OFF PEAK - Lambley Nursery

OFF PEAK - Lambley Nursery

OFF PEAK - Lambley Nursery


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LambLey <strong>Nursery</strong><br />



2<br />

LambLey <strong>Nursery</strong><br />

aNd GardeNs<br />

www.lambley.com.au<br />

We are now importing the best varieties of garden bulbs that the Dutch bulb<br />

industry has to offer. It is a long and expensive process. Some of these<br />

newly imported varieties are in this catalogue and many re being offered for<br />

the first time in Australia.<br />

Some varieties are in short supply so it would be an idea to order promptly.<br />

The bulbs in this catalogue are for summer dry climates and are not suited<br />

to coastal NSW nor most areas of Queensland, Most need a reasonably cold<br />

winter and a dry summer to do well. They do not need lifting each year and<br />

are best left to increase in the garden.<br />

BULBS FROM THIS CATALOGUE will be available from the beginning of February<br />

until the end of April.<br />


The <strong>Lambley</strong> website has a full catalogue of the plants which we have currently in<br />

stock including many bulbs not listed in this catalogue.<br />


We take a great deal of care in growing, selecting, packing and dispatching our<br />

plants. Our policy is to replace plants which do not arrive in good condition. If there<br />

is a problem please let us know within 24 hours as we will not be able to take<br />

responsibility after that time.<br />


We will get plants out as quickly as possible but we do get a lot of orders in at once<br />

so there may be some delay. Let us know if you need plants delivered by a certain<br />

time.<br />


Open every day from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.<br />

<strong>Lambley</strong> <strong>Nursery</strong>, ‘Burnside, Lesters Road, Ascot, Victoria, 3364<br />

Phone: (03) 5343 4303 Fax: (03) 5343 4257<br />

E-mail: lambley10@bigpond.com<br />

Website: www.lambley.com.au<br />

ASCOT is 12km north of the Western freeway, which by-passes Ballarat, on the<br />

C287, the Clunes-Maryborough Road, about halfway between Miners Rest and<br />

Clunes.<br />

Cover Image: Allium christophii<br />

This catalogue has been printed using soy based inks on environmentally sustainable paper.

Tulipa clusiana ‘Tubergen’s „Tubergen‟s Gem’ Gem‟ growing in in the the Dry Dry Garden Garden at at <strong>Lambley</strong><br />

<strong>Lambley</strong><br />

This, our third bulb catalogue is the most extensive yet and is a culmination of many<br />

year‟s work importing, trialing and growing bulbs in our tough Central Victorian<br />

climate. We now have three acres of bulbs under cultivation. Many varieties in this<br />

catalogue have never been sold before in Australia.<br />

The bulbs we offer are mostly found in those parts of the world which have hot dry<br />

summers with rain, on the whole, falling in the cooler months of autumn, winter and<br />

spring. Much of inland Australia and the southern coastal areas south of Wollongong<br />

have similar weather patterns and these bulbs can be grown there without too much<br />

trouble.<br />

A few rules should be obeyed though.<br />

The first and most important is to plant the bulbs before the end of April excepting<br />

some of the autumn flowerers such as Colchicum for instance which must be<br />

planted before the end of March. If planting is delayed then disappointment will be<br />

the most likely result. Bulbs don‟t like wet soggy soils. They prefer well drained soils.<br />

During the growing season, in most cases that is during winter and early spring, the<br />

bulb‟s foliage must have all the light available. They are unhappy if overhung with<br />

the evergreen foliage of other plants. In our garden we have planted them under<br />

perennials that are winter dormant, perennials we cut to the ground by early May<br />

when the first bulbs push through the soil. For instance in Molly‟s Garden we have<br />

about 20,000 crocus planted underneath the Salvia nemorosa varieties. The Salvia<br />

is cut back during May. The crocus poke their heads up during July, flower during<br />

August and complete their growth cycle by early October when the salvias get going.<br />

We grow some bulbs under evergreen trees but the low winter sun‟s rays can still<br />

give good light to these areas.<br />

Many bulbs are happy under deciduous trees and shrubs as they still get good<br />

winter light. One only has to see the bluebell and snowdrop woods in the UK to<br />

appreciate this. For those gardeners that already grow these “Buried Treasures” we<br />

hope you find this list as exciting as we do and for those who haven‟t yet been<br />

smitten we hope we can tempt you. A good rule of thumb is that the cheaper the<br />

bulb the easier it is to grow. That‟s not always the case but is mostly so.<br />


4<br />

Allium aflatunense<br />

This Allium is aflatunense one of the easiest of drumstick<br />

alliums This Allium is aflatunense to one grow. of the As easiest long as of it is drumstick planted<br />

in This alliums a sunny is to one grow. position of the As easiest in long well as drained of it is drumstick planted soil it<br />

should alliums in a sunny be to grow. happy. position As The in long well ball-like as drained it is heads planted soil of it<br />

deep in should a sunny lilac be to happy. position violet The in flowers, well ball-like drained some heads 10cm soil of it<br />

in should deep diameter, lilac be to happy. are violet carried The flowers, ball-like on some 50 heads to 60cm 10cm of<br />

tall deep in diameter, stems. lilac to It are violet grows carried flowers, wild on in some 50 the to Middle 60cm 10cm<br />

East in tall diameter, stems. and Central It are grows carried Asia. wild on in 50 the to Middle 60cm<br />

tall East stems. and Central It grows Asia. wild in the 3 for Middle $9.00<br />

East and Central Asia. 10 3 or for $25.00 $9.00<br />

10 3 or for $25.00 $9.00<br />

10 or $25.00<br />

Allium atropurpureum<br />

Allium One of atropurpureum<br />

the darkest flowered of the<br />

Allium drumstick One of atropurpureum<br />

the alliums darkest with flowered deep purple- of the<br />

maroon One drumstick of flowers the alliums darkest in a with ball-like flowered deep head purple- of some the<br />

6 drumstick maroon or 7 cm flowers in alliums diameter in a with ball-like carried deep on head 60cm purple- some or<br />

more maroon 6 or 7 tall cm flowers stems. in diameter in A native a ball-like carried of dry on head places 60cm some or in<br />

South-Western 6 more or 7 tall cm stems. in diameter Europe, A native carried it of flowers dry on places 60cm during or in<br />

late more South-Western spring tall stems. and Europe, early A native summer. it of flowers dry Happy places during in<br />

any South-Western late well spring drained and Europe, early sunny summer. spot. it flowers Happy during in<br />

late any well spring drained and early sunny summer. spot. 3 Happy for $9.00 in<br />

any well drained sunny spot. 10 3 for for $25.00 $9.00<br />

10 3 for for $25.00 $9.00<br />

10 for $25.00<br />

Allium christophii<br />

Allium With its christophii huge 25cm diameter globes of<br />

Allium metallic With its christophii huge purple 25cm stars diameter this is one globes of the of<br />

With most metallic its beautiful huge purple 25cm of stars all bulbs. diameter this is Growing one globes of wild the of<br />

metallic on most rocky beautiful purple hillsides of stars all in bulbs. this Central is Growing one Asia of wild and the<br />

most Iran on rocky this beautiful ornamental hillsides of all in bulbs. onion Central Growing needs Asia to wild and be<br />

on kept Iran rocky this dryish ornamental hillsides during summer. in onion Central needs It Asia makes to and be a<br />

Iran very kept this dryish good ornamental pot during specimen summer. onion as needs It the makes flower to be a<br />

kept stems very dryish good are short pot during specimen and summer. sturdy. as It the also makes flower is a<br />

very good stems good cut are flower short pot specimen and dries sturdy. well. as It the also 40cm flower is by a<br />

stems 30cm. good cut are flower short and and dries sturdy. well. It also 40cm is by a<br />

good 30cm. cut flower and dries well. 3 for 40cm $10.00 by<br />

30cm.<br />

10 3 for $30.00 $10.00<br />

10 3 for $30.00<br />

$10.00<br />

10 for $30.00

10 for $35.00<br />

Allium Allium jesdianum moly „Jeanine‟ ‟Akbulak‟<br />

Allium This This form jesdianum beautiful of the ‟Akbulak‟ form drumstick of Golden Allium Garlic was<br />

Allium<br />

This jesdianum collected form<br />

jesdianum<br />

was of in collected the<br />

‟Akbulak‟<br />

the Spanish drumstick in Uzbekistan. Pyrenees Allium in the<br />

This<br />

jesdianum It‟s very late<br />

form<br />

similar 1970s. was<br />

of<br />

collected<br />

the<br />

in It flowers effect<br />

drumstick<br />

in to Uzbekistan.<br />

six Allium weeks<br />

Allium<br />

x earlier<br />

jesdianum<br />

It‟s hollandicum very than similar the<br />

was<br />

„Purple type,<br />

collected<br />

in has effect Sensation‟ taller<br />

in Uzbekistan.<br />

to more Allium numerous but x<br />

It‟s<br />

hollandicum grows<br />

very<br />

flower a little<br />

similar<br />

stems taller „Purple<br />

in<br />

and at<br />

effect<br />

<strong>Lambley</strong> much Sensation‟<br />

to<br />

larger<br />

Allium<br />

where flowers but<br />

x<br />

it of<br />

hollandicum<br />

grows flowers a a more during little taller<br />

„Purple<br />

pleasing late at October <strong>Lambley</strong><br />

Sensation‟<br />

gentle and where warm early<br />

but<br />

it yellow.<br />

grows<br />

flowers November. This<br />

a<br />

during<br />

little<br />

is The the<br />

taller<br />

late tennis first<br />

at<br />

October Australian<br />

<strong>Lambley</strong><br />

ball sized and<br />

where<br />

release. purple early<br />

it<br />

45cm<br />

flowers<br />

November. flower by heads<br />

during<br />

10cm. The are<br />

late<br />

tennis held<br />

October<br />

ball on sized<br />

and<br />

90cm purple<br />

early<br />

tall<br />

November.<br />

flower stems. heads We<br />

The<br />

grow are<br />

tennis<br />

it held amongst<br />

ball<br />

on<br />

sized<br />

90cm a<br />

purple<br />

10 group tall for $7.00<br />

flower<br />

stems. of the<br />

heads<br />

We deciduous grow<br />

are<br />

it<br />

held<br />

amongst Ceratostigma<br />

on 90cm<br />

a 100 group for<br />

tall<br />

$60.00<br />

stems.<br />

of willmottiana. the<br />

We<br />

deciduous<br />

grow<br />

The handsome<br />

it amongst<br />

Ceratostigma green<br />

a group<br />

seed<br />

of<br />

willmottiana. heads<br />

the<br />

prolong<br />

deciduous<br />

The the handsome display<br />

Ceratostigma<br />

into green summer. seed<br />

willmottiana.<br />

heads prolong<br />

The<br />

the<br />

handsome<br />

display into 3<br />

green<br />

for summer. $12.00<br />

seed<br />

heads prolong the display into<br />

10 3 for summer.<br />

$12.00 $35.00<br />

10<br />

3 for<br />

for<br />

$12.00<br />

$35.00<br />

Allium Allium moly „Jeanine‟ „Mount Everest‟ 10 for $35.00<br />

Allium This beautiful A moly stunning „Jeanine‟ form new of Golden Allium Garlic hybrid, was a cross<br />

Allium<br />

This collected beautiful<br />

moly<br />

in<br />

„Jeanine‟<br />

between the form the Spanish Central of Golden Pyrenees Asian Garlic A. in was stipitatum the<br />

This<br />

collected late<br />

beautiful<br />

1970s. It<br />

form<br />

flowers<br />

of Golden<br />

six weeks<br />

Garlic<br />

earlier<br />

was<br />

and in Southwest the Spanish Asian Pyrenees A. aflatunense,<br />

in the<br />

collected<br />

late than 1970s. the type,<br />

in the<br />

It has flowers<br />

Spanish<br />

taller six<br />

Pyrenees<br />

more weeks numerous earlier<br />

in the<br />

with 100cm tall stiff stems topped by 10late<br />

than flower<br />

1970s.<br />

the stems type,<br />

It<br />

and<br />

flowers<br />

has much taller<br />

six<br />

larger more<br />

weeks<br />

numerous flowers<br />

earlier<br />

12cm balls of white flowers. of Easily<br />

than<br />

flower a more<br />

the<br />

stems<br />

type,<br />

pleasing and<br />

has<br />

much<br />

taller<br />

gentle larger<br />

more<br />

warm<br />

numerous<br />

grown if it's given full sun flowers during yellow. of winter<br />

flower<br />

a This more is<br />

stems<br />

the pleasing first<br />

and<br />

Australian<br />

much<br />

gentle<br />

larger<br />

release. warm<br />

flowers<br />

yellow. 45cm<br />

of<br />

and spring and kept fairly dry during<br />

a<br />

This by<br />

more<br />

10cm. is the<br />

pleasing<br />

first Australian<br />

gentle<br />

release.<br />

warm yellow.<br />

summer This year we have 45cm good<br />

This<br />

by 10cm.<br />

is the first Australian release.<br />

10 for<br />

45cm<br />

quantities of this newly imported $7.00 bulb.<br />

by 10cm.<br />

Plant about 30cm apart. 100 10 for for $60.00 $7.00<br />

100<br />

10<br />

for<br />

for<br />

$60.00<br />

$7.00<br />

$5.00 each<br />

100 for $60.00<br />

5 for $20.00<br />

25 for $90.00<br />

Allium „Mount Everest‟<br />

Allium A stunning „Mount new Everest‟ Allium hybrid, a cross<br />

Allium<br />

A between stunning<br />

„Mount<br />

the new Central<br />

Everest‟<br />

Allium Asian hybrid, A. stipitatum a cross<br />

A<br />

between and<br />

stunning<br />

Southwest the<br />

new<br />

Central<br />

Allium<br />

Asian Asian<br />

hybrid,<br />

A. A. aflatunense, stipitatum<br />

a cross<br />

between<br />

and with 100cm Southwest<br />

the<br />

tall<br />

Central<br />

stiff Asian stems<br />

Asian<br />

A. topped<br />

A.<br />

aflatunense,<br />

stipitatum<br />

by 10and<br />

with 12cm 100cm<br />

Southwest<br />

balls tall of stiff<br />

Asian<br />

white stems<br />

A.<br />

flowers. topped<br />

aflatunense,<br />

by Easily 10with<br />

12cm grown<br />

100cm<br />

if balls it's<br />

tall<br />

given of<br />

stiff<br />

white full<br />

stems<br />

sun flowers.<br />

topped<br />

during<br />

by<br />

Easily winter<br />

10-<br />

12cm<br />

grown and spring if<br />

balls<br />

it's given and<br />

of white<br />

kept full sun fairly<br />

flowers.<br />

during dry<br />

Easily<br />

during winter<br />

grown<br />

and summer spring<br />

if it's<br />

This<br />

given<br />

and year kept<br />

full sun<br />

we fairly<br />

during<br />

have dry during<br />

winter<br />

good<br />

and<br />

summer quantities<br />

spring<br />

This of<br />

and<br />

this year<br />

kept<br />

newly<br />

fairly<br />

we imported have<br />

dry during<br />

good bulb.<br />

summer<br />

quantities Plant about<br />

This<br />

of 30cm this<br />

year<br />

apart. newly<br />

we<br />

imported<br />

have good<br />

bulb.<br />

quantities<br />

Plant about<br />

of<br />

30cm<br />

this<br />

apart.<br />

newly imported<br />

$5.00<br />

bulb.<br />

each<br />

Plant about 30cm apart.<br />

5 $5.00 for $20.00 each<br />

25 5<br />

$5.00<br />

for $20.00 $90.00<br />

each<br />

25<br />

5 for<br />

for<br />

$20.00<br />

$90.00<br />

25 for $90.00<br />


6<br />

Allium karataviense<br />

This native of Central Asia would be grown for its 10 cm wide pleated, grey-green<br />

leaves Allium alone karataviense but when the large ball of purplish pink flowers nestles into the foliage<br />

during This native mid to of late Central spring Asia it‟s a would show be stopper. grown This for its allium 10 cm needs wide a well pleated, drained grey-green sunny<br />

spot leaves in the alone garden but when and a the spacing large of ball about of purplish 30cm. pink flowers nestles into the foliage<br />

during mid to late spring it‟s a show stopper. This allium needs a well drained 2 for $9.00 sunny<br />

spot in the garden and a spacing of about 30cm.<br />

5 for $20.00<br />

Allium karataviense „Ivory Queen‟<br />

2 for $9.00<br />

A really good clean white flowered form of this species.<br />

5 for $20.00<br />

Allium karataviense „Ivory Queen‟<br />

2 for $11.00<br />

A really good clean white flowered form of this species.<br />

5 for $25.00<br />

2 for $11.00<br />

5 for $25.00<br />

Allium siculum<br />

Mediterranean Bells<br />

During Allium spring siculum this is one of the joys of<br />

the Mediterranean dry garden when Bells its metre tall stems<br />

carry During elegant spring heads this is of one large of green the joys and of<br />

red the bells. dry garden An easily when grown its metre bulb tall which stems<br />

obligingly carry elegant quickly heads of dries large green off and and<br />

disappears red bells. after An easily flowering grown leaving bulb straw which<br />

coloured obligingly stems quickly carrying dries upward off facing and<br />

cream disappears seed after heads. flowering Happy leaving in any straw well<br />

drained coloured sunny stems spot carrying which isn't upward too wet facing in<br />

summer. cream seed heads. Happy in any well<br />

drained sunny spot which isn't $7.00 too each wet in<br />

summer.<br />

3 for $18.00<br />

$7.00 each<br />

3 for $18.00

Allium sphaerocephalon<br />

Allium Criss and sphaerocephalon<br />

I first saw this growing in the<br />

Allium sphaerocephalon<br />

garden Criss and at I Charlston first saw this Farmhouse growing in about the<br />

