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Graham Hancock – <strong>FINGERPRINTS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>GODS</strong><br />

wolf and lion, have been found in England, in the neighbourhood of<br />

Plymouth on the Channel. 51 The hills around Palermo in Sicily disclosed an<br />

‘extraordinary quantity of bones of hippopotami—in complete<br />

hecatombs’. 52 On the basis of this and other evidence, Joseph Prestwich,<br />

formerly professor of Geology at Oxford University, concluded that<br />

Central Europe, England, and the Mediterranean islands of Corsica,<br />

Sardinia and Sicily were all completely submerged on several occasions<br />

during the rapid melting of the ice sheets:<br />

The animals naturally retreated, as the waters advanced, deeper into the hills until<br />

they found themselves embayed ... They thronged together in vast multitudes,<br />

crushing into the more accessible caves, until overtaken by the waters and<br />

destroyed ... Rocky debris and large blocks from the sides of the hills were hurled<br />

down by the currents of water, crushing and smashing the bones ... Certain<br />

communities of early man must have suffered in this general catastrophe. 53<br />

It is probable that similar flood disasters occurred in China at much the<br />

same time. In caves near Peking, bones of mammoths and buffaloes have<br />

been found in association with human skeletal remains. 54 A number of<br />

authorities attribute the violent intermingling of mammoth carcasses with<br />

splintered and broken trees in Siberia ‘to a great tidal wave that uprooted<br />

forests and buried the tangled carnage in a flood of mud. In the polar<br />

region this froze solid and has preserved the evidence in permafrost to<br />

the present.’ 55<br />

All over South America, too, Ice-Age fossils have been unearthed, ‘in<br />

which incongruous animal types (carnivores and herbivores) are mixed<br />

promiscuously with human bones. No less significant is the association,<br />

over truly widespread areas, of fossilized land and sea creatures mingled<br />

in no order and yet entombed in the same geological horizon.’ 56<br />

North America was also badly affected by flooding. As the great<br />

Wisconsin ice sheets melted they created huge but temporary lakes which<br />

filled up with incredible speed, drowning everything in their paths, then<br />

drained away in a few hundred years. Lake Agassiz, for example, the<br />

largest glacial lake in the New World, once occupied an area of 110,000<br />

square miles, covering large parts of what are now Manitoba, Ontario and<br />

Saskatchewan in Canada, and North Dakota and Minnesota in the United<br />

States. 57 Remarkably, it endured for less than a millennium, indicating a<br />

catastrophically sudden episode of melting and flooding followed by a<br />

period of quiescence. 58<br />

51<br />

Ibid., p. 25-6.<br />

52<br />

Ibid., p. 50.<br />

53<br />

Ibid., p. 51-2.<br />

54<br />

J. S. Lee, The Geology of China, London, 1939, p. 370.<br />

55<br />

Polar Wandering, p. 165.<br />

56<br />

J. B. Delair and E.F. Oppe, ‘The Evidence of Violent Extinction in South America’, in<br />

Path of the Pole p. 292.<br />

57<br />

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1:141.<br />

58<br />

Warren Upham, The Glacial Lake Agassiz, 1895, p. 240.<br />


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