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Graham Hancock – <strong>FINGERPRINTS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>GODS</strong><br />

creature’s ugly caricature confined only to the Gateway. On the contrary,<br />

Toxodon had been identified on numerous fragments of Tiahuanacan<br />

pottery. Even more convincingly, he had been portrayed in several pieces<br />

of sculpture which showed him in full three-dimensional glory. 26 Moreover<br />

representations of other extinct species had been found: the species<br />

included Shelidoterium, a diurnal quadruped, and Macrauchenia, an<br />

animal somewhat larger than the modern horse, with distinctive threetoed<br />

feet. 27<br />

Such images meant that Tiahuanaco was a kind of picture-book from<br />

the past, a record of bizarre animals, now deader than the dodo,<br />

expressed in everlasting stone.<br />

But the record-taking had come to an abrupt halt one day and darkness<br />

had descended. This, too, was recorded in stone—the Gateway of the<br />

Sun, that surpassing work of art, had never been completed. Certain<br />

unfinished aspects of the frieze made it seem probable that something<br />

sudden and dreadful had happened which had caused the sculptor, in the<br />

words of Posnansky, ‘to drop his chisel for ever’ at the moment when he<br />

was ‘putting the final touches to his work’. 28<br />

26 Tiahuanacu, III, p. 57, 133-4, and plate XCII.<br />

27 Ibid., I, pp. 137-9; Quaternary Extinctions, pp. 64-5.<br />

28 Tiahuanacu, II, p. 4.<br />


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