Know_files/FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS.pdf - D Ank Unlimited

Know_files/FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS.pdf - D Ank Unlimited

Know_files/FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS.pdf - D Ank Unlimited


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Graham Hancock – <strong>FINGERPRINTS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>GODS</strong><br />

scaling-down, as it turns out, is not absolutely exact, but it is very near.<br />

Moreover, when we remember the bulge at the earth’s equator (our<br />

planet being an oblate spheroid rather than a perfect sphere), the results<br />

achieved by the pyramid builders seem even closer to 1:43,200.<br />

How close?<br />

If we take the earth’s equatorial circumference, 24,902.45 miles, and<br />

scale it down (divide it) by 43,200 we get a result of 0.5764 of a mile.<br />

There are 5280 feet in a mile. The next step, therefore, is to multiply<br />

0.5764 by 5280, which produces a figure of 3043.39 feet. The earth’s<br />

equatorial circumference scaled down 43,200 times is therefore 3,043.39<br />

feet. By comparison, as we have seen, the perimeter of the Great<br />

Pyramid’s base is 3,023.16 feet. This represents an ‘error’ of only 20<br />

feet—or about three-quarters of 1 per cent. Given the razor-sharp<br />

accuracy of the pyramid builders, however (who normally worked to even<br />

finer tolerances), the error is less likely to have resulted from mistakes in<br />

the construction of the giant monument than in an underestimation of<br />

our planet’s true circumference by just 163 miles, probably caused in<br />

part by failure to take account of the equatorial bulge.<br />

Let us now consider the earth’s polar radius of 3949.921 miles. If we<br />

scale it down 43,200 times we get 0.0914 of a mile: 482.59 feet. The<br />

earth’s polar radius scaled down 43,200 times is therefore 482.59 feet.<br />

By comparison the Great Pyramid’s height is 481.3949 feet—just a foot<br />

less than the ideal figure, an error of barely one-fifth of one per cent.<br />

As near as makes no difference, therefore, the perimeter of the Great<br />

Pyramid’s base is indeed 1:43,200 of the equatorial circumference of the<br />

earth. And as near as makes no difference, the height of the Great<br />

Pyramid above that base is indeed 1:43,200 of the polar radius of the<br />

earth. In other words, during all the centuries of darkness experienced by<br />

Western civilization when knowledge of our planet’s dimensions was lost<br />

to us, all we ever needed to do to rediscover that knowledge was to<br />

measure the height and base perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply<br />

by 43,200!<br />

How likely is this to be an ‘accident’?<br />

The commonsense answer is ‘not very likely at all,’ since it should be<br />

obvious to any reasonable person that what we are looking at could only<br />

be the result of a deliberate and carefully calculated planning decision.<br />

Commonsense, however, has never been a faculty held in high esteem by<br />

Egyptologists, and it is therefore necessary to ask whether there is<br />

anything else in the data which might confirm that the ratio of 143,200 is<br />

a purposeful expression of intelligence and knowledge, rather than some<br />

numerical fluke.<br />

The ratio itself seems to provide that confirmation, for the simple<br />

reason that 43,200 is not a random number (like, say, 45,000 or 47,000,<br />

or 50,500, or 38,800). On the contrary it is one of a series of numbers,<br />

and multiples of those numbers, which relate to the phenomenon of<br />


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