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Basic Christian<br />

pertaining to the people; belonging to the people; relating to, or affecting, a nation, state, or community -<br />

ardictionary.com]. The intriguing person Publius is the "chief" or first [G4413 - Protos] person of the Island of<br />

Malta and though Publius is not a Roman citizen he has a Roman name and connections to Rome. - In this<br />

scenario, in what we are trying to read between the lines that Luke wrote for us in his book of Acts Chapters 27 and<br />

28 we have the scenario that the Church Age has ended (Acts 27:44), the one ship of Christianity has broken apart<br />

and ALL the Christians are in Heaven. Here upon Malta (Acts 28:1) we seem to have the dispensation after<br />

Christianity [after the Church Age] - the dispensation of the End Times and the Martyred Saints of Revelation. In<br />

this intriguing scenario one person is in charge [of buying and selling] for an entire society and also that person is<br />

not a part of the 6th Kingdom in Rome. Publius is not a Roman citizen, instead this very public and in charge figure<br />

is first in his own system (the 7th Kingdom Revised Rome). Publius {before he becomes a Christian} is a type of<br />

the Antichrist and the Island society of Malta is a type of the 7th Kingdom (Revised Roman Empire). Further<br />

establishing that Luke intends for Malta to represent the Martyred Saints of End Times is that Luke tells of Paul<br />

being bitten by a viper (Acts28:3) but then Luke chooses to call the poisonous viper a "beast" (Acts 28:4,5) using<br />

the same word "beast" (G2342 - Therion) that John would later use in his Book of Revelation [Revelation 13:18 -<br />

the Mark of the Beast] to describe the Antichrist - Paul "he shook off the beast into the fire" (Acts 28:5) refusing to<br />

take the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 19:20). Luke is determined to present the spirit of Antichrist at the Island of<br />

Malta. - Note: The End Time events that Luke portrays on Malta is not quite like the End Times often portrayed<br />

today in common media, where saints are on the run for their lives. In this End Time depiction by Luke the Saints<br />

are busy, working, helpful and briefly an integrated part of the society of Malta. But the Saints have a determined<br />

destination and a departure date and depart the island society of Malta not out of anger or desperation but out of a<br />

necessity. It seems that Luke is portraying Malta [Revised Rome] as a society that is vastly different than today<br />

(there might not be any private property - everything might be 'public' in name only) a tightly controlled and<br />

managed society with each person knowing where they rank in society and one person Publius is first. Further after<br />

departing the island of Malta and continuing their Journey [a journey that is no longer given in great detail - because<br />

technically the Saints departed Malta as Martyrs]. The End Time martyrs of Malta continue on to their desired<br />

destination to the feet of the King [Caesar] but like the Book of Revelation the Martyrs of Malta do not go directly<br />

to Rome they depart the ship outside of Rome and fellowship with other believers for a while. In the Book of<br />

Revelation the 5th Seal "Revelation 6:9 And when He [Jesus] had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the<br />

souls of them that were slain (Martyrs) for [faith in] the Word of God, and for the Testimony [faith in Jesus] which<br />

they held:" The Martyred Saints of Revelation do not go directly (individually) to the Throne of Jesus but instead<br />

gather outside the Temple at the altar and fellowship until their numbers (dispensation) are complete. Then at the<br />

end of the End Times all the Martyred Saints of Revelation join (Revelation 7:9) in with the Christian Church also<br />

in Heaven worshiping at the feet of the King Jesus Christ. -- "Acts 28:14-15 Where we found brethren, and were<br />

desired to tarry with them seven days: and so we went toward Rome. And from thence, when the brethren heard of<br />

us, they came to meet us as far as Appii Forum, and The Three Taverns: whom when Paul saw, he thanked God,<br />

and took courage."<br />

{Basic Christian: The 8 Global Kingdoms of the Earth} Conclusion: The<br />

Apostle Paul's journey to Rome - Once in Rome the Apostle Paul<br />

continues to prophetically enact out End Time Biblical events -<br />

Amazingly the Apostle Paul does not go to jail with the other prisoners<br />

(unbelievers) instead Paul safely goes and lives in his own house -<br />

Enacting out the forth part of the End Times - The Millennial Reign<br />

1,000 year Kingdom of Jesus Christ [the 8th Kingdom] on earth - (Acts<br />

Chapters 27 and 28)<br />

In the last two chapters of the Book of Acts in chapters 27 and 28 there are three distinct portions of the Apostle<br />

Paul's journey to Rome [to stand before Caesar]. The First Portion, departing Israel with the Christian Gospel<br />

Message until the shipwreck and safely coming ashore at the island of Malta correlates with what has been the<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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