Criss and I first saw this growing in the<br />

20 garden years at ago. Charlston We use Farmhouse it in our double about<br />

garden at Charlston Farmhouse about<br />

flower 20 years borders ago. We and use in the it in dry our climate double<br />

20 years ago. We use it in our double<br />

garden flower borders where, and around in the Christmas dry climate and<br />

flower borders and in the dry climate<br />

the garden turn where, of the around new year, Christmas metre and tall<br />

garden where, around Christmas and<br />

stems the turn are of topped the new by green year, metre golf balls tall<br />

the turn of the new year, metre tall<br />

which stems over are topped a period by of green a week golf or balls so<br />

stems are topped by green golf balls<br />

gradually which over turn a purple. period of As a the week Drumstick or so<br />

which over a period of a week or so<br />

Allium gradually takes turn up purple. little horizontal As the Drumstick space we<br />

gradually turn purple. As the Drumstick<br />

plant Allium them takes to up flower little through horizontal perennials. space we<br />

Allium takes up little horizontal space we<br />

plant Sun. 100cm them to x flower 10cm. through 10 perennials. for $6.00<br />

plant them to flower through perennials.<br />

Sun. 100cm x 10cm. 100 10 for $50.00 $6.00<br />

Sun. 100cm x 10cm. 10 for $6.00<br />

100 for $50.00<br />

100 for $50.00<br />

Acis autumnale<br />

Autumn Acis autumnale Snowflake<br />

Acis autumnale<br />

Autumn Found wild Snowflake in Spain, Portugal, Corsica,<br />

Autumn Snowflake<br />

Sardinia Found wild and in North Spain, Africa Portugal, this precious Corsica,<br />

Found wild in Spain, Portugal, Corsica,<br />

little Sardinia bulb and has North thrived Africa here at this <strong>Lambley</strong> precious in<br />

Sardinia and North Africa this precious<br />

a little rough bulb overgrown has thrived paddock here at for <strong>Lambley</strong> 18 years. in<br />

little bulb has thrived here at <strong>Lambley</strong> in<br />

Each a rough autumn overgrown I have paddock large drifts for 18 of years. these<br />

a rough overgrown paddock for 18 years.<br />

white Each autumn fairy bells I have hanging large on drifts thin of these 15cm<br />

Each autumn I have large drifts of these<br />

tall white stems. fairy A bells well hanging drained spot on thin in the 15cm sun<br />

white fairy bells hanging on thin 15cm<br />

which tall stems. gets A a well fair drained baking in spot the in summer the sun<br />

tall stems. A well drained spot in the sun<br />

suits which it. gets Plant a fair from baking 5 to 10 in the centimetres summer<br />

which gets a fair baking in the summer<br />

apart suits it. and Plant this from bulb will 5 to soon 10 centimetres build up its<br />

suits it. Plant from 5 to 10 centimetres<br />

numbers. apart and this bulb will soon 10 build for $6.00 up its<br />

apart and this bulb will soon build up its<br />

numbers. 100 10 for for $50.00 $6.00<br />

numbers. 10 for $6.00<br />

100 for $50.00<br />

100 for $50.00<br />

Arum concinnatum „Marbled Form‟<br />

Arum This Arum concinnatum is common „Marbled on Crete Form‟ and less<br />

Arum concinnatum „Marbled Form‟<br />

so This in Arum Turkey is common where it on also Crete grows. and less It‟s<br />

This Arum is common on Crete and less<br />

easily so in grown Turkey and where would it deserve also grows. a place It‟s<br />

so in Turkey where it also grows. It‟s<br />

in easily the grown garden and for would its handsome deserve a arrow- place<br />

easily grown and would deserve a place<br />

head in the garden shaped, for glossy its handsome green leaves arrow-<br />

in the garden for its handsome arrow-<br />

which head in shaped, this form glossy has creamy green marbling. leaves<br />

head shaped, glossy green leaves<br />

If which given in this plenty form of has water creamy it will marbling. grow a<br />

which in this form has creamy marbling.<br />

metre If given tall plenty by as of much water across. it will grow In our a<br />

If given plenty of water it will grow a<br />

dryish metre garden tall by as it grows much about across. 70cm In our tall<br />

metre tall by as much across. In our<br />

by dryish the same garden across. it grows about 70cm tall<br />

dryish garden it grows about 70cm tall<br />

by the same across. 3 for $12.00<br />

by the same across.<br />

10 3 for $12.00 $35.00<br />

3 for $12.00<br />

10 for $35.00<br />

10 for $35.00<br />


8<br />

Arum dioscoridis<br />

Arum Peter dioscoridis Boyce in his monograph on the<br />

Arum<br />

genus Peter dioscoridis Boyce writes in his “...this monograph species on the is<br />

deservedly<br />

Peter genus Boyce writes in<br />

popular<br />

his “...this monograph<br />

with species on<br />

aroid<br />

the is<br />

fanciers...Most<br />

genus deservedly writes popular clones<br />

“...this<br />

are with species<br />

hardy, aroid free-<br />

is<br />

flowering<br />

deservedly fanciers...Most and<br />

popular clones have are with<br />

handsome<br />

hardy, aroid free-<br />

coloration.”<br />

fanciers...Most flowering The and clones<br />

flower have is<br />

are<br />

spectacular, handsome<br />

hardy, free-<br />

a<br />

pale<br />

flowering coloration.” green The and<br />

spathe flower have<br />

with is spectacular, dark<br />

handsome<br />

purple a<br />

blotches<br />

coloration.” pale green and<br />

The spathe staining.<br />

flower with is<br />

Easily<br />

spectacular, dark grown purple in<br />

a<br />

any<br />

pale blotches sunny<br />

green and or<br />

spathe staining. lightly shaded<br />

with Easily dark<br />

spot grown purple<br />

in the in<br />

garden.<br />

blotches any sunny 70cm<br />

and or staining.<br />

tall lightly by 60cm shaded Easily<br />

across. spot grown in the in<br />

any garden. sunny 70cm or tall lightly by 60cm shaded across. $6.00<br />

spot in<br />

each<br />

the<br />

garden. 70cm tall by 60cm across.<br />

3 $6.00 for $15.00 each<br />

3 $6.00 for $15.00<br />

each<br />

3 for $15.00<br />

Arum hygrophilum<br />

The Arum most hygrophilum beautiful flower in the genus,<br />

this The Arum<br />

species most hygrophilum beautiful also blesses flower in the the gardener genus,<br />

with<br />

The this species most<br />

an exceptionally<br />

beautiful also blesses flower<br />

long<br />

in the the<br />

flowering gardener genus,<br />

period<br />

this with species an from exceptionally early<br />

also<br />

winter<br />

blesses<br />

until long the<br />

mid-spring. flowering gardener<br />

The<br />

with period flowers<br />

an from exceptionally early are winter more until like<br />

long<br />

an mid-spring. flowering<br />

elegant<br />

Arisaema The period flowers from<br />

than<br />

early are an<br />

winter more Arum.<br />

until like The an mid-spring.<br />

spathe elegant is<br />

long<br />

The Arisaema and<br />

flowers<br />

narrow, than are an soft<br />

more Arum. green<br />

like The with<br />

an spathe elegant<br />

a deep is<br />

purple<br />

Arisaema long and edge. narrow, than<br />

Happy<br />

an soft Arum.<br />

in green any<br />

The<br />

sunny with spathe a spot deep is<br />

it<br />

will<br />

long purple grow<br />

and edge. narrow,<br />

up to Happy a<br />

soft<br />

metre in green any tall sunny in<br />

with<br />

good<br />

a spot deep<br />

soil it<br />

which<br />

purple will grow is<br />

edge.<br />

kept up to Happy<br />

moist a metre during<br />

in any tall sunny<br />

summer in good spot<br />

and soil it<br />

less<br />

will which grow<br />

in is drier kept up<br />

conditions.<br />

to moist a metre during tall summer in good and soil<br />

which less in is drier kept conditions. moist during summer<br />

3 for $12.00<br />

and<br />

less in drier conditions. 3 for $12.00<br />

3 for $12.00<br />

Arum palaestinum<br />

This Arum black palaestinum flowered Arum has a quite<br />

pleasant This Arum black palaestinum<br />

smell flowered described Arum as has “similar a quite to<br />

fermenting<br />

This pleasant black smell flowered<br />

fruit” described in<br />

Arum<br />

Peter as has “similar Boyce's<br />

a quite to<br />

monograph.<br />

pleasant fermenting smell<br />

A fruit” native<br />

described in of Peter Syria,<br />

as “similar<br />

Lebanon Boyce's to<br />

and<br />

fermenting monograph. Palestine A fruit”<br />

it native grows<br />

in of Peter<br />

on Syria, dry Lebanon Boyce's<br />

hillsides<br />

and<br />

monograph. and Palestine the edges<br />

A it native<br />

of grows cultivated<br />

of on Syria, dry Lebanon<br />

fields. hillsides It<br />

does<br />

and Palestine the well edges in our<br />

it of grows<br />

dry cultivated garden<br />

on dry<br />

but fields. hillsides<br />

grows It<br />

twice<br />

and does the well the<br />

edges<br />

size in our in<br />

of dry a<br />

cultivated<br />

well garden watered but fields. grows spot<br />

It<br />

elsewhere.<br />

does twice well the size in our<br />

Earlier in dry a well garden<br />

flowering watered but grows<br />

than spot<br />

Dracunculus<br />

twice elsewhere. the size<br />

and Earlier in<br />

a<br />

smaller<br />

well flowering watered<br />

plant, than spot<br />

this<br />

Arum<br />

elsewhere. Dracunculus is happy and Earlier<br />

in any a smaller well<br />

flowering<br />

drained plant, than<br />

spot this<br />

in<br />

Dracunculus Arum sun is or happy light<br />

and<br />

shade. in any a<br />

60cm<br />

smaller well x drained 50cm<br />

plant, spot this<br />

Arum in sun is or happy light shade. in any 60cm well x drained 50cm $6.00 each<br />

spot<br />

in sun or light shade. 60cm x<br />

3<br />

50cm $6.00 for $15.00 each<br />

3 $6.00 for $15.00 each<br />

3 for $15.00

Arum pictum<br />

Arum pictum pictum, a native of Majorca,<br />

Arum pictum<br />

Minorca, pictum, Corsica, a Sardinia native of and Majorca, parts of<br />

Arum Minorca, pictum,<br />

Italy, flowers Corsica, a<br />

in the Sardinia native of<br />

autumn and Majorca,<br />

just parts before of<br />

Minorca, Italy, or just flowers Corsica,<br />

as it unfurls in the Sardinia<br />

its autumn and<br />

beautiful just parts<br />

leaves. before of<br />

Italy, or The just flowers<br />

flower as it spathes unfurls in the its autumn<br />

are beautiful just<br />

purple and leaves. before<br />

the<br />

or The just<br />

spadix flower as it<br />

is black spathes unfurls its<br />

but it are beautiful<br />

is purple for the and leaves.<br />

foliage the<br />

The spadix flower<br />

effect that is black spathes<br />

this but species it are is purple for is the and<br />

renowned. foliage the<br />

spadix effect Large that is black<br />

deep this but<br />

green, species it is for<br />

glossy is the<br />

leaves renowned. foliage<br />

are<br />

effect Large that<br />

outlined deep this<br />

with green, species<br />

a thin glossy is<br />

purple leaves renowned.<br />

line. are By<br />

Large outlined deep<br />

summer it with green,<br />

is dormant. a thin glossy<br />

It purple leaves<br />

grows in line. are<br />

a quite By<br />

outlined summer dry spot with it with is dormant. a thin<br />

us but would It purple grows be happier in line. a quite By<br />

for<br />

summer dry a little spot summer with it is dormant. us moisture. but would It grows<br />

60cm be happier in a quite<br />

by 75cm. for<br />

dry a little spot summer with us moisture. but would 60cm be happier<br />

$6.00 by 75cm. for<br />

each<br />

a little summer moisture. 60cm<br />

3 $6.00 by 75cm.<br />

for $15.00 each<br />

3 $6.00 for $15.00 each<br />

Arum purpureospathum<br />

3 for $15.00<br />

Arum This recently purpureospathum described Cretan endemic<br />

Arum<br />

is This only recently purpureospathum<br />

found in described one or two Cretan localities. endemic It's<br />

This<br />

lucky is only recently<br />

for found those in described<br />

of one us or that two Cretan<br />

love localities. endemic<br />

aroids that It's<br />

is<br />

this lucky only<br />

plant for found those in<br />

is so of one<br />

easily us or that two<br />

grown love localities.<br />

in aroids Australia. that It's<br />

lucky<br />

We this plant for those<br />

have is it so of<br />

out easily us that<br />

in the grown love<br />

open in aroids<br />

in Australia. that<br />

a sunny<br />

this<br />

spot We plant have is so easily grown in Australia.<br />

but I‟m it out sure in the it would open in be a just sunny as<br />

spot We have it out in the open in a sunny<br />

happy but in I‟m light sure shade it would and the be just flowers as<br />

happy spot but I‟m sure it would be just as<br />

would last in light longer shade if they and are the sheltered flowers<br />

would happy in light shade and the flowers<br />

from the last wind. longer It produces if they are huge sheltered flowers,<br />

from would last longer if they are sheltered<br />

the spathe the wind. is glossy It produces dark purple huge flowers, and the<br />

the from the wind. It produces huge flowers,<br />

spadix spathe is nearly is glossy black. dark 50cm purple by 60cm. and the<br />

spadix the spathe is nearly is glossy black. dark 50cm purple by and the<br />

$6.00 60cm. each<br />

spadix is nearly black. 50cm by 60cm.<br />

3 $6.00 for $15.00 each<br />

3 $6.00 for $15.00 each<br />

3 for $15.00<br />

Babiana „Zwanenburg Glory‟<br />

Babiana Babianas, „Zwanenburg which hail from Glory‟ South Africa,<br />

Babiana „Zwanenburg Glory‟<br />

are Babianas, easily grown which small hail from bulbs South which Africa, give<br />

Babianas, which hail from South Africa,<br />

the are easily garden grown a splash small of bulbs colour which during give<br />

are easily grown small bulbs which give<br />

spring. the garden 'Zwanenburg a splash Glory' of colour is a during free<br />

the garden a splash of colour during<br />

flowering spring. 'Zwanenburg Dutch selection. Glory' Several is a bright free<br />

spring. 'Zwanenburg Glory' is a free<br />

magenta-purple flowering Dutch selection. flowers are Several produced bright<br />

flowering Dutch selection. Several bright<br />

on magenta-purple each 15cm stem. flowers Wants are produced a sunny<br />

magenta-purple flowers are produced<br />

spot on each in the 15cm garden stem. and is Wants happiest a where sunny<br />

on each 15cm stem. Wants a sunny<br />

it spot doesn‟t in the get garden too and much is happiest extra irrigation where<br />

spot in the garden and is happiest where<br />

during it doesn‟t summer. get too It much copes extra very well irrigation with<br />

it doesn‟t get too much extra irrigation<br />

us during planted summer. under It copes later very well growing with<br />

during summer. It copes very well with<br />

perennials. us planted under later 10 for growing $7.00<br />

us perennials. planted under later growing<br />

100 10 for for $7.00 $60.00<br />

perennials. 100 10 for for $7.00 $60.00<br />

100 for $60.00<br />


10<br />

Bellevalia pycnantha<br />

This Bellevalia is best pycnantha described as a tall growing<br />

This grape Bellevalia is hyacinth best pycnantha described with cone as shaped a tall growing flower<br />

grape This heads. is hyacinth best The described 40cm with cone tall as shaped a stems tall growing flower carry<br />

heads. grape flowers hyacinth which The 40cm are with almost cone tall shaped stems black in flower carry bud<br />

flowers heads. and open which The to navy 40cm are blue. almost tall It grows stems black in wild carry bud in<br />

and flowers the open areas which to where navy are blue. almost the It Kurds grows black live in wild bud in<br />

the and Turkey, open areas Iraq to where and navy Iran. blue. the It will It Kurds grows grow happily live wild in<br />

Turkey, the in the areas garden Iraq where and under Iran. the deciduous It will Kurds grow trees happily live or in<br />

in Turkey, in the sun. garden Iraq and under Iran. deciduous It will grow trees happily or<br />

in the sun. garden under deciduous 3 for trees $9.00 or<br />

in the sun.<br />

10 3 for for $25.00<br />

$9.00<br />

10 3 for for $25.00 $9.00<br />

10 for $25.00<br />

Brodiaea californica<br />

Californian Brodiaea californica Brodiaea<br />

Californian A Brodiaea tall growing californica Brodiaea bulb from California which<br />

Californian A carries tall growing waxy, Brodiaea bulb white from centred California amethyst, which<br />

carries A upward tall growing waxy, facing bulb flowers white from centred during California November amethyst, which<br />

upward carries and December. waxy, facing flowers white It is easily centred during grown November amethyst, in any<br />

and upward sunny December. well facing drained flowers It is easily during spot. grown November We in grow any<br />

sunny and Brodiaeas December. well through drained It is easily Seaside spot. grown We Daisies, in grow any<br />

Brodiaeas sunny Thyme and well Origanum through drained Seaside in spot. the dry We Daisies, garden. grow<br />

Thyme Brodiaeas This species and Origanum through is an especially Seaside in the dry good Daisies, garden. cut<br />

This Thyme flower species as and it Origanum holds is an its especially dozen in the dry or good so garden. large cut<br />

flower This flowers species as on it 80cm holds is an tall its especially stems. dozen A or spacing good so large cut of<br />

flowers flower 15cm would as on it 80cm holds suit. tall its stems. dozen A or 5 spacing for so $9.00 large of<br />

