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Basic Christian<br />

brother of the fatuous Piero, became the first of the Medici Popes (Leo X - Leone Decimo) at the age of 38 on 11<br />

March 1513. Prior to this his life had been a complete roller coaster. Brought up in Medici luxury alongside<br />

Michelangelo (who was included in the Medici household by Lorenzo), older brother Piero and cousin Giulio (who<br />

was adopted by Lorenzo after his father (who was Lorenzo's brother) was killed in the Pazzi Conspiracy in 1478),<br />

he had access to the incomes of several wealthy monasteries, including Badia a Passignano, and was made a<br />

Cardinal at the age of 13. All this came to an abrupt end in 1494 when, in the wake of Lorenzo's death, the<br />

incompetent surrender of his brother Piero the Fatuous to the French, and the ensuing Savanorola stirred turbulence,<br />

he had to sneak out of Florence dressed as a Franciscan Friar, and then live in hiding with his cousin for the next<br />

decade, latterly being protected by the Habsburg Emperor Maximilian (who ironically was to be a major cause of<br />

the collapse of the Bruges branch of the Medici Bank) and then by the dreadful Cesare Borgia and his father Pope<br />

Alessandro VI (1431 - 1492 - 1503 (72)) in Rome. ... Pope Clement VII Giulio de'Medici, 1478 - 1523 - 1534 (56)<br />

Illegitimate son of Lorenzo's (Pazzi murdered) brother Giuliano, adopted son of Lorenzo, and companion in exile to<br />

Lorenzo's son Giovanni (Leo X), who was three years his senior, Giulio de'Medici became Pope Clement VII<br />

(Clemente Settimo). He was good looking, intellectually sophisticated, a talented musician and a political disaster.<br />

In reality he also faced the legacy of the corrupt practices of his cousin Leo X, and the impossible task of operating<br />

in the emergent nation state Europe dominated by Charles V, Francis I, and Henry VIII (whom he<br />

excommunicated), and threatened by Suleiman the Magnificent, plus Martin Luther dealing the protestants into the<br />

game as well - see Insight Page. He lost England, and was humiliated by having to flee in disguise from Rome<br />

when it was barbarically sacked by Charles V's rabble army after Clement mistakenly got too close to flashy Francis<br />

I of France.<br />

{Occult Infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church} The Revised Roman<br />

Empire - 'Occult' power: the politics of witchcraft and superstition in<br />

Renaissance Florence - In Florence, how did one family--the Medici-secure<br />

their power after over a century of struggle, and how did they<br />

come to construct a myth of their own legitimacy? (Book)<br />

Lawrence's interpretation, however narrow and flawed, does highlight an indisputable element of Grazzini's tale of<br />

Dr. Manente: its cruelty and "monstrosity," traits that, I will argue, provide insight into the social structures of the<br />

mid-sixteenth century, particularly those that rely upon coersion and force. In Florence, how did one family--the<br />

Medici--secure their power after over a century of struggle, and how did they come to construct a myth of their own<br />

legitimacy? ... It is important to remember that, from 1494--when the friar himself gained widespread support and<br />

offered a major threat to the rule of the Medici family--until long after his execution in 1498, Savonarola<br />

bequeathed a powerful religious and political vision that was not dependent on his leadership for survival--a fact<br />

that fascinated the political theorist Niccolo Machiavelli. Savonarola's followers--called the Piagnoni first by their<br />

enemies and later, proudly, by themselves--remained politically active after his execution, through the Republic that<br />

lasted until 1513, when the first Medici pope, Leo X, used the considerable influence of this position to help his<br />

family and their allies to return to Florence, and again after the sack of Rome in 1527, which occurred during the<br />

pontificate of another Medici, Clement VII. The Piagnoni continued to be active even after the Medici, first<br />

Alessandro and then Cosimo I, openly turned Florence onto the path of absolutism [unlimited, centralized authority<br />

and absolute sovereignty] by accepting the [nobility] title of Duke. ... Lorenzo's manipulation of the Church comes<br />

into play in the next phase of the beffa. ... At this point, Grazzini emphasizes not only that many friars and priests<br />

were ignorant, but, more importantly, that the kind of people Lorenzo elevated to positions of power in the<br />

Florentine church hierarchy were either superstitious [occult] or corrupt, criticisms that Savonarola also often made<br />

of the Medici.<br />

{Occult Infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church} The Revised Roman<br />

Empire - Christian and Rosicrucian Kabbalah [esoteric (hidden)<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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