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Know_files/FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS.pdf - D Ank Unlimited

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Graham Hancock – <strong>FINGERPRINTS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>GODS</strong><br />

Although our ultimate destination was Tiahuanaco, we were aiming that<br />

night for the town of Copacabana on a promontory near the southern end<br />

of Lake Titicaca. To reach it we had to cross a neck of water by<br />

improvised car ferry at the fishing town of Tiquine. Then, with dusk<br />

descending, we followed the main highway, now little more than a narrow<br />

and uneven track, up a series of steep hairpin bends and on to the<br />

shoulder of a mountain spur. From this point a contrasting panorama<br />

unfolded: the dark, dark waters of the lake below appeared to lie at the<br />

edge of a limitless ocean drowned in sombre shadows, and yet the<br />

jagged peaks of the snowcapped mountains in the distance were still<br />

drenched in dazzling sunlight.<br />

From the very beginning Lake Titicaca seemed to me a special place. I<br />

knew that it lay some 12,500 feet above sea level, that the frontier<br />

between Peru and Bolivia passed through it, that it covered an area of<br />

3200 square miles and was 138 miles long by about 70 miles wide. I also<br />

knew it was deep, reaching almost 1000 feet in places, and had a<br />

puzzling geological history.<br />

Here are the mysteries, and some of the solutions that have been<br />

proposed:<br />

1 Though now more than two miles above sea level, the area around<br />

Lake Titicaca is littered with millions upon millions of fossilized sea<br />

shells. This suggests that at some stage the whole of the Altiplano was<br />

forced upwards from the sea-bed, perhaps as part of the general<br />

terrestrial rising that formed South America as a whole. In the process<br />

great quantities of ocean water, together with countless myriads of<br />

living marine creatures, were scooped up and suspended among the<br />

Andean ranges. 1 This is thought to have happened not more recently<br />

than about 100 million years ago. 2<br />

2 Paradoxically, despite the mighty antiquity of this event, Lake Titicaca<br />

has retained, until the present day, ‘a marine icthyofauna’ 3 , in other<br />

words, though now located hundreds of miles from any ocean, its fish<br />

and crustacea feature many oceanic (rather than freshwater) types.<br />

Surprising creatures brought to the surface in fishermen’s nets have<br />

1 Professor Arthur Posnansky, Tiahuanacu: The Cradle of American Man, Ministry of<br />

Education, La Paz, Bolivia, 1957, volume III p. 192. See also Immanuel Velikovsky, Earth<br />

in Upheaval, Pocket Books, New York, 1977, pp. 77-8: ‘Investigation into the topography<br />

of the Andes and the fauna of Lake Titicaca, together with a chemical analysis of this<br />

lake and others on the same plateau, has established that the plateau was at one time at<br />

sea level, 12,500 feet lower than it is today ... and that its lakes were originally part of a<br />

sea-gulf ... Sometime in the past the entire Altiplano, with its lakes, rose from the<br />

bottom of the ocean ...’<br />

2 Personal communication with Richard Ellison of the British Geological Survey, 17<br />

September 1993. Ellison is the author of the BGS Overseas Geology and Mineral<br />

Resources Paper (No. 65) entitled The Geology of the Western Corriera and Altiplano.<br />

3 Tiahuanacu, III, p. 192.<br />


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