15cm flowers would on 80cm suit. tall stems. 25 A 5 spacing for $40.00 $9.00 of<br />

15cm would suit. 25 5 for for $40.00 $9.00<br />

25 for $40.00<br />

Brodiaea elegans<br />

Harvest Brodiaea Brodiaea elegans<br />

Harvest Brodiaea We were Brodiaea elegans sent seed of this by Chris<br />

Harvest We Brickell were 25 Brodiaea sent years seed or more of ago this and by had Chris it<br />

Brickell We in a neglected were 25 sent years unwatered seed or more of ago area this and by for had many Chris it<br />

in Brickell years a neglected 25 where years unwatered it or more quietly ago area flourished and for had many it<br />

years in amongst a neglected where rough unwatered grass. it quietly We area now flourished for give many it<br />

amongst years pride of where place rough in grass. it our quietly dry We climate now flourished garden give it<br />

pride amongst where of its place rough long in lasting grass. our dry We waxy climate now lilac garden give blue it<br />

where pride flowers of its are place long produced in lasting our dry in waxy November climate lilac garden blue and<br />

flowers where December. its are long Needs produced lasting sun in waxy and November is lilac drought blue and<br />

December. flowers tolerant. are 35cm Needs produced x 5cm. sun in and November 5 is for drought $9.00 and<br />

tolerant. December. 35cm Needs x 5cm. sun and 25 5 for is for drought $40.00 $9.00<br />

tolerant. 35cm x 5cm. 25 5 for for $40.00 $9.00<br />

25 for $40.00

Chionodoxa Glory of the Snow<br />

Whilst these bulbs grow wild in alpine areas of western Turkey where it can be very<br />

Chionodoxa wet in spring. Glory They of grow the Snow well enough here tolerating dryness as long as they are<br />

Chionodoxa<br />

Whilst planted these under Glory<br />

bulbs deciduous of<br />

grow<br />

the<br />

wild<br />

Snow trees in and alpine shrubs areas or of even western under Turkey winter where dormant it can perennials. be very<br />

wet<br />

Whilst They in flower these<br />

spring. in bulbs late They winter. grow<br />

grow<br />

wild As well<br />

in these enough<br />

alpine bulbs areas<br />

here should of<br />

tolerating<br />

western be left dryness in Turkey the ground where<br />

as long for it can<br />

as many they<br />

be years very<br />

are<br />

planted<br />

wet they in need spring.<br />

under to be deciduous<br />

They given grow a spacing trees<br />

well<br />

and<br />

enough of at shrubs least here 15cm, or<br />

tolerating<br />

even to under allow dryness<br />

winter groups as<br />

dormant room long to as<br />

perennials. build they up. are<br />

They<br />

planted<br />

flower<br />

under<br />

in<br />

deciduous<br />

late winter.<br />

trees<br />

As these<br />

and shrubs<br />

bulbs should<br />

or even<br />

be<br />

under<br />

left in<br />

winter<br />

the ground<br />

dormant<br />

for many<br />

perennials.<br />

years<br />

they<br />

They<br />

need<br />

flower<br />

to<br />

in<br />

be<br />

late<br />

given<br />

winter.<br />

a spacing<br />

As these<br />

of at<br />

bulbs<br />

least<br />

should<br />

15cm,<br />

be<br />

to allow<br />

left in<br />

groups<br />

the ground<br />

room<br />

for<br />

to<br />

many<br />

build<br />

years<br />

up.<br />

they need to be given a spacing of at least 15cm, to allow groups room to build up.<br />

Chionodoxa forbesii „Alba‟<br />

A good white flowered form on 15cm tall<br />

Chionodoxa stems. It increases forbesii well. „Alba‟ 5 for $7.50<br />

Chionodoxa<br />

A good white<br />

forbesii<br />

flowered<br />

„Alba‟<br />

form 25 on for 15cm $35.00 tall<br />

stems.<br />

A good<br />

It<br />

white<br />

increases<br />

flowered<br />

well.<br />

form on<br />

5 for<br />

15cm<br />

$7.50<br />

tall<br />

stems. It increases well.<br />

25<br />

5<br />

for<br />

for<br />

$35.00<br />

$7.50<br />

25 for $35.00<br />

Chionodoxa forbesii luciliae<br />

Glory of the Snow<br />

Chionodoxa A dwarf growing forbesii bulb luciliae with dark green<br />

Chionodoxa leaves Glory of and the Snow upward forbesii luciliae facing mauve blue<br />

flowers. A<br />

Glory<br />

dwarf<br />

of the<br />

growing<br />

Snow<br />

bulb with dark 3 for $9.00 green<br />

leaves<br />

A dwarf<br />

and<br />

growing<br />

upward<br />

bulb<br />

facing<br />

with 10 mauve<br />

dark for $25.00 green<br />

blue<br />

flowers.<br />

leaves and upward facing mauve<br />

3 for $9.00<br />

blue<br />

flowers.<br />

10<br />

3<br />

for<br />

for<br />

$25.00<br />

$9.00<br />

10 for $25.00<br />

Chionodoxa forbesii 'Pink Giant '<br />

The flowering stems grow about 20cm<br />

tall Chionodoxa and the pink forbesii flowers 'Pink are Giant large ' for the<br />

genus. Chionodoxa<br />

The flowering<br />

forbesii 5 for stems $8.50 'Pink<br />

grow or Giant 25 about for ' $40.00 20cm<br />

The<br />

tall and<br />

flowering<br />

the pink<br />

stems<br />

flowers<br />

grow<br />

are<br />

about<br />

large for<br />

20cm<br />

the<br />

tall<br />

genus.<br />

and the pink<br />

5 for<br />

flowers<br />

$8.50 or<br />

are<br />

25<br />

large<br />

for $40.00<br />

for the<br />

genus. 5 for $8.50 or 25 for $40.00<br />

Chionodoxa sardensis<br />

This little jewel from the Turkish<br />

mountains Chionodoxa carries sardensis clear gentian blue,<br />

white This<br />

Chionodoxa eyed little flowers, sardensis<br />

jewel half from a dozen the Turkish or so to<br />

each mountains<br />

This 12cm little tall carries<br />

jewel stem clear<br />

from during gentian<br />

the early Turkish spring. blue,<br />

white<br />

mountains<br />

eyed flowers,<br />

carries<br />

half<br />

clear<br />

a dozen<br />

gentian 5 for or $8.50 so<br />

blue,<br />

to<br />

each<br />

white<br />

12cm<br />

eyed flowers,<br />

tall stem<br />

half<br />

during<br />

a dozen 25 early for or $40.00 spring.<br />

so to<br />

each 12cm tall stem during early<br />

5 for<br />

spring.<br />

$8.50<br />

25<br />

5<br />

for<br />

for<br />

$40.00<br />

$8.50<br />

25 for $40.00<br />


12<br />

Colchicum agrippinum<br />

Colchicum C. Agrippinum agrippinum is thought to be a hybrid<br />

C. between Agrippinum C. is variegatum thought to be and a hybrid C.<br />

between autumnale. C. It‟s a variegatum vigorous plant and which C.<br />

autumnale. increases well It‟s and a vigorous produces plant many which large<br />

increases purple and well white and produces tessellated many flowers large<br />

purple quite early and in white the autumn. tessellated Allow a flowers space<br />

quite of about early 40cm in the between autumn. each Allow bulb a as space the<br />

of leaves, about which 40cm between appear after each the bulb flowers, as the<br />

leaves, grow fairly which large. appear A tough after and the flowers, drought<br />

tolerant grow fairly bulb. large. A tough and drought<br />

tolerant bulb.<br />

3 for $7.50<br />

10 3 for for $22.00 $7.50<br />

50 10 for for $100.00 $22.00<br />

50 for $100.00<br />

Colchicum byzantinum<br />

One Colchicum of the byzantinum best of these tough autumn<br />

One flowered of the bulbs, best Colchicum of these tough byzantinum autumn<br />

flowered has several bulbs, large, Colchicum pink almost byzantinum tulip like<br />

has flowers. several Half large, a dozen pink bulbs almost will tulip make like a<br />

flowers. great display. Half a We dozen grow bulbs it beneath will make an a<br />

great olive tree display. in the We dry grow garden. it beneath 30cm an x<br />

olive 30cm. tree Sun. in the dry garden. 30cm x<br />

30cm. Sun.<br />

3 for $12.00<br />

10 3 for $12.00 $35.00<br />

50 10 for for $150.00 $35.00<br />

50 for $150.00<br />

Colchicum speciosum 'Album'<br />

Considered Colchicum speciosum by many 'Album' to be the most<br />

Considered beautiful Considered of all by autumn many to flowered be the bulbs, most<br />

beautiful this beautiful Colchicum of all autumn has been flowered given bulbs, the<br />

this Award this Colchicum of Garden has Merit been by given the U.K. the<br />

Award Royal Award Horticultural of Garden Society, Merit by the the highest U.K.<br />

Royal distinction Royal Horticultural the society Society, can bestow. the highest The<br />

distinction beautifully distinction the formed society large can white bestow. goblets The<br />

beautifully are beautifully produced formed from late large February white into goblets the<br />

are Autumn. are produced It needs from late a February sunny or into lightly the<br />

Autumn. shaded Autumn. spot. It needs A spacing a sunny of about or lightly 30cm<br />

shaded would shaded suit spot. it. A spacing of about 30cm<br />

would suit it.<br />

$7.00 each<br />

5 $7.00 for $30.00<br />

each<br />

5 for $30.00

Autumn Flowering Crocus<br />

Autumn<br />

Autumn<br />

Flowering<br />

Flowering<br />

Crocus<br />

Crocus<br />

Arguably<br />

Arguably<br />

the<br />

the<br />

finest<br />

finest<br />

of<br />

of<br />

the<br />

the<br />

autumn<br />

autumn<br />

flowered<br />

flowered<br />

crocus<br />

crocus<br />

species<br />

species<br />

with<br />

with<br />

a<br />

widespread<br />

widespread<br />

distribution<br />

distribution<br />

in<br />

in<br />

South<br />

South<br />

Eastern<br />

Eastern<br />

Europe,<br />

Europe,<br />

Turkey,<br />

Turkey,<br />

Caucasus<br />

Caucasus<br />

and<br />

and<br />

Iran.<br />

Iran.<br />

E.A.<br />

E.A.<br />

Bowles<br />

Bowles<br />

wrote<br />

wrote<br />

sixty<br />

sixty<br />

years<br />

years<br />

ago<br />

ago<br />

“......<br />

“......<br />

but<br />

but<br />

best<br />

best<br />

of<br />

of<br />

all<br />

all<br />

it<br />

it<br />

is<br />

is<br />

beautiful<br />

beautiful<br />

and<br />

and<br />

hardy....<br />

hardy....<br />

Left<br />

Left<br />

to<br />

to<br />

go<br />

go<br />

its<br />

its<br />

own<br />

own<br />

way<br />

way<br />

it<br />

it<br />

will<br />

will<br />

spread<br />

spread<br />

freely<br />

freely<br />

in<br />

in<br />

borders<br />

borders<br />

and<br />

and<br />

even<br />

even<br />

under<br />

under<br />

deciduous<br />

deciduous<br />

shrubs,<br />

shrubs,<br />

and<br />

and<br />

then<br />

then<br />

provides<br />

provides<br />

carpets<br />

carpets<br />

and<br />

and<br />

mimic<br />

mimic<br />

pools<br />

pools<br />

of<br />

of<br />

blue<br />

blue<br />

in<br />

in<br />

autumn<br />

autumn<br />

as<br />

as<br />

rich<br />

rich<br />

as<br />

as<br />

those<br />

those<br />

of<br />

of<br />

bluebells<br />

bluebells<br />

in<br />

in<br />

spring.”<br />

spring.”<br />

This<br />

This<br />

species<br />

species<br />

grows<br />

grows<br />

easily<br />

easily<br />

here<br />

here<br />

planted<br />

planted<br />

under<br />

under<br />

prostrate<br />

prostrate<br />

thyme.<br />

thyme.<br />

Cassiope<br />

Oxonian<br />

Crocus<br />

Crocus<br />

speciosus<br />

speciosus<br />

'Cassiope'<br />

'Cassiope'<br />

Rich<br />

Rich<br />

violet-blue<br />

violet-blue<br />

flowers<br />

flowers<br />

with<br />

with<br />

a<br />

contrasting<br />

contrasting<br />

yellow<br />

yellow<br />

throat.<br />

throat.<br />

New<br />

New<br />

import.<br />

import.<br />

3<br />

for<br />

for<br />

$9.00<br />

$9.00<br />

or<br />

or<br />

10<br />

10<br />

for<br />

for<br />

$24.00<br />

$24.00<br />

Crocus<br />

Crocus<br />

speciosus<br />

speciosus<br />

'Oxonian'<br />

'Oxonian'<br />

Large<br />

Large<br />

violet<br />

violet<br />

blue<br />

blue<br />

flowers<br />

flowers<br />

with<br />

with<br />

deeper<br />

deeper<br />

veining<br />

veining<br />

and<br />

and<br />

showy<br />

showy<br />

deep<br />

deep<br />

orange<br />

orange<br />

stigmas.<br />

stigmas.<br />

3<br />

for<br />

for<br />

$7.00<br />

$7.00<br />

or<br />

or<br />

10<br />

10<br />

for<br />

for<br />

$20.00<br />

$20.00<br />

Crocus<br />

Crocus<br />

speciosus<br />

speciosus<br />

'Conqueror'<br />

'Conqueror'<br />

My<br />

My<br />

favourite<br />

favourite<br />

Crocus<br />

Crocus<br />

speciosus<br />

speciosus<br />

clone<br />

clone<br />

with<br />

with<br />

beautifully<br />

beautifully<br />

shaped<br />

shaped<br />

deep<br />

deep<br />

lilac-blue<br />

lilac-blue<br />

flowers<br />

flowers<br />

and<br />

and<br />

deeper<br />

deeper<br />

veining.<br />

veining.<br />

New<br />

New<br />

import.<br />

import.<br />

3<br />

for<br />

for<br />

$9.00<br />

$9.00<br />

or<br />

or<br />

10<br />

10<br />

for<br />

for<br />

$24.00<br />

$24.00<br />

Conqueror<br />


14<br />

Crocus kotschyanus<br />

Crocus This Turkish kotschyanus species has been an<br />

Crocus exceptional This Turkish kotschyanus doer species here at has <strong>Lambley</strong>. been It‟s an<br />

goblets exceptional This Turkish of lilac doer species flowers here at has with <strong>Lambley</strong>. been a deep It‟s an<br />

yellow<br />

goblets exceptional throat<br />

of lilac doer are produced<br />

flowers here at with <strong>Lambley</strong>. quite<br />

a<br />

early<br />

deep It‟s in<br />

the yellow goblets autumn throat of lilac and are produced with flowers repeated with quite a early flushes deep in<br />

will the yellow go autumn throat on for and are a month produced with repeated or quite more. early flushes There in<br />

are will the go autumn a on few for and of a the month with rare repeated or form more. flushes Crocus There<br />

kotschyanus are will go a on few for of ssp. a the month leucopharynx, rare or form more. Crocus There which<br />

has kotschyanus are a white few throat, of ssp. the leucopharynx, mixed rare form in with Crocus which these<br />

bulbs<br />

has kotschyanus a<br />

and<br />

white<br />

you<br />

throat, ssp. may leucopharynx, be<br />

mixed<br />

lucky<br />

in<br />

and<br />

with<br />

get which these<br />

one<br />

of bulbs has them. a and white you throat, may be mixed lucky in and 5 with for get $8.00 these one<br />

of bulbs them. and you may be lucky 25 and 5 for for get $35.00 $8.00 one<br />

of them. 25 5 for for $35.00 $8.00<br />

25 for $35.00<br />

Crocus ochroleucus<br />

This Crocus autumn ochroleucus flowering Crocus grows<br />

wild This Crocus in autumn ochroleucus<br />

Syria, flowering Lebanon Crocus and Palestine grows<br />

where wild This in autumn its Syria, creamy flowering Lebanon white yellow Crocus and Palestine throated grows<br />

flowers<br />

where wild in its<br />

are Syria, creamy<br />

produced Lebanon white<br />

late<br />

yellow and in the Palestine throated<br />

autumn.<br />

It flowers where flowers its are creamy here produced at white <strong>Lambley</strong> late yellow in the during throated autumn. late<br />

April It flowers flowers and are here May. produced at This <strong>Lambley</strong> late little in the Crocus during autumn. late will<br />

grow April It flowers happily and here May. in at any This <strong>Lambley</strong> area little that Crocus during is dry late will in<br />

summer grow April happily and and May. gets in any This plenty area little of that Crocus light is in dry will the in<br />

winter. summer grow happily It increases and gets in any plenty well. area of that light is in dry the in<br />

winter. summer It increases and gets plenty well. of 5 light for $10.00 in the<br />

winter. It increases well. 25 5 for $40.00 $10.00<br />

25 5 for $40.00 $10.00<br />

25 for $40.00<br />

Crocus sativus<br />

Crocus This Crocus sativus produces the saffron of<br />

Crocus commerce, This Crocus sativus a precious produces spice the worth saffron more of<br />

