I. Harmonic Motion Kinematics II. Simple Harmonic ... - Musowls

I. Harmonic Motion Kinematics II. Simple Harmonic ... - Musowls

I. Harmonic Motion Kinematics II. Simple Harmonic ... - Musowls


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Advanced Placement Physics C Unit 7- <strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Harmonic</strong> Oscillators<br />

I. <strong>Harmonic</strong> <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Kinematics</strong><br />

A. Functions of time-analytical and graphical<br />

1. position<br />

2. velocity<br />

3. acceleration<br />

B. Functions of position<br />

1. velocity<br />

2. acceleration<br />

<strong>II</strong>. <strong>Simple</strong> <strong>Harmonic</strong> <strong>Motion</strong> Differential Equation-<br />

Find the natural period of …<br />

A. Mass on a spring<br />

B. Plane pendulum<br />

C. Torsion Pendulum<br />

D. Physical Pendulum<br />

1. parallel-axis theorem<br />

2. center of mass<br />

E. Other Systems<br />

<strong>II</strong>I. Energy Considerations in Oscillating Systems<br />

A. Potential Energy<br />

B. Kinetic Energy<br />

C. Total Energy<br />

IV. Finding Natural Period from Energy Equations<br />

Before taking your next AP Physics C unit test you should be familiar with all areas of<br />

the above outline. You can enhance your knowledge of this material by studying the<br />

following notes, doing assigned homework and reading all of chapter 15 from text. The<br />

test may include multiple-choice conceptual questions, free response problems that are<br />

numerical or analytical and perhaps some writing.

Lesson 2-09 <strong>Harmonic</strong> <strong>Kinematics</strong><br />

Read Chapter 15:1-2<br />

Vibration Rate<br />

How fast an object or system oscillates or vibrates can be described in any of three ways.<br />

How long does it take to complete one cycle of vibration? This is a question of time<br />

and is measured in seconds. The length of time is called “period”. We wish to use<br />

the letter “t” for time but this is a special time so we use Tau. Period → τ<br />

How many times does the system move back and forth in one second? This is the<br />

inverse of the last question. The previous measurement was in seconds per cycle<br />

while this question deals with how many cycles in one<br />

second. When you count cycles rather than seconds you<br />

measure frequency. Frequency is measured in cycles per<br />

second or sec -1 or Hertz. The symbol for frequency is “ƒ”.<br />

ƒ = 1 / τ<br />

Since there are 2π radians in a circle you could relate the cycle to the number of<br />

radians rather than cycles completed per second. This is also a frequency except that<br />

it uses radians/sec rather than cycles/ second.<br />

The official name is “angular frequency”<br />

since radians are associated with angles. The ω = 2πƒ = 2π /τ<br />

symbol for angular frequency is lower case<br />

omega, ω. The relations are shown in the above box. These are more like<br />

conversions rather than actual relationships.<br />

Example #1<br />

A child on a swing goes back and forth once every 1.40 seconds. Find the period,<br />

frequency and angular frequency.<br />

τ = 1.40 seconds ƒ = 0.71 Hz ω = 4.49 radians / second<br />

Example #2<br />

A fly flaps its wings 200 times per second. Find period, frequency & angular frequency.<br />

ƒ = 200 Hz τ = 0.005 seconds ω = 1260 radians / second<br />

<strong>Kinematics</strong> of Oscillation<br />

Consider an object of mass M that is attached M<br />

to a spring as shown in the figure to the right.<br />

If the mass is pulled from the equilibrium<br />

position a distance of x = A and released it will<br />

move back and forth between x = +A and x = -A. −A x = 0 +A<br />

We can show the motion of the object in terms of<br />

position, velocity and acceleration for a specific time or specific position. The equations<br />

depend upon where the object is located when the clock starts. Suppose that the object is<br />

released at x = +A at t=0 seconds. On the other hand the object could be released and the<br />

clock not started so that t = 0 seconds when M is in the center moving to the right. How<br />

