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Basic Christian<br />

Four Anchors [Four Gospels] and Three Taverns [Triune God] - By Luke<br />

taking the time to narrate (Acts 27:29) specifically that exactly four<br />

anchors were used to steady the one boat of 'salvation' (Acts 27:31)<br />

apparently Luke as one of the four Gospel writers [Gospel of Luke] was<br />

clarifying for the Christian Church that there were to be exactly four<br />

Gospels [Matthew, Mark, Luke and John] in the Holy Bible for the one<br />

Christian Church. - Setting: At this late (Acts 27-28) stage of the<br />

Apostle Paul's ministry as an Apostle to the young Christian primarily<br />

Gentile Church the Apostle Paul, Luke and others had already traveled<br />

many of the roads of known civilization and had encountered many of<br />

the perils of delivering the Gospel Message to an unbelieving world.<br />

Paul and Luke knowing that they were not long for this world [Paul<br />

was in route to Rome and his eventual martyrdom] possibly wanted to<br />

leave a young Christian Church with some easily perceivable proof<br />

texts that would help stabilize and guide the newly formed Gentile<br />

portion of the Christian Church.<br />

In this seemingly straightforward narration of events in Acts 27 and 28 Luke was quick to write of the necessity of<br />

four anchors [four Gospels] being needed to steady the one boat of salvation (Acts 27:31) and later "The Three<br />

Taverns" (Acts 28:15) of the Triune (Trinity) nature of God as Jesus had taught the Apostles in the Gospel of John<br />

"John 14:1-2 Let not your heart be troubled: ye **believe in God (Father, Holy Spirit), **believe also in Me<br />

(Jesus). In My Father's House [i.e. Tavern] are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to<br />

prepare a place for you." - Note: Luke is thought to have written the third of four Gospels though possibly the<br />

Gospel of John had already been written or Paul and Luke already knew of the intentions and calling of John to<br />

write his Gospel. - It is often taught that the Gospel of John was written after the Book of Revelation was written<br />

[also by John] but that is only because the styles of the two books [Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation] are<br />

so different that some people teach that Revelation preceded the Gospel of John though in actuality the Gospel of<br />

John probably preceded the Book of Revelation by a long time. -- {Briefly: The Greek (text) sentences in the Book<br />

of Revelation are very rudimentary while the Greek sentences in the Gospel of John are much more refined and<br />

common so some say that Revelation was written first [supposedly while John learned Greek] even though John<br />

used scribes [Greek scholars] and had a different scribe for each Book and also had two different purposes [and<br />

audiences] for each book. The Book of Revelation is the one book in the Bible that is a better version in the English<br />

language rather than in the original Hebrew [O.T.] or Greek [N.T.] languages. It is as though the Book of Revelation<br />

was originally intended to be written in English and happened to be written in Greek just until the introduction of<br />

the English language could be established at the coming End Times of the world. While the Gospel of John was<br />

clearly written to be read and understood within the days it was written. The Book of Revelation was clearly<br />

delayed in significance until its translation into the English language.<br />

When were the [four] gospels written and by whom? - None of the<br />

gospels mention the destruction of the Jewish temple in 70 A.D. - This<br />

is significant because Jesus had prophesied [the destruction of the<br />

Temple (Matthew 24:2)] concerning the temple -This prophecy was<br />

fulfilled in 70 A.D. when the Romans sacked Jerusalem and burned the<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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