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Basic Christian<br />

the Beast 666 - The 8 Global Kingdoms - Apparently Spiritual Realm<br />

[fallen Angelic] doors that were open in the days before the flood of<br />

Noah and that were closed by the global judgment flood of Noah were<br />

quickly reopened only two generations later by Nimrod. -- "2 Peter 3:5-<br />

7 For this [ancient times - Days of Noah] they [unbelievers] willingly<br />

are ignorant of, that by the Word of God [Genesis Creation] the<br />

heavens [sky] were of old, and the earth [1st earth pre-flood] standing<br />

out of the water and in the water: Whereby **the world [earth 1.0] that<br />

then was, being overflowed with water, **perished: But the heavens<br />

and the earth [2.0], which are now, by the same Word are kept in store,<br />

reserved unto *fire against the **Day of Judgment [global Judgment -<br />

the three global judgments; water [Noah], blood [Cross], fire (Spirit)]<br />

and perdition of ungodly men."<br />

In the days before Noah (Genesis 6:2) the Fallen Angels were 'physically' mating with mankind [the daughters of<br />

man] and physically corrupting mankind. Angels both Holy and fallen can manifest as humans (Genesis 18:1-2) and<br />

the fallen angels apparently engineered [i.e. gene DNA modification, i.e. chimaera] a way to create offspring<br />

through their physical sexual interaction with humans. - Since the days after the flood of Noah and now the earth<br />

with a Demonic presence [the departed spirits of the Nephilm offspring of fallen angels and humans] along with the<br />

fallen angelic presence. The emphasis in corrupting mankind has turned from physical interaction [pre-flood - fallen<br />

angels and humans mating - though still happening in rare occasions] to now with demons present a spiritual<br />

possession and spiritual corruption [Mark of the Beast 666] mating between demons and humans. -- "Daniel 2:43<br />

And whereas thou sawest iron [demons] mixed with miry clay [sinful humans], they [demons] shall mingle [666<br />

Mark of the Beast] themselves with the seed [soul-spirit] of men: but they shall not cleave [fit together] one to<br />

another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." -- "Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding<br />

count the number of the Beast [Antichrist (7th Kingdom)]: for it is the number of a **man [i.e. completing what<br />

Nimrod (1st Kingdom) attempted to do but was only able to start [initiate] because the languages were confused<br />

(Genesis 11:7)]; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six [666]."<br />

Update: The Basic Christian blog 8 Kingdoms study is well underway<br />

and on track to be completed as scheduled - The plan now is to do one<br />

more Decoding series, a necessary one to briefly examine how<br />

kingdoms conclude, change, influence and morph [embed themselves]<br />

into the next ruling kingdom - Then after the brief Decoding postings<br />

are finished to go back and revisit each of the 8 Kingdoms to finalize<br />

each portion of the study - Coming Soon: Decoding Hitler's Bunker!!<br />

The 8 Kingdoms study should be completed before Christmas 2011 and then the Church History portion starting in<br />

January 2012 should be able to be completed by Holy Week 2012. The Church History portion though becoming<br />

more and more in depth [during preparation] is still going to be an overview study that will primarily focus on a few<br />

key transition points in history. In order to more easily facilitate the transition points of the coming Church History<br />

blog study I have revised the outline of the study and will post that as well.<br />

Decoding Hitler's Bunker - Review: (Matthew 4:1-11) "Again, the Devil<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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