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Graham Hancock – <strong>FINGERPRINTS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>GODS</strong><br />

transmit a warning to the future, and that this warning could be to do<br />

with a global cataclysm, perhaps even a recurrence of the same cataclysm<br />

that so clearly devastated mankind at the end of the last Ice Age when<br />

‘Noah saw that the earth had tilted, and that its destruction was near, and<br />

cried out in a bitter voice: “Tell me what is being done on the earth that<br />

the earth is so afflicted and shaken ...” ’ 25 These words are from the<br />

Hebrew Book of Enoch, but similar afflictions and shakings have been<br />

foretold in all the Central American traditions that speak of the demise of<br />

the present epoch of the world—an epoch, as the reader will recall, in<br />

which ‘the elders say [that] there will be a movement of the earth and<br />

from this we shall all perish.’ 26<br />

The reader will also not have forgotten the date calculated by the<br />

Ancient Maya calendar for the end of the world:<br />

The day will be 4 Ahau 3 Kankin [corresponding to 23 December AD 2012], and it<br />

will be ruled by the Sun God, the ninth Lord of the Night. The moon will be eight<br />

days old, and it will be the third lunation in a series of six ... 27<br />

In the Mayan scheme of things we are already living in the last days of the<br />

earth.<br />

In the Christian scheme of things too, the last days are understood to<br />

be upon us. According to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of<br />

Pennsylvania: ‘This world will perish just as surely as did the world before<br />

the Flood ... Many things were foretold to occur during the last days, and<br />

all of these are being fulfilled. This means that the end of the world is<br />

near ...’ 28<br />

Similarly the Christian psychic Edgar Cayce prophesied in 1934 that<br />

around the year 2000: ‘There will be a shifting of the poles. There will be<br />

upheavals in the Arctic and the Antarctic that will make for the eruption<br />

of volcanoes in the Torrid areas ... The upper portion of Europe will be<br />

changed in the twinkling of an eye. The earth will be broken up in the<br />

western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into<br />

the sea.’ 29<br />

Curiously the epoch of the year 2000, which figures in these Christian<br />

prophecies, also coincides with the Last Time (or highest point) in the<br />

great upwards cycle of the belt stars of the Orion constellation, just as<br />

the epoch of the eleventh millennium BC coincided with the First Time (or<br />

lowest point) of that cycle.<br />

And curiously, also, as we saw in Chapter Twenty-eight:<br />

A conjunction of five planets that can be expected to have profound gravitational<br />

25<br />

1 Enoch, LXV, in The Apockryphal Old Testament (ed. H.F.D. Sparks), Clarendon Press,<br />

Oxford, 1989, p. 247.<br />

26<br />

Pre-Hispanic Gods of Mexico, p. 24.<br />

27<br />

Breaking the Maya Code, p. 275.<br />

28<br />

Will The World Survive? Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1992.<br />

29<br />

Circulating File, Earth Changes, Extracts from the Edgar Cayce Readings, Edgar Cayce<br />

Foundation, Virginia Beach, 1994, p. 36.<br />


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