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Basic Christian<br />

A Preview and look at some of the aspects of Holy Week and of the 10<br />

Day Jesus Walk 2011 Easter Timeline Devotion that will start on Friday<br />

March 30th, 2012 and go until ---> Easter Sunday April 8th, 2012<br />

We are going to begin to look at some of the aspects of Holy Week regarding what actually happened during the<br />

final Amazing events of Jesus Christ while He was physically here on earth. We will be considering what His events<br />

accomplished and how His completed events affect us today both personally and individually as Christians and as a<br />

whole as the Christian Church. - God bless you ~ David Anson Brown<br />

blog History Study - The 8 Kingdoms of the World (RSS)<br />

Nimrod, Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, [Revised Rome] Antichrist, Millennial (1,000 year) Kingdom<br />

Reign of Jesus Christ<br />

Church History - This study is crucial for understanding what God is<br />

doing in our day - A Church Lecture Series - 13 Lectures {This is an<br />

excellent intro into Church history. It is very <strong>info</strong>rmative, there are a<br />

few misquotes though so some fact checking, as always, is in order.}<br />

(Free Mp3's)<br />

"Someone once noted that history was 'simply one thing after another.' However, for the Christian history represents<br />

an amazing story of the redemption of mankind in which our sovereign Lord is seen to be advancing His purposes<br />

towards His pre-ordained and pre-determined end. For the modern day believer, this study is crucial for<br />

understanding what God is doing in our day."<br />

Church History - 35 messages on church history by Pastor Phillips -<br />

Pastor Phillips takes us on a tour of some of the early Christians after<br />

the death of the Apostle Paul (Free Mp3's - Note: Church History<br />

**John Bunyan 1628 - Save the "Play!" Version, open it in a player and<br />

save it that way - the Mp3 download version has an Error.)<br />

"WOW - what a great series!!" A couple years ago I followed the journey of the early church by a comprehensive<br />

study of the Acts of the Apostles, etc., and have wanted to fill in the gap of church history from that time to present,<br />

but don't have much time to read. I like to listen to sermons on the treadmill and in the tractor, so I searched for a<br />

series on church history. I found the first 3 and did extra time on the treadmill today so I could keep listening!<br />

Pastor Phillips has a way of telling the facts in a very interesting way and then finishes with application and lessons<br />

for today. After the 3rd sermon (on Augustine) I really wanted to hear more so I searched again. I was THRILLED<br />

to find 39 messages on church history by Pastor Phillips!! I plan to download all of them since spring seeding is<br />

coming up and I will be spending many hours in the tractor, and now I am looking forward to that! In the meantime,<br />

I'll keep at the treadmill. Thanks for posting all those great sermons!<br />

http://www.basicchristian.org/blog_History_Study_Complete.rss[1/16/2012 7:38:03 AM]

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