Know_files/FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS.pdf - D Ank Unlimited

Know_files/FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS.pdf - D Ank Unlimited

Know_files/FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS.pdf - D Ank Unlimited


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Graham Hancock – <strong>FINGERPRINTS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>GODS</strong><br />

the deluge was unleashed, the fish god Vishnu warned his human<br />

protégé that he ‘should conceal the Sacred Scriptures in a safe place’ to<br />

preserve the knowledge of the antediluvian races from destruction. 18<br />

Likewise, in Mesopotamia, the Noah figure Utnapishtim was instructed by<br />

the god Ea ‘to take the beginning, the middle and the end of whatever<br />

was consigned to writing and then to bury it in the City of the Sun at<br />

Sippara’. 19 After the waters of the flood had gone, survivors were<br />

instructed to make their way to the site of the City of the Sun ‘to search<br />

for the writings’, which would be found to contain knowledge of benefit<br />

to future generations of mankind. 20<br />

Strangely enough, it was the City of the Sun in Egypt, Innu, known by<br />

the Greeks as Heliopolis—which was regarded throughout the dynastic<br />

period as the source and centre of the high wisdom handed down to<br />

mortal men from the fabled First Time of the gods. It was at Heliopolis<br />

that the Pyramid Texts were collated, and it was the Heliopolitan<br />

priesthood—or rather the Heliopolitan cult—that had custody of the<br />

monuments of the Giza necropolis.<br />

More than just Kilroy was here<br />

Let us return to our scenario:<br />

1 we know that our late twentieth-century, post-industrial civilization is<br />

about to be destroyed by an inescapable cosmic or geological<br />

cataclysm;<br />

2 we know—because our science is pretty good—that the destruction is<br />

going to be near-total;<br />

3 mobilizing massive technological resources, we put our best minds to<br />

work to ensure that at least a remnant of our species will survive the<br />

catastrophe, and that the core of our scientific, medical, astronomical,<br />

geographical, architectural and mathematical knowledge will be<br />

preserved;<br />

4 we are of course aware how slim are our chances of succeeding on<br />

both counts; nevertheless, galvanized by the prospect of extinction,<br />

we make an almighty effort to build the Arks or Vars or strong<br />

enclosures in which the chosen survivors can be protected, and we<br />

focus our considerable ingenuity on ways to transmit the essence of<br />

the knowledge we have accumulated during the 5000 years of our<br />

recorded history.<br />

18 The Bhagavata Purana, cited in Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, p. 88.<br />

19 Berossus Fragments cited in The Sirius Mystery, p. 249.<br />

20 Ibid.<br />


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