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Basic Christian<br />

mankind and in light of God's plan for mankind the councils have also<br />

attempt to explain who God is to mankind - A Note of Encouragement:<br />

Participation in the blog Bible Study has been going extraordinarily<br />

well since the start of the study and it continues as one of the most<br />

active projects on the Basic Christian website. I'm encouraged and<br />

blessed daily by the numbers of people who are so actively studying<br />

the Bible and seeking a direct relationship with God in Jesus Christ.<br />

Continue with prayer, study and fellowship! Continue the good work in<br />

Jesus Christ!<br />

A brief background note on the blog Bible Study and a summary of Redemption and Salvation: The Bible is about<br />

the Redemption and Salvation plan of God for mankind therefore the blog Bible Study is attempting to be about the<br />

Redemption and Salvation of mankind in examining the predetermined plan of God in Jesus Christ for mankind. -<br />

Summary: Adam and his wife [later named Eve] were both a part of the original creation of God and were both<br />

created possessing Redemption [in the visible, perceivable presence of God] and Salvation [eternal life]. With the<br />

fall of Adam and Eve by disobedience to God that directly resulted in sin against God then Adam and Eve lost their<br />

Redemption and Salvation and as a result of not having Redemption and Salvation they were then unable to pass<br />

along Redemption and Salvation to any of their descendants including us at our present day. The very children of<br />

Adam and Eve were without God in any form except in the brief [redemptive] knowledge of God that their parents<br />

Adam and Eve were able tell them about from their experiences and for a few corrective and punitive [redemptive]<br />

measures from God. It seems we fail to realize how complete the sin separation was for mankind and how<br />

devastating the results were. Adam and Eve were a part of the original creation of God and then their immediate<br />

children [Cain, Abel, Seth, etc.] composed a group of individuals separated from God but were able through the<br />

instructions of their parents to follow substitutional sacrificial practices. This group highly separated from God<br />

consisting of individuals and families were known as the 'sacrificing righteous Gentiles' a group of disorganized<br />

individuals that encompassed the highly personally [self] esteemed Job and it finally the system spun completely out<br />

of control and came to an end in the folly of Balaam the last of the sacrificing Gentiles. God chose the man Abram<br />

(Abraham) and his wife Sarai (Sarah) from among the sacrificing Gentiles to become the father of the Jewish<br />

Nation of further redeemed of God. Jewish Redemption was to bring mankind through the laws, customs and<br />

representation of God into a more direct and more Redeemed presence of God [as an example for all of mankind]<br />

than any of mankind had previously been since the fall of mankind. God Redeemed the Jewish Nation of Israel<br />

through Covenants (Promises), Laws (Society), Kings (representation of God), Priests (access for the people to<br />

God), Prophets (access from God to the people) all a direct representation of the one coming Jesus Christ the<br />

Messiah of all mankind. With the now accomplished Redemption and Salvation for all mankind in the Messiah<br />

Jesus Christ the finalized Christian Salvation and Redemption provided in the Virgin birth, atoning Redemption<br />

blood and eternal Salvation resurrection life of Jesus Christ is the completed work of God among mankind however<br />

not everyone is yet at the completed Christian work of God in mankind. The work of God in convicting Gentiles [in<br />

remote areas who have not heard the Gospel] through their conscience about the Holy God and through the<br />

enormity and splendor of God's creation continues. Also the Redemption of the Jewish people and Nation of Israel<br />

continues and soon another group of Redeemed the End Time Martyred Saints of Revelation will be established and<br />

quickly joined by the Redeemed 144,000 [Jewish Firstfruits (Revelation 14:4), Jews who acknowledge Jesus and<br />

remain Jewish] Jewish Witnesses of Jesus Christ the Messiah. Then after the return of Jesus Christ and during His<br />

1,000 year Righteous Kingdom reign here on earth there will be another group of Redeemed 'Millennial Saints' to<br />

continue to fulfill and establish the Redemption and Salvation plan of God in Jesus Christ existing for all of<br />

mankind throughout every age and into all of eternity.<br />

{Basic Christian: blog Bible Study} The Council of Jerusalem Acts 15:6-<br />

31 (Approx. 52 A.D.): where we read of the first General Church Council<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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