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Graham Hancock – <strong>FINGERPRINTS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>GODS</strong><br />

enormous figure of 36,525 years for the entire duration of the civilization<br />

of Egypt from the time of the gods down to the end of the thirtieth (and<br />

last) dynasty of mortal kings. 21 This figure of course, incorporates the<br />

365.25 days of the Sothic year (the interval between two consecutive<br />

heliacal risings of Sirius, as described in the last chapter). More likely by<br />

design than by accident, it also represents 25 cycles of 1460 Sothic years,<br />

and 25 cycles of 1461 calendar years (since the ancient Egyptian civil<br />

calendar was constructed around a ‘vague year’ of 365 days exactly). 22<br />

What, if anything, does all this mean? It’s hard to be sure. Out of the<br />

welter of numbers and interpretations, however, there is one aspect of<br />

Manetho’s original message that comes through loud and clear.<br />

Irrespective of everything we have been taught about the orderly progress<br />

of history, what he seems to be telling us is that civilized beings (either<br />

gods or men) were present in Egypt for an immensely long period before<br />

the advent of the First Dynasty around 3100 BC.<br />

Diodorus Siculus and Herodotus<br />

In this assertion, Manetho finds much support among classical writers.<br />

In the first century BC, for example, the Greek historian Diodorus<br />

Siculus visited Egypt. He is rightly described by C.H. Oldfather, his most<br />

recent translator, as ‘an uncritical compiler who used good sources and<br />

reproduced them faithfully’. 23 In plain English, what this means is that<br />

Diodorus did not try to impose his prejudices and preconceptions on the<br />

material he collected. He is therefore particularly valuable to us because<br />

his informants included Egyptian priests whom he questioned about the<br />

mysterious past of their country. This is what they told him:<br />

‘At first gods and heroes ruled Egypt for a little less than 18,000 years, the last of<br />

the gods to rule being Horus, the son of Isis ... Mortals have been kings of their<br />

country, they say, for a little less than 5000 years ... 24<br />

Let us review these figures ‘uncritically’ and see what they add up to.<br />

Diodorus was writing in the first century BC. If we journey back from there<br />

for the 5000 years during which the ‘mortal kings’ supposedly ruled, we<br />

get to around 5100 BC. If we go even further back to the beginning of the<br />

age of ‘gods and heroes’, we find that we have arrived at 23,100 BC, when<br />

the world was still firmly in the grip of the last Ice Age.<br />

21<br />

Ibid., p. 231; see also The Splendour that was Egypt, p. 12.<br />

22<br />

Like the Maya, (see Part III), the Ancient Egyptians made use for administrative<br />

purposes of a civil calendar year (or vague year) of 365 days exactly. See Skywatchers of<br />

Ancient Mexico, p. 151, for further details on the Maya vague year. The Ancient Egyptian<br />

civil calendar year was geared to the Sothic year so that both would coincide on the<br />

same day/month position once every 1461 calendar years.<br />

23<br />

Diodorus Siculus, translated by C.H. Oldfather, Harvard University Press, 1989, jacket<br />

text.<br />

24<br />

Ibid., volume I, p. 157.<br />


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