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Know_files/FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS.pdf - D Ank Unlimited

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Graham Hancock – <strong>FINGERPRINTS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>GODS</strong><br />

belongs to the stock-in-trade of ancient fable. It appears in the Odyssey as<br />

Charybdis in the Straits of Messina, and again in other cultures in the Indian Ocean<br />

and the Pacific. It is found there, too, curiously enough, with an overhanging figtree<br />

to whose boughs the hero can cling as the ship goes down, whether it be<br />

Satyavrata in India or Kae in Tonga ... The persistence of detail rules out free<br />

invention. Such stories have belonged to the cosmographical literature since<br />

antiquity. 18<br />

The appearance of the whirlpool in Homer’s Odyssey (which is a<br />

compilation of Greek myths more than 3000 years old), should not<br />

surprise us, because the great Mill of Icelandic legend appears there also<br />

(and does so, moreover, in familiar circumstances). It is the last night<br />

before the decisive confrontation. Odysseus, bent on revenge, has landed<br />

in Ithaca and is hiding under the magic spell of the goddess Athena,<br />

which protects him from recognition. Odysseus prays to Zeus to send him<br />

an encouraging sign before the great ordeal:<br />

Straightaway Zeus thundered from shining Olympus ... and goodly Odysseus was<br />

glad. Moreover, a woman, a grinder at the mill, uttered a voice of omen from<br />

within the house hard by, where stood the mills of the shepherd of the people. At<br />

these handmills twelve women in all plied their task, making meal of barley and of<br />

wheat the marrow of men. Now all the others were asleep, for they had ground out<br />

their task of grain, but this one alone rested not yet, being the weakest of all. She<br />

now stayed her quern and spake the word ... ‘May the [enemies of Odysseus] on<br />

this day, for the last time make their sweet feasting in his halls. They that have<br />

loosened my knees with cruel toil to grind their barley meal, may they now sup<br />

their last!’ 19<br />

Santillana and von Dechend argue that it is no accident that the allegory<br />

of the ‘orb of heaven that turns around like a millstone and ever does<br />

something bad’ 20 also makes an appearance in the biblical tradition of<br />

Samson, ‘eyeless in Gaza at the mill with slaves’. 21 His merciless captors<br />

unbind him so that he can ‘make sport’ for them in their temple; instead,<br />

with his last strength, he takes hold of the middle pillars of that great<br />

structure and brings the whole edifice crashing down, killing everybody. 22<br />

Like Fenja and Menja, he gets his revenge.<br />

The theme resurfaces in Japan, 23 in Central America, 24 among the Maoris<br />

18<br />

Ibid., p. 204.<br />

19<br />

Odyssey (Rouse translation), 20:103-19.<br />

20<br />

Trimalcho in Petronius, cited in Hamlet’s Mill, p. 137.<br />

21<br />

John Milton, Samson Agonistes, 1:41.<br />

22<br />

Judges, 16:25-30.<br />

23<br />

In Japanese myth the Samson character is named Susanowo. See Post Wheeler, The<br />

Sacred Scriptures of the Japanese, New York, 1952, p. 44ff.<br />

24<br />

In slightly distorted form in the Popol Vuh’s account of the Twins and their 400<br />

companions (see Chapter Nineteen). Zipcana, son of Vucub-Caquix sees the 400 youths<br />

dragging a huge log they want as a ridgepole for their house. Zipcana carries the tree<br />

without effort to the spot where a hole has been dug for the post to support the<br />

ridgepole. The youths try to kill Zipcana by crushing him in the hole, but he escapes and<br />

brings down the house on their heads, killing them all. Popol Vuh, pp. 99-101.<br />


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