This than commerce, its Crocus weight a precious produces in gold. It spice takes the worth saffron in excess more of<br />

commerce, of<br />

than<br />

4000<br />

its weight<br />

flowers a precious in<br />

to<br />

gold.<br />

produce<br />

It spice takes<br />

an worth in<br />

ounce<br />

excess more of<br />

than saffron of 4000 its which weight flowers is in the to gold. produce dried, It takes long an in ounce red excess style of<br />

of saffron this 4000 Crocus. which flowers is It the to needs produce dried, to long be an planted ounce red style of at<br />

saffron least of this 15cm Crocus. which deep is It the needs dried, in good to long be planted rich red style well at<br />

of drained least this 15cm Crocus. soil. deep Shallow It needs in planting good to be planted rich leads well tp at<br />

least the drained bulbs 15cm soil. splitting deep Shallow in into planting good small rich leads non- well tp<br />

drained flowering<br />

the bulbs soil. bulbs.<br />

splitting Shallow A dry summer<br />

into planting small<br />

suits leads it.<br />

non- tp<br />

the flowering bulbs bulbs. splitting A dry summer into small 5 suits for $8.00 it. nonflowering<br />

bulbs. A dry summer 50 5 suits for for $70.00 $8.00 it.<br />

50 5 for for $70.00 $8.00<br />

50 for $70.00

Winter/Spring Flowering Crocus<br />

Winter/Spring Flowering Crocus<br />

Winter/Spring Flowering Crocus<br />

Crocus sieberi f. tricolor image<br />

Crocus sieberi f. tricolor image<br />

Winter/Spring Flowering Crocus<br />

Winter/Spring<br />

The Winter/Spring Flowering<br />

following crocus Flowering Crocus<br />

vary Crocus in flowering time from July until early September. We have<br />

The<br />

planted The following crocus<br />

them crocus vary<br />

under vary in<br />

perennials in flowering time<br />

such time from<br />

as Salvia from July until<br />

nemorosa until early September.<br />

and September. We<br />

Origanum We have<br />

cultivars have<br />

planted<br />

which planted them<br />

are them under<br />

cut under perennials<br />

to the perennials such as Salvia nemorosa and Origanum cultivars<br />

ground during such as late Salvia autumn. nemorosa All the and following Origanum are cultivars easy to<br />

which are cut to the ground during late autumn. All the following are easy to<br />

accommodate which are cut and to the have ground the same during cultivation late autumn. needs. Plant All the the following bulbs in a are sunny easy spot to<br />

accommodate and have the same cultivation needs. Plant the bulbs in a sunny spot<br />

about accommodate 5cm. below and soil have level the in same well drained cultivation soil. needs. Plant the bulbs in a sunny spot<br />

about 5cm. below soil level in well drained soil.<br />

Crocus sieberi ssp. atticus 'Firefly'<br />

Crocus<br />

This Crocus sieberi<br />

beautiful sieberi ssp. atticus<br />

winter atticus 'Firefly'<br />

flowered 'Firefly' crocus<br />

This<br />

has This beautiful<br />

been beautiful winter<br />

happy winter flowered<br />

in the same flowered crocus<br />

spot crocus in the<br />

has<br />

dry has been<br />

garden been happy in<br />

for 15 in the<br />

years. the same spot<br />

During spot in<br />

winter in the it<br />

dry<br />

is dry garden<br />

in garden for<br />

full sun for 15<br />

but 15 years.<br />

from years. During<br />

mid-spring, During winter it<br />

when it<br />

is<br />

the is in full<br />

leaves full sun but<br />

dry but from<br />

off, from mid-spring,<br />

until mid-spring, when<br />

late autumn when it<br />

the<br />

rests the leaves dry off, until late autumn it<br />

in the dry shade off, until of a late drift autumn of Salvia it<br />

rests in the shade of a drift of Salvia<br />

nemorosa. rests in the The shade soft of lilac a drift flowers, of Salvia paler<br />

nemorosa. The soft lilac flowers, paler<br />

on nemorosa. the inside, The with soft a distinct lilac flowers, yellow paler base<br />

on the inside, with a distinct yellow base<br />

bloom on the for inside, us from with early a distinct July into yellow August. base<br />

bloom for us from early July into August.<br />

A bloom good for doer, us from early July into August.<br />

A good doer,<br />

3 for $7.00<br />

3 for $7.00<br />

10 3 for for $20.00 $7.00<br />

10 for $20.00<br />

Crocus sieberi f. tricolor<br />

Crocus sieberi<br />

A very sieberi f.<br />

handsome f. tricolor<br />

form which comes<br />

A<br />

from A very handsome<br />

two handsome form<br />

mountains form which<br />

in which comes<br />

the comes North<br />

from<br />

Peloponnese, from two mountains in<br />

Mt Chelmos in the<br />

and the North<br />

Mt North Ziria.<br />

Peloponnese,<br />

The Peloponnese, Mt<br />

flower a Mt Chelmos<br />

distinct Chelmos and<br />

white and Mt<br />

band Mt Ziria. that<br />

The<br />

separates The flower a<br />

the a distinct white<br />

yellow white band<br />

throat band that<br />

from that the<br />

separates the yellow throat from the<br />

purple separates petals. the Crocus yellow sieberi throat is from an easy the<br />

purple petals. Crocus sieberi is an easy<br />

species purple petals. to grow Crocus and sieberi we have is an some easy<br />

species to grow and we have some<br />

large species patches to grow of it in and the we dry garden. have some<br />

large patches of it in the dry garden. 5 for $10.00<br />

5 for $10.00<br />

25 5 for $45.00 $10.00<br />

25 for $45.00<br />


16<br />

Crocus chrysanthus<br />

The cultivars of this species are amongst the most beautiful of all Crocus. They<br />

Crocus<br />

produce<br />

chrysanthus<br />

several flowers from each bulb which helps to give them a long season.<br />

The<br />

Earlier Crocus cultivars<br />

flowering chrysanthus of this<br />

than<br />

species<br />

the Dutch<br />

are<br />

hybrids,<br />

amongst<br />

they<br />

the<br />

are<br />

most<br />

beautiful<br />

beautiful<br />

in form<br />

of all<br />

and<br />

Crocus.<br />

intense<br />

They<br />

in<br />

The produce<br />

colour. cultivars Best<br />

several<br />

kept of this flowers<br />

on the species dry<br />

from<br />

side are each<br />

during amongst bulb<br />

summer.<br />

which the most helps beautiful to give them of all a Crocus. long season. They<br />

produce Earlier flowering several flowers than the from Dutch each hybrids, bulb which they are helps beautiful to give in them form a and long intense season. in<br />

Earlier colour. Best flowering kept on than the the dry Dutch side during hybrids, summer. they are beautiful in form and intense in<br />

colour. Best kept on the dry side during summer.<br />

„Advance‟<br />

The flowers are buttercup-yellow on the<br />

„Advance‟<br />

inside and creamy white with a purple<br />

„Advance‟ The<br />

blush<br />

flowers<br />

on the<br />

are<br />

outside.<br />

buttercup-yellow<br />

3 for<br />

on<br />

$8.00<br />

the<br />

The inside flowers and creamy are buttercup-yellow white with<br />

10 for<br />

a<br />

$22.00 on purple the<br />

inside blush on and the creamy outside. white with 3 for a purple $8.00<br />

blush on the outside. 10 3 for $22.00 $8.00<br />

10 for $22.00<br />

'Blue Pearl'<br />

This is a swooningly beautiful crocus<br />

with<br />

'Blue<br />

pale<br />

Pearl'<br />

blue inner petals, a yellow<br />

'Blue This<br />

throat Pearl' is<br />

and<br />

a<br />

lavender<br />

swooningly<br />

blue<br />

beautiful<br />

outer petals.<br />

crocus<br />

with This pale is a blue swooningly 3 for<br />

inner<br />

$7.00<br />

petals, beautiful or10 for<br />

a<br />

$20.00 crocus yellow<br />

throat with pale and lavender blue inner blue petals, outer petals. a yellow<br />

throat and lavender 3 for $7.00 blue or10 outer for petals. $20.00<br />

3 for $7.00 or10 for $20.00<br />

„Blue Bird‟<br />

Pure white inside and white margined,<br />

„Blue<br />

violet-blue<br />

Bird‟<br />

on the outside. The deep<br />

yellow „Blue Pure Bird‟ white<br />

stamens<br />

inside<br />

add<br />

and<br />

to the<br />

white<br />

beauty.<br />

margined,<br />

New<br />

import. Pure violet-blue white on inside 3 for<br />

the<br />

$8.00 and outside. white or10 for<br />

The margined, $22.00<br />

deep<br />

yellow violet-blue stamens on the add outside. to the beauty. The deep New<br />

yellow import. stamens 3 for add $8.00 to the or10 beauty. for $22.00 New<br />

import. 3 for $8.00 or10 for $22.00<br />

'Cream Beauty'<br />

Rich cream flowers.<br />

'Cream Beauty'<br />

3 for $7.00 or10 for $20.00<br />

'Cream Rich cream Beauty' flowers.<br />

Rich cream flowers. 3 for $7.00 or10 for $20.00<br />

3 for $7.00 or10 for $20.00

Gypsy Girl<br />

Snow Bunting<br />

Prinz Claus<br />

Zwanenburg Bronze<br />

Crocus chrysanthus 'Gypsy Girl'<br />

An exceptionally good doer with bright yellow flowers and rich maroon feathering on<br />

the reverse. 3 for $7.00 or 10 for $20.00<br />

Crocus chrysanthus 'Prinz Claus'<br />

This has startling flowers, white interiors with purple black white edged exterior<br />

markings. 3 for $7.00 or 10 for $20.00<br />

Crocus chrysanthus 'Snow Bunting'<br />

This new import is one of E.A. Bowles selections and dates from before the first<br />

world war. “The ivory white petals have the faintest ice-blue feathering on the<br />

outside darkening at the very base, plus a dab of faded orange deep in the centre,<br />

together with its bright yellow-orange anthers.”<br />

3 for $8.00 or 10 for $22.00<br />

Crocus chrysanthus 'Zwanenburg Bronze'<br />

A fragrant yellow cultivar with bronze stippling on the outer side of the flower. New<br />

import.<br />

3 for $8.00 or 10 for $22.00<br />


18<br />

Crocus Crocus imperati image image<br />

Crocus imperati<br />

Crocus imperati<br />

Crocus I was given imperati this beautiful form of Crocus<br />

I imperati was given by this Otto beautiful Fauser form 30 odd of Crocus years<br />

imperati ago and by it‟s Otto been Fauser happy 30 odd here years at<br />

ago <strong>Lambley</strong> and for it‟s twenty been years. happy It‟s always here the at<br />

<strong>Lambley</strong> first of the for winter twenty flowering years. It‟s species always the to<br />

first flower of opening the winter in late flowering June. A species native of to<br />

flower Italy growing opening in wild late from June. Naples A native to of<br />

Italy Calabria growing from sea wild level from up Naples to 1000 to<br />

Calabria metres. It from could be sea a good level species up to to 1000 try<br />

metres. in warmer It could coastal be a good gardens. species When to try<br />

in closed warmer the flower coastal is buff gardens. coloured When with<br />

closed purple feathering the flower but is when buff coloured it opens it‟s with a<br />

purple<br />

glorious<br />

feathering<br />

bright lilac.<br />

but<br />

It<br />

when<br />

increases<br />

it opens<br />

well<br />

it‟s<br />

and<br />

a<br />

glorious<br />

should be<br />

bright<br />

in every<br />

lilac.<br />

garden.<br />

It increases well and<br />

should be in every garden.<br />

2 bulbs for $7.00<br />

2 bulbs for $7.00<br />

10 bulbs for $30.00<br />

10 bulbs for $30.00<br />

Crocus korolkowii<br />

Crocus korolkowii<br />

This<br />

This<br />

crocus<br />

crocus<br />

is<br />

is<br />

perhaps<br />

perhaps<br />

the<br />

the<br />

most<br />

most<br />

easterly<br />

easterly<br />

species,<br />

species,<br />

native<br />

native<br />

as<br />

as<br />

it<br />

it<br />

is<br />

is<br />

to<br />

to<br />

Afghanistan,<br />

Afghanistan,<br />

Northern<br />

Northern<br />

Pakistan,<br />

Pakistan,<br />

Tajikistan<br />

Tajikistan<br />

and<br />

and<br />

Uzbekistan. Bright yellow flowers with<br />

dark brown feathering on the outer side.<br />

It isn‟t difficult to grow but is happier<br />

planted in a drier site.<br />

3 for $8.00<br />

10 for $22.00

Crocus tommasinianus<br />

Crocus tommasinianus<br />

Crocus tommasinianus<br />

Winter would not be the same here without the flowers of this wonderful, easily<br />

grown Winter crocus. would not I grow be it the in the same dry here garden without under the salvias flowers and toad of this flax wonderful, which are easily cut to<br />

the grown ground crocus. in May. I grow This it in crocus the dry flowers garden in under July. salvias It self and sows toad in the flax garden which are and cut as to it<br />

flowers the ground in three in May. years This from crocus seed flowers it soon in makes July. It a self decent sows show in the especially garden and as as the it<br />

bulbs flowers increase in three freely years too. from Over seed the it years soon European makes a gardeners decent show have especially selected quite as the a<br />

few bulbs different increase forms, freely four too. of Over which the we years offer European here. All are gardeners beautiful. have selected quite a<br />

few different forms, four of which we offer here. All are beautiful.<br />

„Lilac Beauty‟<br />

„Lilac This has Beauty‟ starry pale lilac flowers.<br />

This has starry 6 pale for $8.00 lilac flowers. or 25 for $30.00<br />

6 for $8.00 or 25 for $30.00<br />

„Roseus‟<br />

The „Roseus‟ most nearly pink of all crocus<br />

“...almost The most the nearly colour pink of peach of all blossom” crocus<br />

also “...almost described the colour as “...cyclamen of peach rose blossom” with<br />

a also silver described sheen”. as “...cyclamen rose with<br />

a silver sheen”. 6 for $8.00 or 25 for $30.00<br />

6 for $8.00 or 25 for $30.00<br />

„Whitewell Purple‟<br />

Purplish „Whitewell mauve Purple‟ flowers.<br />

Purplish mauve 6 for flowers. $8.00 or 25 for $30.00<br />

6 for $8.00 or 25 for $30.00<br />

„Yalta‟<br />

A „Yalta‟ large flowered Janis Ruksans<br />

selection A large with flowered “silvery Janis shaded Ruksans outer<br />

petals selection and with beautifully “silvery contrasting shaded purple outer<br />

inner petals petals”. and beautifully contrasting purple<br />

inner petals”. 6 for $8.00 or 25 for $30.00<br />

6 for $8.00 or 25 for $30.00<br />


Pickwick<br />

20<br />

Giant Dutch Crocus Selections<br />

These varieties have giant flowers almost the size of tulips. They flower late winter<br />

and early spring and will cope with more summer watering than most other crocus<br />

although they grow happily in dry conditions. They all make good pot plants and can<br />

be brought inside when they start to flower.<br />

Crocus vernus 'Flower Record'<br />

Glossy violet flowers. 10 for $12.00 or 100 for $100.00<br />

Crocus vernus 'Joan of Arc'<br />

Pure white with contrasting yellow stamens. 10 for $12.00 or 100 for $100.00<br />

Crocus vernus 'Pickwick'<br />

Creamy white flowers with purple feathering. 10 for $12.00 or 100 for $100.00<br />

Crocus flava 'Yellow Mammoth'<br />

This Dutch selection has rich egg yellow goblets opening late July early August.<br />

10 for $12.00 or 100 for $100.00<br />

Flower Record<br />

Joan of Arc<br />

Yellow Mammoth

Dichelostemma ida-maia 'Pink Diamond'<br />

Pink Dichelostemma Firecracker ida-maia 'Pink Diamond'<br />

Dichelostemma Pink I know Firecracker of no other<br />

ida-maia<br />

bulb that<br />

'Pink<br />

blooms<br />

Diamond'<br />

as<br />

long<br />

Pink I know Firecracker<br />

as of this no does. other It bulb starts that to blooms flower as in<br />

early<br />

I long know as October<br />

of this no does. other<br />

and It bulb starts is<br />

that<br />

still to blooms flower looking<br />

as in<br />

respectable<br />

long early as October this<br />

during<br />

does. and It<br />

the<br />

starts is second still to flower<br />

week looking in<br />

in<br />

December.<br />

early respectable October during The<br />

and<br />

deep the is second pink,<br />

still week looking<br />

tubular in<br />

flowers,<br />

respectable December. with<br />

during The paler deep the<br />

recurved<br />

second pink, tips,<br />

week tubular are<br />

in<br />

carried<br />

December. flowers, in with heads<br />

The paler of<br />

deep recurved up to<br />

pink,<br />

twenty tips, tubular<br />

per are<br />

60cm<br />

flowers, carried tall in with<br />

stem. heads paler<br />

It of prefers<br />

recurved up to dry twenty tips,<br />

summer per are<br />

soils<br />

carried 60cm or tall in<br />

can stem. heads<br />

be It of prefers planted<br />

up to dry twenty<br />

under summer low<br />

per<br />

growing<br />

60cm soils or tall<br />

perennials. can stem. be It prefers planted dry under summer low<br />

soils growing or perennials. can be planted<br />

10<br />

under<br />

for $8.00<br />

low<br />

growing perennials.<br />

50 10 for for $35.00 $8.00<br />

50 10 for for $35.00 $8.00<br />

50 for $35.00<br />

Dracunculus vulgaris<br />

Dracunculus Dragon Arum vulgaris<br />

Dracunculus Dragon A plant Arum of hot<br />

vulgaris<br />

dry Mediterranean sites<br />

A Dragon<br />

making plant Arum of clumps hot dry of Mediterranean large dark green sites<br />

making arrow<br />

A plant<br />

shaped<br />

of clumps hot<br />

leaves<br />

dry of Mediterranean large during dark the winter green sites<br />

arrow from<br />

making<br />

which shaped clumps<br />

during leaves of<br />

late<br />

large during spring<br />

dark<br />

handsome the winter green<br />

from large<br />

arrow which purple-black<br />

shaped during leaves late evil<br />

during spring looking handsome the<br />

and<br />

winter<br />

evil<br />

large from<br />

smelling<br />

which purple-black flowers<br />

during<br />

are<br />

late evil produced.<br />

spring looking handsome and This evil is<br />

large smelling quite<br />

purple-black<br />

happy flowers in are a<br />

evil produced. dry<br />

looking<br />

spot<br />

and This under<br />

evil is<br />

quite deciduous<br />

smelling happy flowers<br />

trees in or<br />

are a any<br />

produced. dry other spot part<br />

This under of the<br />

is<br />

deciduous garden,<br />

quite happy<br />

sunny trees in<br />

or a any lightly<br />

dry other shaded,<br />

spot part under of that the<br />

garden, isn‟t<br />

deciduous<br />

watered sunny trees<br />

too or much<br />

any lightly during<br />

other shaded, summer.<br />

part of that the<br />

isn‟t garden, watered sunny too or much lightly during shaded,<br />

$7.00 summer. each<br />

that<br />

isn‟t watered too much during<br />

3 $7.00 summer.<br />

for $18.00 each<br />

3 $7.00 for $18.00 each<br />

3 for $18.00<br />

Fritillaria michailovskyi<br />

I Fritillaria remember michailovskyi when this rare and<br />

extraordinarily I Fritillaria remember michailovskyi<br />

beautiful when this Fritillaria rare was and<br />

rediscovered extraordinarily I remember<br />

(eighty beautiful when<br />

years<br />

this Fritillaria after<br />

rare<br />

it was<br />

and<br />

first rediscovered extraordinarily<br />

described), (eighty beautiful<br />

in North years Fritillaria<br />

East after Turkey it was<br />

and first rediscovered<br />

brought described), into<br />

(eighty in cultivation North years East after<br />

in the Turkey it was<br />

UK<br />

some and first brought described),<br />

three decade into in cultivation North<br />

ago. What<br />

East in a the Turkey<br />

stir UK it<br />

caused. some and brought three At <strong>Lambley</strong> decade into cultivation<br />

