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Graham Hancock – <strong>FINGERPRINTS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>GODS</strong><br />

world was destroyed by a flood and later recreated by a god named<br />

Tangaloa. The Samoans believe that there was once an inundation that<br />

wiped out almost all mankind. It was survived only by two human beings<br />

who put to sea in a boat which eventually came to rest in the Samoan<br />

archipelago. 33<br />

Greece, India and Egypt<br />

On the other side of the world, Greek mythology too is haunted by<br />

memories of a deluge. Here, however (as in Central America) the<br />

inundation is not viewed as an isolated event but as one of a series of<br />

destructions and remakings of the world. The Aztecs and the Maya spoke<br />

in terms of successive ‘Suns’ or epochs (of which our own was thought to<br />

be the Fifth and last). In similar fashion the oral traditions of Ancient<br />

Greece, collected and set down in writing by Hesiod in the eighth century<br />

BC, related that prior to the present creation there had been four earlier<br />

races of men on earth. Each of these was thought more advanced than<br />

the one that followed it. And each, at the appointed hour, had been<br />

‘swallowed up’ in a geological cataclysm.<br />

The first and most ancient creation had been mankind’s ‘golden race’<br />

who had ‘lived like the gods, free from care, without trouble or woe ...<br />

With ageless limbs they revelled at their banquets ... When they died it<br />

was as men overcome by sleep.’ With the passing of time, and at the<br />

command of Zeus, this golden race eventually ‘sank into the depths of<br />

the earth’. It was succeeded by the ‘silver race’ which was supplanted by<br />

the ‘bronze race’, which was replaced by the race of ‘heroes’, which was<br />

followed by the ‘iron’ race—our own—the fifth and most recent creation. 34<br />

It is the fate of the bronze race that is of particular interest to us here.<br />

Described in the myths as having ‘the strength of giants, and mighty<br />

hands on their mighty limbs’, 35 these formidable men were exterminated<br />

by Zeus, king of the gods, as a punishment for the misdeeds of<br />

Prometheus, the rebellious Titan who had presented humanity with the<br />

gift of fire. 36 The mechanism the vengeful deity used to sweep the earth<br />

clean was an overwhelming flood.<br />

In the most widespread version of the story Prometheus impregnated a<br />

human female. She bore him a son named Deucalion, who ruled over the<br />

country of Phthia, in Thessaly, and took to wife Pyrrha, ‘the red-blonde’,<br />

daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora. When Zeus reached his fateful<br />

decision to destroy the bronze race, Deucalion, forewarned by<br />

Prometheus, made a wooden box, stored in it ‘all that was necessary’,<br />

33 New Larousse Encyclopaedia of Mythology, pp. 460, 466.<br />

34 C. Kerenyi, The Gods of the Greeks, Thames & Hudson, London, 1974, pp. 226-9.<br />

35 Ibid.<br />

36 World Mythology, pp. 130-1.<br />


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