2009 catalogue - Pegasus Products

2009 catalogue - Pegasus Products

2009 catalogue - Pegasus Products


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1 fl. oz. stock bottles $16.95<br />

Aquarius<br />

Pisces<br />

Aries<br />

Taurus<br />

Gemini<br />

Cancer<br />

Leo<br />

Virgo<br />

Libra<br />

Scorpio<br />

Sagittarius<br />

Capricorn<br />


1 fl. oz. stock bottles $14.95<br />

1st Chakra -- Sacred Ground<br />

2nd Chakra -- Emotional Healing<br />

3rd Chakra -- Personal Power<br />

4th Chakra -- Divine Love<br />

5th Chakra -- Conscious Expression<br />

6th Chakra -- Psychic Awareness<br />

7th Chakra -- Higher Consciousness<br />

8th Chakra -- Cosmic Perspective<br />


Sterling Silver Bezel<br />

(includes 18" sterling silver chain)<br />

$150 each.<br />

Abundance Generator<br />

DNA Activation<br />

Dolphin Yin Yang<br />

Golden Eye<br />

Heart Light<br />

Rainbow Rays<br />

Ruby Flame<br />

White Ascension Rose<br />


All sprays are made with<br />

organic vodka and pure glacier water.<br />

2oz. are $15.95 • 4oz. are $19.95.<br />

Calming Spray - Urban Stress Buster<br />

Chakra Spray - Aligning, Opening, Activating<br />

Charisma - Law of Attraction<br />

Clear Energy<br />

Completion - Finishing Spray<br />

Disconnect Spray<br />

Grounding Spray<br />

Mending Spray<br />

Money Spray - Law of Attraction<br />

Protection Spray<br />

School Spray<br />

Success Spray<br />

Think Pink Spray - Emotional Healing<br />

Touch Me - Allowing Intimacy<br />

Violet Flame Spray - Spiritual Healing<br />

White Light Spray - Multi-level Transformation<br />

Vibrational Mist Set 2oz : $230.00<br />

All 16 Vibrational 2oz Mists.<br />

Vibrational Mist Set 4oz : $285.00<br />

All 16 Vibrational 4oz Mists.<br />


Elixir and Spray Amplification<br />

#5 Pyramid bronze finish : $45.00<br />

#5 Pyramid gold finish : $85.00<br />


Disconnect Cream : $16.95<br />

Mending Cream : $9.95<br />

School Cream : $9.95<br />

No Zits : $10.95<br />

Saftey Candle : $10.00<br />

Success Candle : $10.00<br />

Calothamnus Validus : Astral Projection<br />

Calypso Orchid : Higher Communication<br />

Camphor : Subtle Bodies Aligned<br />

Cantaloupe : Calm<br />

Cape Honeysuckle : Energy Liberation<br />

❖ Capers :<br />

Carnation : Life Force/Concentration<br />

Carob : Empathy/Group Interaction<br />

Carrot : Spiritual Mental Clarity<br />

Cashew Nut : Psychological Disorders<br />

Castilian Rose : Appropriate Use of Power<br />

Castor Bean Tree : Energy Balance<br />

Caterpillar Plant : Psychic Abilities<br />

Catnip : Confidence Booster<br />

Cat's Tail : Emotional Balance<br />

Cayenne : Consciousness<br />

Cedar : Cleansing/Stress<br />

Celandine : Communication/Clarification<br />

Celosia : Balances Ego<br />

Centaury : Assertiveness<br />

Century Agave : Wisdom, Maturity, Patience<br />

Cerato : Self-Reliance<br />

Cereus Cactus : Breakthrough<br />

Chamomile-Dye : Harmony/Higher Wisdom<br />

Chamomile-German : Harmony/Higher Wisdom<br />

Chamomile-Wild : Harmony/Higher Wisdom<br />

Chaparral : Astral Projection<br />

Chaulmoogra Hydnocarpus : Animal Nature<br />

Cherry : Stimulates Vitality<br />

Cherry Plum : Centered & Calm<br />

Chervil : Spiritual Identity<br />

Chestnut Bud : Mental Acuity<br />

Chickweed : Emotional Balance<br />

Chicory : Unconditional Love<br />

Chin Cactus : Spiritual Loneliness<br />

Choke Cherry : Illumination<br />

Christmas Cactus : Intimacy<br />

Chrysanthemum : Creates Objectivity<br />

Cinnamon : Inner Child<br />

Cinquefoil : Genetic Consciousness<br />

Clarkia : Forgiveness<br />

Clematis : Enthusiasm/Stability<br />

Clove Tree : Memory Stimulation<br />

Clover, Red : Emotional Excess<br />

Coconut : Male Sexuality<br />

Coffee : Decisiveness<br />

Cohosh, Black : Old Thought Forms<br />

Colchicum : Inner Female<br />

Coleus : Dream Recall<br />

Coltsfoot : New/Old Abilities<br />

Columbine : Mental Agility<br />

Comfrey : Telepathy/Yoga<br />

Coralroot : Spotted: Disease Attunement<br />

Coriander : Emotional Evolution<br />

Corn, Hopi : Urban Dwellers<br />

Corn, Sweet : Urban Dwellers<br />

Cosmos : Creativity/Expression<br />

Cotton : Spiritual Inquiry<br />

Crab Apple : Mental Cleansing<br />

Crepe Myrtle : Spiritual Patience<br />

Creeping Thistle : Crown Chakra<br />

Crown of Thorns : Stimulates Brow Chakra<br />

Curry Leaf Tree : Energize/Catalyze<br />

Cyclamen, Europaeum : Channeling<br />

D<br />

Daffodil : Higher Self Attunement<br />

Dahlia : Resiliency<br />

Daisy-English : Intellect Spiritualized<br />

Daisy-Shasta : Intellect Spiritualized<br />

Dandelion : Emotional Calm<br />

Daphne : Illumination<br />

Date Palm : Ageless Wisdom<br />

Datura Sanguinea : Visions<br />

Dayflower : Light Therapy<br />

Deer's Tongue : Thought Projection<br />

Desert Barrel Cactus : Release Boundaries<br />

Dill : Positive Outlook<br />

Dog Rose : Enthusiasm<br />

Dogwood : New Abilities<br />

Dragon Flower Cactus : Spiritualized Movement<br />

Dutchman's Breeches : Etheric Cleansing<br />

E<br />

Easter Lily : Divine Purpose<br />

Easter Lily Cactus : Expressive Movement<br />

Echinacea : Overcoming Resistance<br />

Edelweiss : Instinctual Awareness<br />

Elecampane : Eases Extreme Stress<br />

Elephant's Head : Wisdom<br />

Elm, English : Strength & Confidence<br />

Endive : Accepting Health<br />

Eucalyptus : Breath/Grief<br />

Evening Primrose : Healing and Integration<br />

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