I ago. grow What it,<br />

in<br />

with a the stir other<br />

UK it<br />

Fritillarias, caused. some three At <strong>Lambley</strong> in<br />

decade<br />

a garden I ago. grow of<br />

What it, dry with a<br />

climate<br />

stir other it<br />

steppe Fritillarias, caused.<br />

and<br />

At <strong>Lambley</strong> in alpine a garden plants.<br />

I grow of It<br />

it,<br />

grows dry with climate about<br />

other<br />

15cm steppe Fritillarias,<br />

tall. and in<br />

“....two alpine a garden plants. thirds<br />

of It of grows dry<br />

the<br />

climate<br />

flower about<br />

nearest 15cm steppe tall. and<br />

the “....two stem<br />

alpine<br />

is<br />

plants.<br />

a thirds rich purple<br />

It of grows the maroon flower about<br />

and nearest 15cm<br />

the<br />

tall. the lower<br />

“....two stem third is is a thirds rich a vivid purple of<br />

contrasting<br />

the maroon flower<br />

gold.” and nearest the the lower stem third is is a rich a vivid purple<br />

$9.00 contrasting maroon<br />

each<br />

gold.” and the lower third is a vivid $9.00 contrasting each<br />

gold.” $9.00 each<br />


22<br />

Fritillaria uva-vulpis<br />

Fritillaria<br />

This species<br />

uva-vulpis<br />

has done well in the<br />

Fritillaria This<br />

garden.<br />

species uva-vulpis<br />

I planted<br />

has<br />

40<br />

done<br />

bulbs<br />

well<br />

two<br />

in<br />

years<br />

the<br />

This garden.<br />

ago and<br />

species I<br />

this<br />

planted<br />

past<br />

has<br />

spring<br />

40 done bulbs<br />

had<br />

well two<br />

close<br />

in years<br />

to<br />

the<br />

a<br />

garden. ago<br />

hundred<br />

and I this<br />

35cm<br />

planted past<br />

tall<br />

spring 40<br />

flower<br />

bulbs had<br />

stems<br />

two close years<br />

each<br />

to a<br />

ago hundred<br />

carrying<br />

and this<br />

at<br />

35cm<br />

least<br />

past tall<br />

two<br />

spring flower<br />

purple,<br />

had stems<br />

gold<br />

close<br />

tipped,<br />

each to a<br />

hundred carrying<br />

narrowly<br />

at 35cm<br />

tubular<br />

least tall two<br />

bells.<br />

flower purple,<br />

It does<br />

stems gold<br />

well<br />

tipped, each<br />

in<br />

carrying narrowly<br />

Europe<br />

at<br />

because<br />

tubular least two bells.<br />

it doesn't<br />

purple, It does gold<br />

mind<br />

tipped, well<br />

moist<br />

in<br />

narrowly Europe<br />

soils in summer<br />

because tubular<br />

but<br />

bells. it doesn't<br />

it also<br />

It does<br />

does<br />

mind well<br />

well<br />

moist in<br />

in<br />

Europe soils<br />

the dry<br />

in<br />

garden<br />

because summer<br />

here<br />

but it doesn't<br />

at<br />

it<br />

<strong>Lambley</strong>.<br />

also does mind well moist in<br />

soils the dry in garden summer here but at it also <strong>Lambley</strong>. does<br />

3 for<br />

well<br />

$12.00<br />

in<br />

the dry garden here at <strong>Lambley</strong>.<br />

10<br />

3 for<br />

for<br />

$12.00<br />

$36.00<br />

50<br />

10 3<br />

for<br />

for $150.00<br />

$12.00 $36.00<br />

50 10 for $150.00 $36.00<br />

50 for $150.00<br />

Iris „Katherine Hodgkin‟<br />

Iris<br />

When<br />

„Katherine<br />

I first saw<br />

Hodgkin‟<br />

this Iris flowering thirty<br />

Iris When<br />

years<br />

„Katherine I<br />

or<br />

first<br />

more<br />

saw Hodgkin‟<br />

ago<br />

this Iris<br />

in<br />

flowering<br />

Otto Fauser‟s<br />

thirty<br />

When years<br />

amazing<br />

I or first<br />

garden<br />

more saw this ago<br />

I was<br />

Iris in flowering Otto<br />

thrown<br />

Fauser‟s<br />

by<br />

thirty<br />

its<br />

years amazing<br />

strange,<br />

or<br />

slightly<br />

garden more<br />

off<br />

ago I<br />

colour<br />

was in Otto thrown<br />

tones,<br />

Fauser‟s<br />

creamy<br />

by its<br />

amazing strange,<br />

sea green<br />

slightly garden<br />

with<br />

off<br />

powder<br />

I colour was<br />

blue<br />

thrown tones,<br />

feathering<br />

creamy by its<br />

strange, sea<br />

and a<br />

green<br />

yellow<br />

slightly with<br />

throat.<br />

off powder colour<br />

„Katherine<br />

blue tones, feathering<br />

Hodgkin‟<br />

creamy<br />

sea and<br />

is a<br />

green a<br />

hybrid<br />

yellow with<br />

between<br />

throat. powder „Katherine<br />

I. winogradowii,<br />

blue feathering Hodgkin‟<br />

a<br />

and is<br />

superb<br />

a a hybrid yellow<br />

species<br />

between throat.<br />

of<br />

„Katherine<br />

Caucasian<br />

I. winogradowii, Hodgkin‟<br />

alpine<br />

a<br />

is superb<br />

meadows<br />

a hybrid species<br />

and<br />

between<br />

Iris<br />

of I. Caucasian<br />

histroides.<br />

winogradowii, alpine<br />

Easily<br />

a<br />

superb meadows<br />

grown in<br />

species<br />

sun<br />

and<br />

or<br />

Iris of<br />

light<br />

Caucasian histroides.<br />

shade and<br />

alpine Easily<br />

it<br />

meadows grown<br />

doesn‟t<br />

in<br />

require<br />

and sun<br />

a<br />

or Iris<br />

summer<br />

light histroides. shade<br />

baking.<br />

and Easily it<br />

grown doesn‟t in require sun a or summer light shade baking.<br />

$8.00<br />

and<br />

each<br />

it<br />

doesn‟t require a summer baking.<br />

3<br />

$8.00<br />

for $21.00<br />

each<br />

3 $8.00 for $21.00 each<br />

Leucojum aestivum'Gravetye 3 for Giant' $21.00<br />

Leucojum<br />

Giant Snowflake<br />

aestivum'Gravetye Giant'<br />

Leucojum Giant<br />

The flowers<br />

Snowflake aestivum'Gravetye<br />

of this Snowflake<br />

Giant'<br />

are much<br />

Giant The<br />

bigger<br />

flowers Snowflake<br />

than<br />

of<br />

the<br />

this<br />

type<br />

Snowflake<br />

which to<br />

are<br />

my<br />

much<br />

mind<br />

The bigger<br />

has<br />

flowers<br />

flowers<br />

than of<br />

too<br />

the this<br />

small<br />

type Snowflake which<br />

for the<br />

to<br />

amount<br />

are my much mind<br />

of<br />

bigger has<br />

foliage.<br />

flowers than<br />

Just<br />

the too<br />

as<br />

type small<br />

easy<br />

which for<br />

to<br />

the<br />

grow<br />

to amount my<br />

as<br />

mind<br />

the<br />

of<br />

has foliage.<br />

more<br />

flowers<br />

usually<br />

Just too<br />

seen<br />

as small easy<br />

Snowflake<br />

for to the grow amount<br />

it is<br />

as<br />

happy<br />

the of<br />

foliage. more<br />

in sun<br />

usually<br />

or<br />

Just<br />

under<br />

seen as<br />

the<br />

easy Snowflake<br />

shade<br />

to grow<br />

of<br />

it<br />

deciduous<br />

is as happy the<br />

more in<br />

trees<br />

sun usually<br />

and<br />

or under<br />

will<br />

seen<br />

soon<br />

the Snowflake<br />

make<br />

shade<br />

clumps<br />

of it deciduous is<br />

of<br />

happy<br />

dark<br />

in trees<br />

green<br />

sun and<br />

leaves.<br />

or under will soon<br />

In<br />

the<br />

early<br />

make shade<br />

spring<br />

clumps of<br />

lovely<br />

deciduous of<br />

large<br />

dark<br />

trees green<br />

hanging<br />

and leaves.<br />

white<br />

will soon In<br />

bells<br />

early make<br />

are<br />

spring<br />

held<br />

clumps lovely<br />

clear<br />

of<br />

of<br />

large dark<br />

the<br />

green hanging<br />

leaves.<br />

leaves.<br />

The<br />

white<br />

flowers<br />

In bells early are<br />

may<br />

spring held<br />

not<br />

lovely clear<br />

make<br />

of large the<br />

full<br />

hanging leaves.<br />

size the<br />

The white<br />

first<br />

flowers<br />

year<br />

bells<br />

after<br />

are may held<br />

planting.<br />

not clear make<br />

35cm<br />

of the full<br />

x<br />

leaves. size<br />

30cm.<br />

the The first flowers year after may<br />

3<br />

planting.<br />

bulbs<br />

not<br />

for<br />

make 35cm<br />

$12.00<br />

full x<br />

size 30cm. the first year after<br />

10<br />

3 planting. bulbs<br />

bulbs<br />

for<br />

for<br />

35cm $12.00<br />

$30.00<br />

x<br />

30cm. 10 3 bulbs for $12.00 $30.00<br />

10 bulbs for $30.00

Iris reticulata<br />

Iris reticulata<br />

Iris reticulata<br />

Iris reticulata<br />

There can scarcely be a more beautiful winter flower than these iris which came<br />

There can scarcely be a more beautiful winter flower than these iris which came<br />

originally There can from scarcely the wilds be a of more Turkey, beautiful Iran, Iraq winter and flower the Caucasus. than these Given iris which well drained came<br />

originally from the wilds of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and the Caucasus. Given well drained<br />

soil, originally not too from acid, the (I wilds add lots of Turkey, of lime Iran, to the Iraq soil and before the planting Caucasus. these Given bulbs) well in drained a spot<br />

soil, not too acid, (I add lots of lime to the soil before planting these bulbs) in a spot<br />

that soil, dries not too out acid, in the (I add summer lots of and lime catches to the any soil winter before sun planting these these heavenly bulbs) flowers in a spot will<br />

that dries out in the summer and catches any winter sun these heavenly flowers will<br />

do well. About 15 cm tall in flower and spacing of 10cm would suit.<br />

do<br />

that<br />

well.<br />

dries<br />

About<br />

out in<br />

15<br />

the<br />

cm<br />

summer<br />

tall in flower<br />

and catches<br />

and spacing<br />

any winter<br />

of 10cm<br />

sun<br />

would<br />

these<br />

suit.<br />

heavenly flowers will<br />

do well. About 15 cm tall in flower and spacing of 10cm would suit.<br />

'Alida'<br />

'Alida'<br />

Light 'Alida' blue flowers with soft yellow<br />

Light blue flowers with soft yellow<br />

markings. Light blue 3 flowers for $9.00 with or 10 soft for $25.00 yellow<br />

markings. 3 for $9.00 or 10 for $25.00<br />

markings. 3 for $9.00 or 10 for $25.00<br />

'JS Dijt'<br />

'JS Dijt'<br />

Reddish 'JS Dijt' purple flowers with yellow<br />

Reddish purple flowers with yellow<br />

markings Reddish on purple the falls. flowers A beautiful with yellow little<br />

markings on the falls. A beautiful little<br />

Iris. markings on 3 the for falls. $9.00 A or beautiful 10 for $25.00 little<br />

Iris. 3 for $9.00 or 10 for $25.00<br />

Iris. 3 for $9.00 or 10 for $25.00<br />

'Harmony'<br />

'Harmony'<br />

'Harmony' Rich blue flowers with prominent yellow<br />

Rich blue flowers with prominent yellow<br />

markings. Rich blue flowers One of with the easiest prominent and yellow most<br />

markings. One of the easiest and most<br />

beautiful. markings. One 5 for of $8.00 the easiest or 25 for and $35.00 most<br />

beautiful. 5 for $8.00 or 25 for $35.00<br />

beautiful. 5 for $8.00 or 25 for $35.00<br />

'Purple Gem'<br />

'Purple Gem'<br />

'Purple "Deep Gem' plum-purple flowers with lighter<br />

"Deep plum-purple flowers with lighter<br />

veining”. "Deep plum-purple Slim and refined flowers in outline. with lighter<br />

veining”. Slim and refined in outline.<br />

veining”. Slim 3 and for refined $9.00 or in 10 outline. for $25.00<br />

3 for $9.00 or 10 for $25.00<br />

3 for $9.00 or 10 for $25.00<br />


24<br />

Ixia „Blue Bird‟<br />

Ixia A few „Blue years Bird‟ ago <strong>Lambley</strong> imported a<br />

Ixia A selection few „Blue years Bird‟ of cut ago flower <strong>Lambley</strong> varieties imported of Ixia a<br />

A selection from few Dutch years of bulb cut ago growers flower <strong>Lambley</strong> varieties including imported of „Blue Ixia a<br />

selection from Bird‟. Dutch They of bulb are cut all flower growers free varieties flowering including of bulbs „Blue Ixia<br />

from Bird‟. producing Dutch They 50cm bulb are all growers tall free wiry flowering including stems covered bulbs „Blue<br />

Bird‟. producing with blooms. They 50cm are Ixia all tall „Blue free wiry Bird‟ flowering stems is not covered bulbs white<br />

producing with at all blooms. but 50cm deep Ixia tall „Blue pink wiry Bird‟ fading stems is not to covered blush white<br />

with at towards all blooms. but the deep centre Ixia „Blue pink of the Bird‟ fading petal is not to and white blush with<br />

at towards a maroon all but the eye. deep centre pink of the fading petal to and blush with<br />

towards a maroon the eye. centre of the petal 5 and for $9.00 with<br />

a maroon eye.<br />

25 5 for for $40.00 $9.00<br />

25 5 for for $40.00 $9.00<br />

25 for $40.00<br />

Ixia dubia<br />

Ixia This dubia species from the South Western<br />

Ixia This Cape dubia species of South from Africa the is one South of the Western most<br />

This Cape beautiful species of South of all from Africa Corn the is Lilies. one South of Pink the Western most and<br />

Cape beautiful lemon of in South of bud, all Africa Ixia Corn is dubia Lilies. one of opens Pink the most and soft<br />

beautiful lemon yellow in with of bud, all a Corn Ixia crimson-black dubia Lilies. opens Pink centre. and soft<br />

lemon yellow Each wiry in with stem bud, a carries Ixia crimson-black dubia up to opens ten flowers. centre. soft<br />

yellow Each It is in wiry bloom with stem for a carries about crimson-black a up month to ten from flowers. centre. mid<br />

Each It October is in wiry bloom here stem for at carries <strong>Lambley</strong>. about a up month 35cm to ten from x flowers. 20cm. mid<br />

It October is in bloom here for at <strong>Lambley</strong>. about a month 35cm from x 20cm. mid<br />

October here at <strong>Lambley</strong>. 35cm 5 or x 20cm. $10.00<br />

50 5 for or $10.00 $90.00<br />

50 5 for or $10.00 $90.00<br />

50 for $90.00<br />

Ixia „Mabel‟<br />

Ixia Another „Mabel‟ new import from Holland, Ixia<br />

Ixia Another „Mabel‟ „Mabel‟ has new deep import purple-pink from Holland, flowers Ixia<br />

Another „Mabel‟ with a darker has new deep import eye. Like purple-pink from „Blue Holland, Bird‟, flowers Ixia this<br />

