />

War had been resolved, and the Romans had begun to regather their strength, they looked to re-assert their<br />

influence in the Balkans, and to curb the expansion of Philip. A pretext for war was provided by Philip's refusal to<br />

end his war with Attalid Pergamum, and Rhodes, both Roman allies. The Romans, also allied with the Aetolian<br />

League of Greek city-states (which resented Philip's power), thus declared war on Macedon in 200 BC, starting the<br />

Second Macedonian War. This ended with a decisive Roman victory at the Battle of Cynoscephalae (197 BC).<br />

**Like most Roman peace treaties of the period, the resultant 'Peace of Flaminius' [Proconsul Titus Quinctius<br />

Flaminius] was designed to utterly crush the power of the defeated party; a massive indemnity was levied, Philip's<br />

fleet was surrendered to Rome, and Macedon was effectively returned to its ancient boundaries, losing influence<br />

over the city-states of southern Greece, and land in Thrace and Asia Minor. The result was the end of Macedon as a<br />

major power in the Mediterranean. -- As a result of the confusion in Greece at the end of the Second Macedonian<br />

War, the Seleucid Empire also became entangled with the Romans. The Seleucid Antiochus III had allied with<br />

Philip V of Macedon in 203 BC, agreeing that they should jointly conquer the lands of the boy-king of Egypt,<br />

Ptolemy V. After defeating Ptolemy in the Fifth Syrian War, Antiochus concentrated on occupying the Ptolemaic<br />

possessions in Asia Minor. However, this brought Antiochus into conflict with Rhodes and Pergamum, two<br />

important Roman allies, and began a 'cold-war' between Rome and Antiochus (not helped by the presence of<br />

Hannibal at the Seleucid court). Meanwhile, in mainland Greece, the Aetolian League, which had sided with Rome<br />

against Macedon, now grew to resent the Roman presence in Greece. This presented Antiochus III with a pretext to<br />

invade Greece and 'liberate' it from Roman influence, thus starting the Roman-Syrian War (192-188 BC). Another<br />

decisive Roman victory at the Battle of Magnesia (190 BC) saw the defeat of Antiochus. Another crippling treaty<br />

followed, with Seleucid possessions in Asia Minor removed and given to Rhodes and Pergamum, the size of the<br />

Seleucid navy reduced, and a massive war indemnity invoked. -- Thus, in less than twenty years, Rome had<br />

destroyed the power of one of the successor states, crippled another, and firmly entrenched its influence over<br />

Greece. This was primarily a result of the over-ambition of the Macedonian kings, and their unintended provocation<br />

of Rome; though Rome was quick to exploit the situation. In another twenty years, the Macedonian kingdom was no<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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