Know_files/FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS.pdf - D Ank Unlimited

Know_files/FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS.pdf - D Ank Unlimited

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Graham Hancock – <strong>FINGERPRINTS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>GODS</strong><br />

Antarctica were free of ice; the source for the Oronteus Finaeus Map, on<br />

the other hand, seems to have been considerably earlier, when the icecap<br />

was present only in the deep interior of the continent; and the source<br />

for the Buache Map appears to originate in even earlier period (around<br />

13,000 BC), when there may have been no ice in Antarctica at all.<br />

South America<br />

Were other parts of the world surveyed and accurately charted at widely<br />

separated intervals during this same epoch; roughly from 13,000 BC to<br />

4000 BC? The answer may lie once again in the Piri Reis Map, which<br />

contains more mysteries than just Antarctica:<br />

• Drawn in 1513, the map demonstrates an uncanny knowledge of South<br />

America—and not only of its eastern coast but of the Andes mountains<br />

on the western side of the continent, which were of course unknown at<br />

that time. The map correctly shows the Amazon River rising in these<br />

unexplored mountains and thence flowing eastwards. 15<br />

• Itself compiled from more than twenty different source documents of<br />

varying antiquity, 16 the Piri Reis Map depicts the Amazon not once but<br />

twice (most probably as a result of the unintentional overlapping of<br />

two of the source documents used by the Turkish admiral17 ). In the first<br />

of these the Amazon’s course is shown down to its Para River mouth,<br />

but the important island of Marajo does not appear. According to<br />

Hapgood, this suggests that the relevant source map must have dated<br />

from a time, perhaps as much as 15,000 years ago, when the Para<br />

River was the main or only mouth of the Amazon and when Marajo<br />

Island was part of the mainland on the northern side of the river. 18 The<br />

second depiction of the Amazon, on the other hand, does show Marajo<br />

(and in fantastically accurate detail) despite the fact that this island was<br />

not discovered until 1543. 19 Again, the possibility is raised of an<br />

unknown civilization which undertook continuous surveying and<br />

mapping operations of the changing face of the earth over a period of<br />

many thousands of years, with Piri Reis making use of earlier and later<br />

source maps left behind by this civilization.<br />

• Neither the Orinoco River nor its present delta is represented on the<br />

Piri Reis Map. Instead, as Hapgood proved, ‘two estuaries extending far<br />

inland (for a distance of about 100 miles) are shown close to the site of<br />

the present river. The longitude on the grid would be correct for the<br />

15 Maps, p. 68.<br />

16 Ibid., p. 222.<br />

17 Ibid., pp. 64-5.<br />

18 Ibid., p. 64.<br />

19 Ibid., p. 65.<br />


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