„Mabel‟ with plant a is darker has happy deep eye. in Like any purple-pink sunny „Blue Bird‟, position, flowers this<br />

with plant drier a rather is darker happy than eye. in wetter, Like any „Blue sunny and will Bird‟, position, flower this<br />

plant drier for several rather is happy than weeks in wetter, any from sunny and the will position, end flower of<br />

drier for October. several rather than weeks wetter, from and the will end flower of<br />

for October. several weeks from the 5 for end $9.00 of<br />

October.<br />

25 5 for for $40.00 $9.00<br />

25 5 for for $40.00 $9.00<br />

25 for $40.00

Ixia maculata<br />

Orange Ixia maculata Corn Lily<br />

A Orange Ixia<br />

dozen<br />

maculata Corn or Lily so black-eyed orange<br />

A Orange<br />

flowers dozen are<br />

Corn or produced<br />

Lily so black-eyed on each 40 orange cm tall<br />

A flowers wiry<br />

dozen<br />

stem are during<br />

or produced so<br />

spring.<br />

black-eyed on Ixia each maculata 40 orange cm tall is<br />

flowers wiry called stem Corn<br />

are during produced<br />

Lily because spring. on Ixia each<br />

its flower maculata 40 cm<br />

buds<br />

tall is<br />

wiry called resemble<br />

stem Corn during<br />

heads Lily because spring.<br />

of wheat.<br />

Ixia its Corn flower maculata<br />

is buds the<br />

is<br />

called resemble name wheat<br />

Corn heads Lily<br />

is known<br />

because of wheat. by in<br />

its<br />

Britain. Corn flower is buds the<br />

resemble name wheat heads is known of wheat. by in Britain. Corn is the<br />

name wheat is known by in Britain.<br />

5 for $10.00<br />

50 5 for $90.00 $10.00<br />

50 5 for $90.00 $10.00<br />

50 for $90.00<br />

Ixia paniculata<br />

Ixia One paniculata of my favourite South African bulbs,<br />

Ixia<br />

Ixia One paniculata<br />

paniculata of my favourite grows South about African 40cm bulbs, tall<br />

Ixia here<br />

One paniculata of<br />

at<br />

my<br />

<strong>Lambley</strong><br />

favourite grows but<br />

South<br />

can about African<br />

grow 40cm taller<br />

bulbs, tall in<br />

here more<br />

Ixia paniculata at benign <strong>Lambley</strong> climates.<br />

grows but can Its<br />

about<br />

wiry grow branching<br />

40cm taller tall in<br />

more stem<br />

here at benign carries<br />

<strong>Lambley</strong> climates. up to<br />

but<br />

20<br />

can Its cream, wiry grow branching crimson<br />

taller in<br />

stem flushed<br />

more benign carries flowers.<br />

climates. up The to 20 flowers<br />

Its cream, wiry<br />

have<br />

branching crimson a very<br />

flushed long<br />

stem<br />

perianth<br />

carries flowers. up<br />

tube The to<br />

and,<br />

20 flowers cream,<br />

in South have crimson<br />

Africa, a very<br />

long are<br />

flushed<br />

pollinated perianth flowers. tube by<br />

The<br />

two and, flowers<br />

species in South have<br />

of Africa, a<br />

long<br />

very<br />

are tongued<br />

long pollinated perianth<br />

flies.<br />

tube<br />

It's by easily two and, species in<br />

grown<br />

South<br />

as of Africa,<br />

long<br />

tongued as<br />

are<br />

it<br />

pollinated<br />

isn't flies. cramped It's by easily two<br />

during<br />

species grown the growing as of long<br />

as season.<br />

tongued it isn't 40cm<br />

flies. cramped x<br />

It's<br />

10cm.<br />

easily during grown the growing as long<br />

season. as it isn't 40cm cramped x 10cm. during the growing<br />

season. 40cm x 10cm.<br />

3 for $10.00<br />

3 for $10.00<br />

3 for $10.00<br />

Ixia viridiflora<br />

Ixia Duck viridiflora Egg Blue Corn Lily<br />

Ixia<br />

A Duck tall<br />

viridiflora Egg growing Blue Ixia Corn with Lily up to twenty blue<br />

-green A Duck tall Egg growing black<br />

Blue<br />

eyed Ixia Corn with flowers<br />

Lily up to per twenty 90cm blue tall<br />

stem.<br />

A -green tall growing<br />

Wants black eyed a<br />

Ixia<br />

sunny<br />

with flowers up<br />

spot<br />

to per and<br />

twenty 90cm is<br />

blue<br />

best tall<br />

when<br />

-green stem. it Wants black<br />

gets good<br />

eyed a sunny spring<br />

flowers spot rain.<br />

per and 90cm<br />

It prefers is best tall<br />

stem.<br />

it when dry in it Wants<br />

summer. gets good a sunny<br />

Plant spring up<br />

spot<br />

to rain. 30cm<br />

and It prefers is<br />

apart.<br />

best<br />

when it dry in it summer. gets good Plant spring up to rain. 30cm It prefers apart.<br />

it dry in summer. Plant up to 30cm<br />

3 for<br />

apart.<br />

$9.00<br />

10 3 for for $25.00 $9.00<br />

10 3 for for $25.00<br />

$9.00<br />

10 for $25.00<br />


26<br />

Gladiolus cardinalis hybrid<br />

Gladiolus This must cardinalis have been hybrid given a clonal<br />

Gladiolus This name must at some cardinalis have time been hybrid in the given past a as clonal it has<br />

This name been must grown at some have for time aeons been in the both given past in a Australia as clonal it has<br />

name been and overseas. grown at some for One time aeons of in the both most past in as Australia beautiful it has<br />

been and of the overseas. grown spring for One flowering aeons of the both Gladiolus most in Australia beautiful with<br />

and of large the overseas. crimson-red spring One flowering flowers of the Gladiolus most backed beautiful silver- with<br />

of large gilt the and crimson-red spring three broad, flowering flowers cream Gladiolus backed slashes silver- with on<br />

large gilt the and lower crimson-red three petals. broad, flowers Easily cream backed grown slashes in silver- any on<br />

gilt the sunny and lower spot three petals. both broad, Easily dry cream and grown slashes moist in and any on<br />

the sunny generally lower spot petals. escapes both Easily dry thrip and grown damage. moist in any and It<br />

sunny generally grows 50cm spot escapes both tall and dry thrip should and damage. moist be planted and It<br />

generally grows 10 to 15cm 50cm escapes apart. tall and thrip should damage. 3 be for planted 10.00 It<br />

grows 10 to 15cm 50cm apart. tall and should 10 be 3 for planted $30.00 10.00<br />

10 to 15cm apart. 10 3 for for $30.00 10.00<br />

Gladiolus communis byzantinus 10 for $30.00<br />

Gladiolus One of the communis showiest byzantinus plants in the dry<br />

Gladiolus One garden of during the communis showiest its mid-spring byzantinus plants in flowering the dry<br />

One garden season of the during when showiest its 80cm mid-spring plants tall, sword in flowering the dry like<br />

garden season stems carry during when large, its 80cm mid-spring intense tall, sword purple-red flowering like<br />

season stems flowers. carry I when have large, it 80cm planted intense tall, in several sword purple-red drifts like<br />

stems flowers. mostly carry with I have Salvia large, it planted nemorosa intense in several purple-red cultivars drifts<br />

flowers. mostly and also with I have grow Salvia it it planted in nemorosa the in cottage several cultivars garden drifts<br />

mostly and where also with it grow is Salvia regularly it in nemorosa the watered cottage cultivars garden during<br />

and where summer. also it grow The is regularly gladiolus it in the watered cottage makes garden its during leaf<br />

where summer. growth it during The is regularly gladiolus winter when watered makes the Salvias its during leaf<br />

summer. growth are dormant. during The 80cm gladiolus winter x 30cm. when makes the its Salvias leaf<br />

growth are dormant. during 80cm winter x 30cm. when 3 the for Salvias $12.00<br />

are dormant. 80cm x 30cm. 3 for $12.00<br />

Gladiolus tristis<br />

3 for $12.00<br />

Gladiolus We grow tristis this beautiful easy wildling<br />

Gladiolus We through grow a tristis this carpet beautiful of Origanum easy wildling and<br />

We through Centaurea grow a this in carpet our beautiful dry of climate Origanum easy garden. wildling and Its<br />

through Centaurea dark green a in carpet our reed dry of climate like Origanum leaves garden. and are Its<br />

Centaurea dark produced green in in our winter. reed dry climate During like leaves garden. spring thin are Its<br />

dark produced stiffly upright green in winter. flower reed During like stems leaves carry spring three are thin<br />

produced stiffly large flowers, upright in winter. flower soft creamy During stems carry lemon spring three thin with<br />

stiffly large intricate upright flowers, brown flower soft pencilling. creamy stems They carry lemon flower three with in<br />

large intricate succession flowers, brown for soft a pencilling. fair creamy while. They The lemon delicious flower with in<br />

intricate succession honey fragrance brown for a pencilling. fair hangs while. on They the The air delicious flower on still in<br />

succession honey evenings fragrance no for doubt a fair hangs to while. attract on The the pollinating air delicious on still<br />

honey evenings moths. fragrance Happy no doubt in hangs any to sunny attract on the spot pollinating air on wet still or<br />

evenings moths. dry. 60cm Happy no x 20cm. doubt in any to sunny attract spot 5 pollinating for wet $6.00 or<br />

moths. dry. 60cm Happy x 20cm. in any sunny spot 5 for wet $6.00 or<br />

dry. 60cm x 20cm. 5 for $6.00

Muscari botryoides 'Alba'<br />

Mascari armeniacum ‘Cantab’<br />

Muscari armeniacum 'Cantab'<br />

Muscari botryoides ‘Alba’<br />

Muscari aucheri 'Mt Hood'<br />

Muscari aucheri ‘Mt Hood’<br />

Muscari comosum 'Plumosum'<br />

Muscari comosum ‘Plumosum’<br />

Muscari armeniacum 'Cantab'<br />

A light blue form of Grape Hyacinth with all the virtues. Good for naturalising under<br />

deciduous trees and shrubs. 10 for $9.00 or 50 for $40.00<br />

Muscari aucheri 'Mt Hood'<br />

This grape hyacinth has blue fertile flowers at the base of the spike topped by white<br />

sterile flowers on the apex. Easily grown but grows and looks better in the shade of<br />

deciduous shrubs and trees where it will naturalise.<br />

10 for $8.00 or 50 for $35.00<br />

Muscari botryoides 'Alba'<br />

An attractive white flowered grape hyacinth, some 15cm tall, found growing wild in<br />

Italy and France. 5 for $8.00 or 25 for $35.00<br />

Muscari comosum 'Plumosum'<br />

Feather Grape Hyacinth<br />

Instead of the flowers being bell shaped as in all the other Grape Hyacinths the<br />

flowers have morphed into a plume of lilac-blue threads. As easily grown as the rest<br />

of its race and happy in sun or light shade. 10 for $7.00 50 bulbs for $30.00<br />


28<br />

Narcissus 'Beryl'<br />

Narcissus I was given 'Beryl' a pot of this, my favourite<br />

Narcissus I daffodil, was given 'Beryl'<br />

about a pot 35 of years this, ago my and favourite it is<br />

I daffodil, was given<br />

such a good about a pot<br />

doer 35 of years this,<br />

that we ago my<br />

now and favourite<br />

have it is<br />

daffodil, such many a thousands good about doer 35 years<br />

of them that we ago<br />

planted now and<br />

in have it is<br />

the<br />

such many a<br />

garden. thousands good doer<br />

Bred a century of them that we<br />

ago planted now<br />

each in have<br />

bulb the<br />

many garden. thousands<br />

has up Bred to three a century of them<br />

flower ago planted<br />

stems each in<br />

which bulb the<br />

garden. has bloom up Bred<br />

in to sequence three a century flower ago<br />

so that stems each<br />

the flowering which bulb<br />

has bloom up<br />

period in to<br />

is sequence three flower<br />

a good 6 so weeks. that stems the The flowering which<br />

neat<br />

bloom period in<br />

foliage is sequence<br />

doesn't a good so<br />

make 6 a weeks. that the<br />

mess The flowering<br />

as it neat dies<br />

period foliage is<br />

off. It flowers doesn't a good<br />

in make 6 weeks.<br />

late a winter mess The<br />

and as it neat<br />

early dies<br />

foliage off. spring It flowers doesn't<br />

and is equally in make late a<br />

happy winter mess<br />

naturalised and as it early dies<br />

off. spring It flowers<br />

under large and is trees equally in late<br />

as under happy winter<br />

shrubs naturalised and early<br />

in the<br />

spring under border. large and is<br />

30cm trees equally<br />

x 30cm. as under happy shrubs naturalised<br />

3 for in $9.00 the<br />

under border. large 30cm trees x 30cm. as under shrubs<br />

10 3 for for in<br />

$25.00 $9.00 the<br />

border. 30cm x 30cm. 10 3 for for $25.00 $9.00<br />

10 for $25.00<br />

Narcissus 'Hawera'<br />

Narcissus „Hawera‟ is 'Hawera' a New Zealand raised hybrid<br />

Narcissus „Hawera‟ with Narcissus is 'Hawera' a New triandrus, Zealand raised that hybrid most<br />

„Hawera‟ with exquisite Narcissus is a New<br />

of all wild triandrus, Zealand raised<br />

daffodils, that hybrid<br />

as one most of<br />

with exquisite Narcissus<br />

its parents. of all N. wild triandrus,<br />

„Hawera‟ daffodils, that<br />

has increased as one most of<br />

exquisite its well parents. of all<br />

in our dry N. wild<br />

garden „Hawera‟ daffodils,<br />

where has as<br />

we increased one of<br />

have it<br />

its well parents.<br />

drifting in our between dry N. garden „Hawera‟<br />

clumps where has we increased<br />

of have the it<br />

well drifting in our<br />

herbaceous between dry garden<br />

Agapanthus clumps where we<br />

„Isis‟. of have<br />

The the it<br />

drifting herbaceous between<br />

nodding flowers, Agapanthus clumps<br />

warm butter „Isis‟. of<br />

lemon The the<br />

herbaceous nodding aging to creamy flowers, Agapanthus<br />

butter, warm bloom butter „Isis‟.<br />

for lemon The<br />

about<br />

nodding aging a month to during creamy flowers,<br />

early butter, warm<br />

spring. bloom butter<br />

Sun for lemon<br />

or about light<br />

aging a shade. month to creamy<br />

20cm during x 20cm. early butter, spring. bloom Sun for or about light<br />

a shade. month 20cm during x 20cm. early spring. Sun or light<br />

2 for $8.00<br />

shade. 20cm x 20cm.<br />

10 2 for for $35.00 $8.00<br />

10 2 for for $35.00 $8.00<br />

10 for $35.00<br />

Narcissus henriquisii<br />

Narcissus One of the henriquisii finest wild daffodils which is<br />

Narcissus One quite of late the henriquisii<br />

to finest flower wild but daffodils blooms which for is a<br />

One quite of<br />

good six late the<br />

weeks. to finest flower wild<br />

A patch but daffodils<br />

of blooms which<br />

this wildling for is a<br />

quite good will fill six late<br />

the weeks. to flower<br />

spring A air patch but<br />

with of blooms<br />

sweet, this wildling for a<br />

spicy<br />

good will fragrance. fill six the weeks. spring A<br />

It has happily air patch with of<br />

grown sweet, this wildling<br />

here spicy in<br />

will fragrance. fill the spring<br />

rough grass It has for twenty happily air with<br />

years grown sweet,<br />

but here spicy<br />

I‟ve in<br />

fragrance. rough recently grass It has<br />

moved for it twenty happily<br />

to a more years grown<br />

benign but here<br />

spot I‟ve in<br />

rough recently grass<br />

in the garden. moved for it twenty<br />

The to a upright more years benign but<br />

leaves spot I‟ve<br />

are<br />

recently in dark the green, garden. moved it<br />

round The to a<br />

and upright more benign<br />

rush-like. leaves spot<br />

The are 4<br />

in dark the<br />

or 5 flowers green, garden. round The<br />

are held and upright<br />

on rush-like. leaves<br />

each 30cm The are<br />

tall 4<br />

dark or stem. 5 flowers green, round<br />

One of are the held and<br />

joys on rush-like. each of the 30cm The<br />

daffodil tall 4<br />

or stem. 5 flowers<br />

world. One of are the held joys on each of the 30cm<br />

5 for daffodil tall<br />

$9.00<br />

stem. world. One of the joys of the<br />

25 5 for for daffodil<br />

$40.00 $9.00<br />

world. 25 5 for for $40.00 $9.00<br />

25 for $40.00

Narcissus papyraceus<br />

A Narcissus white papyraceus tazetta daffodil with a<br />

widespread Narcissus A white papyraceus tazetta distribution daffodil from Portugal with to a<br />

Greece A widespread white in southern tazetta distribution Europe daffodil from and Portugal with Algeria to a<br />

and widespread Greece Morocco in southern distribution in North Europe Africa. from and Portugal Our Algeria bulbs to<br />

were Greece and Morocco raised in southern from in North wild Europe Africa. collected and Our Algeria Italian bulbs<br />

seed and were Morocco some raised twenty from in North wild or Africa. more collected years Our Italian bulbs ago.<br />

Best were seed some raised described twenty from as wild or a more collected refined years Italian winter ago.<br />

flowering seed Best some described 'Paper twenty White' as or a more it has refined years a delicious winter ago.<br />

spicy Best flowering fragrance described 'Paper White' and as a it dozen has refined a delicious or winter more<br />

pure flowering spicy white fragrance 'Paper flowers White' and on a it 35cm dozen has a tall delicious or stem. more I<br />

grow spicy pure white it fragrance in a flowers dry part and on of a the 35cm dozen garden tall or stem. where more I<br />

it pure grow increases white it in a flowers dry well. part on of a the 35cm garden 3 tall for stem. where $9.00 I<br />

grow it increases it in a dry well. part of the garden 10 3 for for $25.00 where $9.00<br />

it increases well. 10 3 for for $25.00<br />

$9.00<br />

10 for $25.00<br />

Narcissus 'Spoirot'<br />

Spoirot Narcissus Hoop 'Spoirot' Petticoat Daffodil<br />

Spoirot This Narcissus is the Hoop 'Spoirot' best Petticoat of the dozen Daffodil or so Hoop<br />

