Know_files/FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS.pdf - D Ank Unlimited

Know_files/FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS.pdf - D Ank Unlimited

Know_files/FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS.pdf - D Ank Unlimited


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Graham Hancock – <strong>FINGERPRINTS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>GODS</strong><br />

A. I saw two pots with red bamboo.<br />

Q. Do you know how many plants there were?<br />

A. In one pot were 36 and in the other 72 plants, together 108.<br />

Q. Did you take home some of them for your use?<br />

A. Yes, I took home 108 plants ...<br />

Q. How can you prove that?<br />

A. I can prove it by a verse.<br />

Q. How does this verse run?<br />

A. The red bamboo from Canton is rare in the world.<br />

In the groves are 36 and 72.<br />

Who in the world knows the meaning of this?<br />

When we have set to work we will know the secret.<br />

The atmosphere of intrigue that such passages generate is accentuated<br />

by the reticent behaviour of the Hung League itself, an organization<br />

resembling the medieval European Order of the Knights Templar (and the<br />

higher degrees of modern Freemasonry) in many ways that are beyond<br />

the remit of this book to describe. 24 It is intriguing, too, that the Chinese<br />

character Hung, composed of water and many, signifies inundation, i.e.<br />

the Flood.<br />

Finally, returning to India, let us note the content of the sacred<br />

scriptures known as the Puranas. These speak of four ‘ages of the earth’,<br />

called Yugas, which together are said to extend to 12,000 ‘divine years’.<br />

The respective durations of these epochs, in ‘divine years’, are Krita Yuga<br />

= 4800; Treta Yuga = 3600; Davpara Yuga = 2400; Kali Yuga = 1200. 25<br />

The Puranas also tell us that ‘one year of the mortals is equal to one<br />

day of the gods’. 26 Furthermore, and exactly as in the Osiris myth, we<br />

discover that the number of days in the years of both gods and mortals<br />

has been artificially set at 360, so one year of the gods is equivalent to<br />

360 mortal years. 27<br />

The Kali Yuga, therefore, at 1200 years of the gods, turns out to have a<br />

duration of 432,000 mortal years. 28 One Mahayuga, or Great Age (made<br />

up of the 12,000 divine years contained in the four lesser Yugas) is<br />

equivalent to 4,320,000 years of mortals. A thousand such Mahayugas<br />

(which constitute a Kalpa, or Day of Brahma) extend over 4,320,000,000<br />

24<br />

For fuller details see The Hung League and J. S. M. Ward, The Hung Society, Baskerville<br />

Press, London, 1925 (in three volumes).<br />

25<br />

W. J. Wilkins, Hindu Mythology: Vedic and Puranic, Heritage Publishers, New Delhi,<br />

1991, p. 353.<br />

26<br />

Ibid.<br />

27<br />

Ibid.<br />

28<br />

Ibid.<br />


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