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Graham Hancock – <strong>FINGERPRINTS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>GODS</strong><br />

the pyramid, stopping for a moment before disappearing into a hole. The<br />

bemused Arab decided to follow his lead. After slipping through the narrow hole,<br />

he found himself crawling into the dark bowels of the pyramid. Soon he emerged<br />

into a chamber and, lifting his light, saw that the walls were covered from top to<br />

bottom with hieroglyphic inscriptions. These were carved with exquisite<br />

craftsmanship into the solid limestone and painted over with turquoise and<br />

gold.’ 19<br />

Today the hieroglyph-lined chamber beneath the ruined pyramid of Unas<br />

is still reached through the north face by the long descending passage<br />

the French archaeological team excavated soon after the foreman’s<br />

astonishing discovery. The chamber consists of two rectangular rooms<br />

separated by a partition wall, into which is let a low doorway. Both rooms<br />

are covered by a gabled ceiling painted with myriads of stars. Emerging<br />

stooped from the cramped passage, Santha and I entered the first of the<br />

two rooms and passed through the connecting doorway into the second.<br />

This was the tomb chamber proper, with the massive black granite<br />

sarcophagus of Unas at its western end and the strange utterances of the<br />

Pyramid Texts proclaiming themselves from every wall.<br />

Speaking to us directly (rather than through riddles and mathematical<br />

legerdemain like the unadorned walls of the Great Pyramid), what were<br />

the hieroglyphs saying? I knew that the answer depended to some extent<br />

on which translation you were using, largely because the language of the<br />

Pyramid Texts contained so many archaic forms and so many unfamiliar<br />

mythological allusions that scholars were obliged to fill in the gaps in<br />

their knowledge with guesswork. 20 Nevertheless it was generally agreed<br />

that the late R. O. Faulkner, a professor of the Ancient Egyptian Language<br />

at University College London, had produced the most authoritative<br />

version. 21<br />

Faulkner, whose translation I had studied line by line, described the<br />

Texts as constituting ‘the oldest corpus of Egyptian religious and<br />

funerary literature now extant’ and added, ‘they are the least corrupt of<br />

all such collections and are of fundamental importance to the student of<br />

Egyptian religion ...’ 22 The reason why the Texts were so important (as<br />

many scholars agreed), was that they were the last completely open<br />

channel connecting the relatively short period of the past that humanity<br />

remembers to the far longer period that has been forgotten: ‘They<br />

vaguely disclose to us a vanished world of thought and speech, the last of<br />

the unnumbered aeons through which prehistoric man has passed, till<br />

finally he ... enters the historic age.’ 23<br />

19<br />

The Orion Mystery, pp. 57-8.<br />

20<br />

Traveller’s Key to Ancient Egypt, pp. 166; The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, p. V:<br />

‘The Pyramid Texts ... include very ancient texts ... There are many mythological and<br />

other allusions of which the purport is obscure to the translator of today ...’<br />

21<br />

The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts.<br />

22<br />

Ibid., p. v.<br />

23<br />

James Henry Breasted, The Dawn of Conscience, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York,<br />


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