Spoirot This Petticoat is the Hoop Daffodils best Petticoat of the that dozen Daffodil I grow or so in Hoop the<br />

Petticoat garden. This is the Flowering Daffodils best of the that for dozen I a grow or good so in Hoop two the<br />

garden. months Petticoat during Flowering Daffodils winter that for on I a exceptionally<br />

grow good in two the<br />

months tall garden. strong during Flowering stems winter it has for on large a exceptionally good beautifully two<br />

tall shaped months strong during soft stems creamy winter it has lemon on large exceptionally beautifully flowers. I<br />

shaped think tall strong it is soft one stems creamy of it my has favourite lemon large beautifully flowers. bulbs. It I<br />

think soon shaped builds it is soft one up creamy of large my numbers. favourite lemon flowers. I bulbs. started It I<br />

soon with think three builds it is one bulbs up of large ten my years numbers. favourite ago and I bulbs. started now It<br />

with have soon three many builds bulbs thousands. up large ten years numbers. ago 5 for and I started $8.00 now<br />

have with three many bulbs thousands. ten years 50 ago 5 for and $70.00 $8.00 now<br />

have many thousands. 50 5 for for $70.00 $8.00<br />

50 for $70.00<br />

Narcissus 'Xit'<br />

Narcissus This little daffodil 'Xit' has flourished in the<br />

Narcissus toughest This little conditions daffodil 'Xit' has in a flourished rough paddock in the<br />

This for toughest the little last conditions daffodil 15 years. has in a flourished Increasing rough paddock in quite the<br />

toughest quickly for the it last soon conditions 15 makes years. in good a Increasing rough multi-bulbed paddock quite<br />

for quickly clumps the it last of soon small 15 makes years. narrow good Increasing grassy multi-bulbed leaves quite<br />

quickly with clumps 12cm it of soon small tall makes stems narrow good each grassy multi-bulbed carrying leaves a<br />

clumps beautifully with 12cm of formed small tall stems narrow pure each white grassy carrying flower. leaves My a<br />

with grandchildren beautifully 12cm formed tall stems think pure each they white carrying flower. are fairy My a<br />

beautifully flowers. grandchildren Happy formed think planted pure they white in flower. dry are spots fairy My<br />

grandchildren under flowers. deciduous Happy think planted trees they or in in dry are full spots fairy sun.<br />

flowers. They under can deciduous Happy be left planted undisturbed trees or in in dry for full many spots sun.<br />

under years. They can 12cm deciduous be x left 15cm. undisturbed trees or in 3 for full $9.00 many sun.<br />

They years. can 12cm be x left 15cm. undisturbed 10 3 for for for $25.00 $9.00 many<br />

years. 12cm x 15cm. 10 3 for for $25.00 $9.00<br />

10 for $25.00<br />


30<br />

Ornothigalum nutans<br />

Ornothigalum Easily grown nutans bulb for planting under<br />

Ornothigalum Easily deciduous grown trees nutans bulb and for planting shrubs or under in<br />

Easily deciduous rougher grown parts trees of bulb the and for garden. planting shrubs I grow under or it in<br />

deciduous rougher rough grass parts trees which of the gets and garden. mown shrubs I first grow or about it in in<br />

rougher rough Christmas grass parts time. which of the In gets garden. flower mown I it‟s first grow about<br />

it in<br />

rough Christmas 30cm grass tall and time. which it should gets In flower be mown planted first it‟s about<br />

Christmas 30cm 40cm tall apart and time. to it allow should In space flower be planted for it‟s the about<br />

bulb<br />

30cm 40cm increase. tall apart and A good to it allow should one space for be naturalising. planted for the about bulb<br />

40cm increase. apart A good to allow one space for naturalising. for 10 for the $8.00 bulb<br />

increase. A good one for naturalising. 100 10 for for $50.00 $8.00<br />

100 10 for for $50.00 $8.00<br />

100 for $50.00<br />

Scilla hispanica<br />

Scilla Spanish hispanica Bluebell<br />

Scilla Spanish We have hispanica Bluebell good clean stocks of this, the<br />

Spanish We easiest have of Bluebell good the bluebells clean stocks to grow of this, in our the<br />

We easiest conditions. have of good the Happy bluebells clean in stocks large to grow drifts of this, in under the our<br />

easiest conditions. old elm of trees the Happy bluebells as well in large as to growing grow drifts in under with our<br />

conditions. old Queen elm of trees the Happy Night as well in tulips large as in growing drifts our cottage under with<br />

old Queen garden elm of where trees the Night as it well is tulips shaded as in growing our by cottage Salvia with<br />

Queen garden azurea of during where the Night summer. it is tulips shaded Not in particular our by cottage Salvia as<br />

garden azurea to soil during one where bulb summer. it is will shaded soon Not particular build by Salvia up as to<br />

azurea to sizable soil during one clumps bulb summer. so will better soon Not to particular build give up them as to<br />

to sizable some soil one space. clumps bulb We so will better find soon the to build give distance up them to<br />

sizable some between space. clumps clumps We so should better find to the be give 45cm distance them or<br />

some between more. It space. grows clumps 30 We cm should find tall. the be 10 for 45cm distance $5.00 or<br />

between more. It grows clumps 30 cm should tall. 100 be 10 for 45cm for $40.00 $5.00 or<br />

more. It grows 30 cm tall. 100 10 for for $40.00 $5.00<br />

Scilla hispanica „Miss World‟ 100 for $40.00<br />

Scilla The most hispanica beautiful „Miss World‟ of all the pink<br />

Scilla The Spanish hispanica most Bluebells beautiful „Miss which World‟ of all blooms the pink on<br />

The Spanish such most tall strong Bluebells beautiful stems which of that all it blooms makes the pink on an<br />

Spanish such excellent tall strong Bluebells cut flower. stems which The that finely it blooms makes shaped on an<br />

such excellent amethyst-pink tall strong cut flower. bells stems are The that carried finely it makes on shaped 40cm an<br />

excellent amethyst-pink tall stems. cut It flower. increases bells are The carried well finely and on shaped 40cm looks<br />

amethyst-pink tall and stems. grows It best increases bells under are carried deciduous well and on 40cm looks trees<br />

tall and stems. grows shrubs. It best A increases new under import deciduous well which and looks trees has<br />

and and proved grows shrubs. a bit best A slower new under import to deciduous build which up trees than has<br />

and proved other shrubs. forms a bit of A slower this new species import to build which so up we than has are<br />

proved other happy forms to a offer bit of slower this beautiful species to build bulb so up we for than are the<br />

other happy first time forms to in offer Australia. of this this beautiful species bulb so 5 for we for $9.00 are the<br />

happy first time to in offer Australia. this beautiful 50 bulb 5 for for $80.00 $9.00 the<br />

first time in Australia. 50 5 for for $80.00 $9.00<br />

50 for $80.00

Scilla hispanica 'White City'<br />

Scilla White hispanica City Spanish 'White Blue City' Bell<br />

White <strong>Lambley</strong> Scilla hispanica City imported Spanish 'White Blue this City' fine Bell clone from<br />

White Holland <strong>Lambley</strong> City 3 imported years Spanish ago. Blue this It's fine Bell the clone best of from all<br />

the <strong>Lambley</strong> Holland white 3 imported flowered years ago. varieties. this It's fine the clone Pure best white of from all<br />

bells Holland the white are 3 held flowered years close ago. varieties. together It's the Pure best on 35cm white of all<br />

tall the bells white stems. are held flowered White close City varieties. together is a commercial Pure on 35cm white<br />

cut bells tall stems. flower are held in White Europe. close City together is Happiest a commercial on in 35cm the<br />

shade tall cut stems. flower of deciduous in White Europe. City trees is Happiest but a commercial grows in well the<br />

for cut shade us flower in of our deciduous in bulb Europe. field trees in Happiest full but sun. grows A in good well the<br />

bulb shade for us for in of our deciduous naturalising bulb field trees in as full but it sun. grows bulks A good well up<br />

quickly. for bulb us for in Best our naturalising bulb planted field 40cm in as full apart. it sun. bulks A good up<br />

bulb quickly. for Best naturalising planted 40cm as apart. it 5 bulks for $9.00 up<br />

quickly. Best planted 40cm 50 apart. 5 for for $80.00 $9.00<br />

50 5 for for $80.00 $9.00<br />

50 for $80.00<br />

Scilla peruviana 'Alba'<br />

Scilla Easily peruviana grown bulb 'Alba' from the Western<br />

Easily Scilla Mediterranean peruviana grown bulb area 'Alba' not from Peru. the The Western ship<br />

Mediterranean which Easily first grown brought bulb area not it from to Peru. England the The Western ship was<br />

which called Mediterranean first the Peru. brought area This not it to bulb Peru. England thrives The ship was on<br />

called neglect which first the and Peru. brought is happy This it in to bulb any England spot thrives either was on<br />

neglect sunny called or the and under Peru. is happy deciduous This in bulb any trees. spot thrives It either starts on<br />

sunny to neglect produce or and under its is happy deciduous rosettes in any of trees. dark spot It green either starts<br />

to leaves sunny produce or in under autumn its deciduous rosettes with us of trees. and dark the It green starts large<br />

leaves cones to produce in of autumn glistening its rosettes with white us of and dark flowers the green large in<br />

cones spring. leaves Large in of autumn glistening bulbs. with white us and flowers the large in<br />

spring. cones Large of glistening bulbs. white 3 flowers for $12.00 in<br />

spring. Large bulbs. 3 for $12.00<br />

3 for $12.00<br />

Scilla peruviana ssp hughii<br />

Scilla One of peruviana the most ssp remarked hughii about bulbs<br />

Scilla in One our of peruviana dry the garden most ssp remarked and hughii one about which bulbs was<br />

One featured in our of dry the in garden most the Dry remarked and Climate one about which Gardening bulbs was<br />

in DVD. featured our During dry in garden the spring Dry and Climate this one bulb which Gardening carries was<br />

featured large DVD. heads During in the of spring soft Dry ghostly Climate this bulb blue Gardening carries with a<br />

DVD. centre large heads During of almost of spring soft turquoise. ghostly this bulb A blue rare carries with bulb a<br />

large native centre heads to of one almost of small soft turquoise. island ghostly off A blue the rare with coast bulb a<br />

centre of native Italy. to of one A almost spacing small turquoise. island of 50cm off A would the rare coast bulb be<br />

native best of Italy. and to one A it is spacing small happy island of in 50cm sun off or would the a lightly coast be<br />

of shaded best Italy. and spot A it is spacing happy of in 50cm sun or would a lightly be<br />

best shaded and spot it is happy in sun $6.00 or a lightly each<br />

shaded spot<br />

3 $6.00 for $15.00 each<br />

3 $6.00 for $15.00 each<br />

3 for $15.00<br />


Scilla peruviana ssp hughii<br />

32<br />

Scilla peruviana 'Blue Midnight'<br />

A very dark blue flowered form which<br />

always causes a stir when it flowers in<br />

the dry garden. A good doer which is<br />

happy in sun or light shade.<br />

$6.00 each<br />

3 for $15.00<br />

Scilla peruviana ssp hughii

Triteleia 'Allure'<br />

There Triteleia has 'Allure' been nothing new in this<br />

There range Triteleia of has 'Allure' easily been grown nothing bulbs new for in many this<br />

There range years. of has T. easily „Allure‟, been grown nothing a new bulbs new import for in many from this<br />

range years. Holland, of T. produces easily „Allure‟, grown sky a new facing bulbs import for intensely many from<br />

years. Holland, dark blue T. produces „Allure‟, waxy flowers sky a new facing import during intensely from late<br />

Holland, dark spring. blue This produces waxy variety flowers sky has facing been during intensely bred late for<br />

dark spring. commercial blue This waxy cut variety flower flowers has production been during bred and late for<br />

spring. commercial has long This stems cut variety and flower has good production been vase bred life. and for A<br />

commercial has good long increaser. stems cut A and flower sunny good production spot vase will life. suit and it. A<br />

has good long increaser. stems A and sunny good spot vase 5 will for life. suit $9.00 it. A<br />

good increaser. A sunny spot 25 5 for will for $40.00 suit $9.00 it.<br />

25 5 for for $40.00 $9.00<br />

25 for $40.00<br />

Triteleia 'Corrina'<br />

Triteleia Another new 'Corrina' import from Holland. 50cm<br />

Another Triteleia tall stems, new 'Corrina' carrying import multi from flowered Holland. heads 50cm<br />

tall of Another skyward stems, new carrying looking import multi star from shaped flowered Holland. flowers, heads 50cm<br />

of each tall skyward stems, lavender carrying looking blue multi star lobe shaped flowered has a flowers, darker heads<br />

each mid-vein. of skyward lavender The looking flowers blue star lobe open shaped has during a flowers, darker late<br />

mid-vein. spring each lavender and The look flowers blue wonderful lobe open has during a growing darker late<br />

spring through mid-vein. and low The look ground flowers wonderful covers open during such growing late as<br />

through Convolvulus spring and low sabatius. look ground wonderful covers such growing as<br />

Convolvulus through low sabatius. ground covers 5 such for $9.00 as<br />

Convolvulus sabatius. 25 5 for for $40.00 $9.00<br />

25 5 for for $40.00<br />

$9.00<br />

25 for $40.00<br />

Triteleia 'For You'<br />

We Triteleia recently 'For imported You' this taller selection<br />

of We Triteleia Triteleia recently 'For imported laxa, You' with this flowering taller selection stems<br />

reaching of We Triteleia recently 50-60cm. imported laxa, with Long this flowering lasting taller selection umbels stems<br />

of reaching of Triteleia soft 50-60cm. amethyst laxa, with Long pink flowering lasting flowers umbels stems are<br />

produced of reaching soft 50-60cm. amethyst during late Long pink spring. lasting flowers Any umbels sunny are<br />

spot produced of soft in the amethyst during garden late pink will spring. suit. flowers Any Our sunny first are<br />

release spot produced in of the during this garden beautiful late will spring. new suit. variety. Any Our sunny first<br />

release spot in of the this garden beautiful will new suit. variety. 3 for Our $9.00 first<br />

release of this beautiful new 10 variety. 3 for for $25.00 $9.00<br />

10 3 for for $25.00 $9.00<br />

10 for $25.00<br />


Tulips<br />

34<br />

Tulipa whittalii image<br />

Tulips<br />

Tulipa whittalii image<br />

Each year Criss and I plant several thousand Each year Dutch Criss tulip and bulbs. I plant But several these thou<br />

horticultural triumphs, the result of centuries of horticultural assiduous triumphs, breeding the in the result bulb of fields centuries o<br />

of Holland, are not the only tulips that grow of in Holland, the garden are here not the at <strong>Lambley</strong>. only tulips Wild that grow<br />

tulips, native to the Central Asian steppes, tulips, the hills native of Crete, to the the Central olive Asian groves steppes, of t<br />

France, the ranges of Kurdistan, the Taurus Mountains, France, the the ranges Hindu of Kush, Kurdistan, even the north Taurus M<br />

Africa, and all the wild places between, have Africa, made themselves and all the wild at home places here. between, Some have m<br />

species have settled into the dry garden and others species have naturalised settled into in the rough dry grass. garden and o<br />

No matter where we grow them they are amongst No matter the where most admired we grow and them coveted they are am<br />

plants in the garden.<br />

plants in the garden.<br />

All the species listed need much the same conditions All the species in the garden. listed need They much prefer the cool same con<br />

winters and hot dry summers and won‟t do at winters all in subtropical and hot dry climates summers . At and <strong>Lambley</strong> won‟t do at a<br />

we plant the bulbs under perennials which are we either plant low the growing bulbs under or cut perennials back to the which are<br />

ground during winter as tulips make their foliage ground growth during during winter winter as tulips and make flower their fol<br />

during the first half of spring. I personally think during that the wild first tulips half of do spring. better I if personally the soil think<br />

they are growing in is covered by other plants they during are the growing heat of in is summer. covered We by leave other plants<br />

all the wild tulips in the garden and lift them all only the wild when tulips they in become the garden congested and lift them<br />

which is about every ten years or so. Some groups which is of about bulbs every have been ten years in the or same so. Some gr<br />

spot for fifteen years.<br />

spot for fifteen years.<br />

Tulipa clusiana „Cynthia‟<br />

This exquisite tulip is a hybrid between<br />

the white and yellow forms of the Lady<br />

Tulip and was given an Award of<br />

Garden Merit by the Royal Horticultural<br />

Society in 1999. This is the highest<br />

award a plant can receive. T. „Cynthia‟<br />

has pale lemon-yellow flowers with a<br />

broad band on the back of the outer<br />

petals. It was the most remarked upon<br />

bulb in our fields last September. The<br />

flowers are held on 30cm tall stems and<br />

are best planted 10 cm apart.<br />

3 for $9.00<br />

10 for $25.00<br />

Tulipa clusiana „Cynthia‟<br />

This exquisite tulip is a hybrid between<br />

the white and yellow forms of the Lady<br />

Tulip and was given an Award of<br />

Garden Merit by the Royal Horticultural<br />

Society in 1999. This is the highest<br />

award a plant can receive. T. „Cynthia‟<br />

has pale lemon-yellow flowers with a<br />

broad band on the back of the outer<br />

petals. It was the most remarked upon<br />

bulb in our fields last September. The<br />

flowers are held on 30cm tall stems and<br />

are best planted 10 cm apart.<br />

3 for $9.00<br />

10 for $25.00

Tulipa clusiana 'Lady Jane'<br />

Tulipa Lady Tulip clusiana 'Lady Jane'<br />

Lady The Tulipa Tulip much clusiana loved 'Lady Lady Jane' Tulip, which<br />

Lady should The Tulip much be in loved every Lady garden, Tulip, has which been<br />

cultivated The should much be for in loved every hundreds Lady garden, Tulip, of has years. which been It<br />

flowers should cultivated be during for in every hundreds September garden, of has years. here been at It<br />

