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Chapter 30<br />

Graham Hancock – <strong>FINGERPRINTS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>GODS</strong><br />

The Cosmic Tree and the Mill of the Gods<br />

In their brilliant and far-reaching study Hamlet’s Mill, Professors de<br />

Santillana and von Dechend present a formidable array of mythical and<br />

iconographic evidence to demonstrate the existence of a curious<br />

phenomenon. For some inexplicable reason, and at some unknown date,<br />

it seems that certain archaic myths from all over the world were ‘coopted’<br />

(no other word will really do) to serve as vehicles for a body of<br />

complex technical data concerning the precession of the equinoxes. The<br />

importance of this astonishing thesis, as one leading authority on ancient<br />

measurement has pointed out, is that it has fired the first salvo in what<br />

may prove to be ‘a Copernican revolution in current conceptions of the<br />

development of human culture.’ 1<br />

Hamlet’s Mill was published in 1969, more than a quarter of a century<br />

ago, so the revolution has been a long time coming. During this period,<br />

however, the book has been neither widely distributed among the general<br />

public nor widely understood by scholars of the remote past. This state of<br />

affairs has not come about because of any inherent problems or<br />

weaknesses in the work. Instead, in the words of Martin Bernal, professor<br />

of Government Studies at Cornell University, it has happened because<br />

‘few archaeologists, Egyptologists and ancient historians have the<br />

combination of time, effort and skill necessary to take on the very<br />

technical arguments of de Santillana.’ 2<br />

What those arguments predominantly concern is the recurrent and<br />

persistent transmission of a ‘precessional message’ in a wide range of<br />

ancient myths. And, strangely enough, many of the key images and<br />

symbols that crop up in these myths—notably those that concern a<br />

‘derangement of the heavens’—are also to be found embedded in the<br />

ancient traditions of worldwide cataclysm reviewed in Chapters Twentyfour<br />

and Twenty-five.<br />

In Norse mythology for example, we saw how the wolf Fenrir, whom the<br />

gods had so carefully chained up, broke his bonds at last and escaped:<br />

‘He shook himself and the world trembled. The ash-tree Yggdrasil was<br />

shaken from its roots to its topmost branches. Mountains crumbled or<br />

split from top to bottom ... The earth began to lose its shape. Already the<br />

stars were coming adrift in the sky.’<br />

In the opinion of de Santillana and von Dechend, this myth mixes the<br />

1<br />

Livio Catullo Stecchini, ‘Notes on the Relation of Ancient Measures to the Great<br />

Pyramid’, in Secrets of the Great Pyramid, pp. 381-2.<br />

2<br />

Martin Bernal, Black Athena: The Afro-asiatic Roots of Classical Civilization, Vintage<br />

Books, London, 1991, p. 276.<br />


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