<strong>Lambley</strong>. cultivated flowers during The for long hundreds September lasting white of years. here flowers at It<br />

have flowers <strong>Lambley</strong>. a broad during The long pink September lasting paint stroke white here flowers on the at<br />

reverse <strong>Lambley</strong>. have a broad of The the long pink petals lasting paint and stroke white are held flowers on the on<br />

30cm have reverse a tall broad of stems. the pink petals A paint spacing and stroke are of held on 10cm the on<br />

would reverse 30cm suit. tall of stems. the petals A spacing and are of held 10cm on<br />

30cm would suit. tall stems. A spacing 3 of for $9.00 10cm<br />

would suit.<br />

10 3 for for $25.00 $9.00<br />

100 10 for 3 for for $200.00 $25.00 $9.00<br />

100 10 for for $200.00 $25.00<br />

100 for $200.00<br />

Tulipa clusiana „Tubergen‟s Gem‟<br />

This Tulipa is clusiana a large „Tubergen‟s flowered yellow Gem‟ form of<br />

Tulipa This Tulipa is clusiana a clusiana large „Tubergen‟s flowered and is yellow close Gem‟ form to T. of<br />

clusiana This Tulipa is a clusiana var. large chrysantha. flowered and is yellow For close the form to past T. of<br />

twenty Tulipa clusiana years clusiana var. I‟ve chrysantha. and grown is this For close in the to past dry T.<br />

garden clusiana twenty years where var. I‟ve chrysantha. it has grown increased this For in well the the past in dry a<br />

spot twenty garden that years where is I‟ve sunny it has grown increased during this winter in well the in dry but a<br />

covered garden spot that where by is sunny it ornamental has increased during Origanums winter well in but a<br />

during spot covered that summer. by is sunny ornamental The during flowers Origanums winter are rich but<br />

yellow covered during with summer. by a pink ornamental The reverse. flowers It has Origanums are a 30cm rich<br />

tall during yellow flower with summer. stem a pink and The reverse. can flowers be It has planted are a 30cm rich as<br />

closely yellow tall flower with as stem a 10 pink cm and reverse. or can as be It far has planted apart a 30cm as<br />

20cm. tall closely flower as stem 10 cm and or can as be far planted apart as<br />

20cm. closely as 10 cm or as far 3 apart for $9.00 as<br />

20cm.<br />

10 3 for for $25.00 $9.00<br />

10 3 for for $25.00<br />

$9.00<br />

Tulipa eichleri<br />

10 for $25.00<br />

Tulipa From eichleri north-west Iran and adjacent<br />

Tulipa parts, From this eichleri north-west is one of Iran the largest and adjacent flowered<br />

From and parts, showiest this north-west is one of all of the Iran the wild largest and tulips. adjacent flowered Anna<br />

parts, Pavord and showiest this writes is one of in all of her the the book wild largest tulips. „The flowered Tulip‟ Anna<br />

that and Pavord showiest it has writes “enormous, of in all her the book showy wild tulips. „The flowers Tulip‟ Anna ...<br />

Pavord a that clear it has writes bright “enormous, in crimson-scarlet her book showy „The flowers with Tulip‟ ... a<br />

that a brilliant clear it has sheen bright “enormous, on crimson-scarlet the showy inner surface flowers with ... of a<br />

a the brilliant clear petals.” sheen bright A on crimson-scarlet black the inner basal surface blotch with of is a<br />

margined the brilliant petals.” sheen with A on yellow. black the inner basal This surface miracle blotch of is<br />

held margined the petals.” on 30cm with A yellow. tall black stems basal This which miracle blotch carry is<br />

three held margined on or 30cm four with glaucous, yellow. tall stems This wavy which miracle edged carry is<br />

leaves. three held on or 30cm 30cm four x 10cm. glaucous, tall stems wavy which edged carry<br />

leaves. three or 30cm four x 10cm. glaucous, wavy 3 for edged $9.00<br />

leaves. 30cm x 10cm. 10 3 for $25.00 $9.00<br />

10 3 for for $25.00 $9.00<br />

10 for $25.00<br />


36<br />

Tulipa fosteriana 'White Emperor' (syn.<br />

Purissima)<br />

This much loved tulip is widely used in<br />

English gardens as it doesn‟t need the<br />

summer baking that many of the other<br />

wild tulips need. Large milky white<br />

flowers are produced on 40cm tall<br />

stems. Early and long flowering. 40cm x<br />

12cm.<br />

5 for $10.00<br />

25 for $45.00<br />

Tulipa greigii 'Cape Cod'<br />

Tulipa An early greigii flowering 'Cape tulip Cod' which has yellow<br />

An flowers early with flowering a red tulip stripe which on the has outside yellow<br />

flowers of the petals. with a It red has stripe a black on base the outside on the<br />

of inside the petals. of the It has flower. a black Good base for on the pot<br />

inside culture. of the flower. Good for pot<br />

culture.<br />

5 for $10.00<br />

25 5 for $10.00 $40.00<br />

25 for $40.00<br />

Tulipa greigii 'Toronto'<br />

Tulipa One of greigii the 'Toronto' last to flower this multi<br />

One flowered of the tulip last has to two flower or three this flowers multi<br />

flowered per stem. tulip The has flowers two or three are salmon- flowers<br />

per orange stem. with The pink flowers undertones. are Good salmon- for<br />

orange pot culture. with pink undertones. Good for<br />

pot culture.<br />

5 for $10.00<br />

25 5 for $10.00 $40.00<br />

25 for $40.00<br />

Tulipa fosteriana 'White Emperor' (syn.<br />

Tulipa Purissima) fosteriana 'White Emperor' (syn.

Tulipa saxatilis<br />

One of the three tulips to be found on<br />

Tulipa saxatilis<br />

Crete. Tulipa It is stoloniferous running around<br />

One of<br />

saxatilis<br />

the three tulips to be found on<br />

freely One when happy. It needs a good<br />

Crete.<br />

of<br />

It<br />

the<br />

is stoloniferous<br />

three tulips to<br />

running<br />

be found<br />

around<br />

on<br />

summer Crete. baking to flower well. The bulbs<br />

freely<br />

It<br />

when<br />

is stoloniferous<br />

happy. It needs<br />

running<br />

a<br />

around<br />

good<br />

in freely our when own garden happy. It often needs have a three<br />

summer baking to flower well. The bulbs<br />

good<br />

flowers summer to baking a stem. to flower The well. green The hanging<br />

in our own garden often have<br />

bulbs<br />

three<br />

buds in our opening own garden to large often upward have facing<br />

flowers to a stem. The green hanging<br />

three<br />

purple-pink, flowers to a yellow stem. throated The green flowers.<br />

buds opening to large upward<br />

hanging<br />

facing<br />

buds opening to large upward 3 for facing $9.00<br />

purple-pink, yellow throated flowers.<br />

purple-pink, yellow throated 10 flowers. for $25.00<br />

3 for $9.00<br />

10<br />

3<br />

for<br />

for<br />

$25.00<br />

$9.00<br />

10 for $25.00<br />

Tulipa vvedenskyi 'Tangerine Beauty'<br />

Endemic to the western Tien Shan<br />

Tulipa vvedenskyi 'Tangerine Beauty'<br />

mountain Tulipa range where it was first found<br />

Endemic<br />

vvedenskyi<br />

to the<br />

'Tangerine<br />

western Tien<br />

Beauty'<br />

Shan<br />

Endemic growing south-east of Tashkent, in hills<br />

mountain range<br />

to the<br />

where<br />

western<br />

it was<br />

Tien<br />

first found<br />

Shan<br />

mountain above the Angren River valley, during<br />

growing south-east<br />

range where<br />

of Tashkent,<br />

it was first<br />

in<br />

found<br />

hills<br />

growing the early 1950s. The exceptionally large,<br />

above the<br />

south-east<br />

Angren River<br />

of Tashkent,<br />

valley,<br />

in<br />

during<br />

hills<br />

above orange-red flowers are produced on<br />

the early<br />

the<br />

1950s.<br />

Angren<br />

The<br />

River<br />

exceptionally<br />

valley, during<br />

large,<br />

the 20cm tall stems. It has grown well in our<br />

orange-red<br />

early 1950s.<br />

flowers<br />

The exceptionally<br />

are produced<br />

large,<br />

on<br />

thyme lawn for the last two years and is<br />

20cm<br />

orange-red<br />

tall stems.<br />

flowers<br />

It has<br />

are<br />

grown<br />

produced<br />

well in our<br />

on<br />

a good increaser. A spacing of a<br />

thyme<br />

20cm tall<br />

lawn<br />

stems.<br />

for the<br />

It has<br />

last<br />

grown<br />

two years<br />

well<br />

and<br />

in our<br />

is<br />

minimum 15cm is needed and this tulip<br />

a<br />

thyme<br />

good<br />

lawn<br />

increaser.<br />

for the last<br />

A<br />

two<br />

spacing<br />

years and<br />

of<br />

is<br />

a<br />

does best in a sunny spot which dries<br />

minimum<br />

a good<br />

15cm<br />

increaser.<br />

is needed<br />

A spacing<br />

and this<br />

of<br />

tulip<br />

a<br />

out during summer.<br />

does<br />

minimum<br />

best<br />

15cm<br />

in a sunny<br />

is needed<br />

spot<br />

and<br />

which<br />

this<br />

dries<br />

tulip<br />

does 3 for $12.00<br />

out during<br />

best<br />

summer.<br />

in a sunny spot which dries<br />

out during summer. 10 for $36.00<br />

3 for $12.00<br />

10<br />

3<br />

for<br />

for<br />

$36.00<br />

$12.00<br />

Tulipa whittallii<br />

10 for $36.00<br />

If I could grow only one wild tulip this<br />

Tulipa whittallii<br />

would Tulipa whittallii be it. It has made a wonderful<br />

If I could grow only one wild tulip this<br />

display If I could in the grow dry only garden one at wild <strong>Lambley</strong> tulip this for<br />

would be it. It has made a wonderful<br />

15 would years, be it. increasing It has made well a each wonderful year.<br />

display in the dry garden at <strong>Lambley</strong> for<br />

Burnt display orange in the flowers dry garden are at held <strong>Lambley</strong> on 35cm<br />

15 years, increasing well each year.<br />

for<br />

tall 15 years, stems increasing well above well the each patch year. of<br />

Burnt orange flowers are held on 35cm<br />

Euphorbia Burnt orange myrsinites flowers are through held on which 35cm it<br />

tall stems well above the patch of<br />

grows. tall stems It is found well growing above the wild patch in south-<br />

Euphorbia myrsinites through which<br />

of<br />

it<br />

western Euphorbia Turkey myrsinites near Izmir, through the which ancient<br />

grows. It is found growing wild in south-<br />

it<br />

Greek grows. It city is found Smyrna. growing This wild bulb in always<br />

western Turkey near Izmir, the ancient<br />

south-<br />

sells western out. Turkey There is near some Izmir, beautiful the ancient film of<br />

Greek city Smyrna. This bulb always<br />

it Greek in the city Dry Smyrna. Garden This Spring bulb DVD. always We<br />

sells out. There is some beautiful film of<br />

planted sells out. these There bulbs is some roughly beautiful 25cm film apart<br />

it in the Dry Garden Spring DVD. We<br />

of<br />

originally. it in the Dry 3 for Garden $10.00 Spring or 10 for DVD. $30.00<br />

planted these bulbs roughly 25cm apart<br />

We<br />

originally.<br />

planted these<br />

3 for<br />

bulbs<br />

$10.00<br />

roughly<br />

or 10<br />

25cm<br />

for $30.00<br />

apart<br />

originally. 3 for $10.00 or 10 for $30.00<br />


38<br />

Watsonia aletroides<br />

Watsonia This tough aletroides<br />

This tough drought tolerant bulb makes<br />

This a splendid tough drought show in tolerant the Dry bulb Garden makes<br />

a splendid show in the Dry Garden at<br />

a <strong>Lambley</strong> splendid during show late in the spring Dry Garden and early at<br />

<strong>Lambley</strong> during late spring and early<br />

<strong>Lambley</strong> summer. during Long coral-red, late spring tubular and early<br />

summer. Long coral-red, tubular bells<br />

summer. are well spaced Long coral-red, on strong stiff tubular branching bells<br />

are well spaced on strong stiff branching<br />

are stems. well spaced A single on bulb strong should stiff branching<br />

stems. A single bulb should make a<br />

stems.<br />

good clump A single<br />

in bulb<br />

just should<br />

a few make<br />

years.<br />

a<br />

good<br />

Watsonia clump<br />

aletroides in just a<br />

fills few<br />

the years.<br />

gap<br />

Watsonia<br />

between earlier aletroides<br />

flowering fills<br />

bulbs the gap<br />

and<br />

between<br />

summer flowering earlier flowering<br />

perennials. bulbs<br />

60cm and<br />

x<br />

summer<br />

50cm. Any flowering<br />

sunny spot perennials.<br />

will suit.<br />

60cm x<br />

50cm. Any sunny spot will suit.<br />

5 for $10.00<br />

25 5 for<br />

for $10.00<br />

$45.00<br />

25 for $45.00<br />

Watsonia 'Cape Peach'<br />

Watsonia This Watsonia 'Cape was Peach'<br />

This Watsonia was found growing in an<br />

This old Watsonia Central Highlands was found growing garden. in The an<br />

old Central Highlands garden. The<br />

old trumpet Central flowers Highlands are in shades garden. of peach, The<br />

trumpet flowers are in shades of peach,<br />

trumpet pink and flowers mauve are in and shades are of produced peach,<br />

pink and mauve and are produced<br />

pink during and November. mauve and The flower are produced<br />

during November. The flower stem is<br />

during<br />

shorter November.<br />

than most The<br />

of flower<br />

its kind stem<br />

rarely<br />

is<br />

shorter<br />

growing than<br />

above most<br />

60cm. of<br />

It its<br />

has kind<br />

handsome<br />

rarely<br />

growing<br />

sword shaped above 60cm.<br />

leaves. It has<br />

Happy handsome<br />

in any<br />

sword<br />

sunny spot. shaped<br />

60cm leaves.<br />

x 50cm.<br />

Happy in any<br />

sunny spot. 60cm x 50cm.<br />

5 for $10.00<br />

25 5 for<br />

for $10.00<br />

$45.00<br />

25 for $45.00<br />

Watsonia 'Wedding Bells'<br />

Watsonia This Watsonia 'Wedding makes Bells'<br />

This Watsonia makes handsome clumps<br />

This of sword Watsonia shaped makes leaves. handsome During clumps<br />

of sword shaped leaves. During spring,<br />

of strong sword branching shaped leaves. maroon During flower spring,<br />

strong branching maroon flower spikes<br />

strong are produced, branching each maroon spike flower carrying spikes<br />

are produced, each spike carrying a<br />

are dozen produced, dusky pink each trumpets. spike carrying In flower a<br />

dozen dusky pink trumpets. In flower<br />

dozen with us dusky for two pink months trumpets. or more, In we flower<br />

with us for two months or more, we cut<br />

with the us foliage for two<br />

the foliage to months<br />

the ground or more,<br />

in we<br />

early<br />

cut<br />

the<br />

summer foliage<br />

to allows to the<br />

later ground<br />

flowering in<br />

plants<br />

early<br />

summer<br />

such as to<br />

Lepechinea allows later<br />

hastata flowering<br />

to fill plants<br />

the<br />

such<br />

gap. Watsonia as Lepechinea<br />

'Wedding hastata<br />

Bells' to<br />

will fill<br />

suit<br />

the<br />

gap.<br />

any sunny Watsonia<br />

spot. 'Wedding<br />

120cm x 60cm.<br />

Bells' will suit<br />

any sunny spot. 120cm x 60cm.<br />

5 for $10.00<br />

25 5 for<br />

for $10.00<br />

$45.00<br />

25 for $45.00


Over the last three years Adele Film Productions have worked with me to make a<br />

series of DVDs about dry climate gardening. All the shooting has been done here in<br />

our garden. I think the DVDs have some of the best garden film work I‟ve ever seen.<br />

Filming took place almost every fortnight over a period of two years.<br />

There is now a DVD for each season, four altogether, Spring, Summer, Autumn and<br />

Winter. Each DVD is about one and a half hours long.<br />

The complete set of DVDs are finished and available from the nursery at $29.95<br />

each including postage.<br />

I‟m really proud of this work. Everyone who has seen the DVDs has been very<br />

impressed and fascinated. These DVDs, unlike most television garden shows, are<br />

made for people with an active, intelligent and passionate interest in gardening.<br />

Visit our website to order online, view samples and also you can order on the order<br />

form.<br />

www.lambley.com.au<br />

Will Robertson is the director and cinematographer of this series of DVDs. Will is<br />

second to none when it comes to filming gardens. I know of no other garden filming<br />

which comes anywhere near the beauty of Will‟s work.<br />

It has taken more than three years to produce the DVDs.<br />


40<br />

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<strong>Lambley</strong> <strong>Nursery</strong><br />

“Burnside”<br />

395 Lesters Rd<br />

ASCOT VIC 3364<br />

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