would starting the clock at different times change the equations?<br />


2<br />

Starting t = 0 seconds when M is at the<br />

far right of its motion.<br />

The graph in this case would be as<br />

written and graphed below.<br />

x = A cos( ω t)<br />

The above graph is for two complete<br />

cycles. Recall that the slope of a<br />

position graph shows the velocity. You<br />

can see that M is at rest at ± A because<br />

that is where the slope is zero. The<br />

graph is steepest where the graph is<br />

crossing the line for x = 0. This means<br />

that the mass has the fastest speed at is<br />

passes through the center. How would<br />

we write the equation and show the<br />

graph for velocity?<br />

v = dx/dt = −Aωsin (ω t)<br />

A comparison of the graphs shows that<br />

the maximum velocity happens when x<br />

= 0 and that maximum displacement<br />

occurs when v = 0. What would the<br />

acceleration equation and graph look<br />

like?<br />

The more that the spring is stretched or<br />

compressed the more acceleration is<br />

experienced by the mass. You would<br />

expect position and acceleration graphs<br />

to be similar. There is one small<br />

drawback. If the mass is pulled to the<br />

right the spring is pulling to the left. If<br />

the mass is on the left of center the<br />

acceleration is to the right. The negative<br />

sign in the following equation accounts<br />

for the opposite direction of position and<br />

acceleration.<br />

a = dv/dt = d 2 x/dt 2 = −Aω 2 cos (ω t)<br />

Notice how when x = 0 then a =0 also.<br />

Maximum values for acceleration and<br />

position take place at the same time.<br />

Shown below are the overlapped graphs<br />

of v and x (upper) and a and x (lower).

Be sure that given either a graph or an<br />

equation of position, velocity or<br />

acceleration and the corresponding<br />

constants that you can write the other<br />

two equations or draw the other two<br />

graphs.<br />

Example #1<br />

An object oscillates as shown in the<br />

figure below of position in meters and<br />

time in seconds. Answer the questions<br />

according to the graph.<br />

1. What is the maximum displacement?<br />

2. How long does it take to complete<br />

one cycle?<br />

3. What is the angular frequency?<br />

4. What are the units of slope of this<br />

graph?<br />

5. What does slope represent?<br />

6. At what times in the graph is the<br />

object at rest?<br />

7. At what times after t = 0 does the<br />

object have maximum speed?<br />

8. What is the equation of the graph?<br />

9. What would the equation of the<br />

graph of velocity vs. time look like?<br />

10. What does the slope of the velocity<br />

graph have for units? What does the<br />

slope of this graph tell us?<br />

11. What does the equation of the<br />

acceleration vs. time graph look like?<br />

<strong>Kinematics</strong> in Terms of Position<br />

So the previous page gives equations for<br />

position, velocity and acceleration when<br />

the time is known. You tell me when<br />

you want to know what is happening and<br />

I can use those equations to determine<br />

the kinematics. What if I tell you where<br />

the object is? Can you work through the<br />

equations to find speed and acceleration?<br />

Acceleration vs. position<br />

Recall the equations from the last page.<br />

x = A cos( ω t) and a = −Aω 2 cos (ω t).<br />

Divide the acceleration equation by the<br />

position equation. The “Acos (ω t)” in<br />

each equation will cancel out leaving an<br />

easy result for acceleration in terms of<br />

position.<br />

a = −ω 2 x<br />

The maximum acceleration takes place<br />

when x = ± A. Consider the graph in the<br />

last problem. What is the acceleration<br />

when x = +4m? Without the above<br />

equation you would have to go back into<br />

the position equation and solve for “t”<br />

then plug into the acceleration equation<br />

to solve for “a”. No need for that now!<br />

a = - (2π rad / 4sec) 2 (4 m ) = -9.9 m/s 2<br />

Speed vs. position<br />

Now recall the equations x = A cos( ω t)<br />

and v = −Aωsin (ω t). We will take<br />

advantage of a trigonometric identity<br />

that A 2 sin 2 ( stuff) + A 2 cos 2 (stuff) = A 2<br />

where the above bold equations will be<br />

used.<br />

( v / ω ) 2 + x 2 = A 2<br />

By isolating v you get the result:<br />

_______<br />

v = ±ω √ A 2 – x 2<br />

Now you can determine the speed of the<br />

object directly when a specific position<br />

is known. We say speed rather than<br />

velocity because the direction of the<br />

object is lost in the above proof. How<br />

fast is the object of the previous example<br />

moving when it is at x = +4m?<br />

Homework:<br />

Prob.Ch 15:1, 3, 5, 11, 72, 76, 80(a-e)<br />


4<br />

Lesson 2-10 <strong>Harmonic</strong> Differential Equation<br />

Read Chapter 15:3, 5-7 & natural period of a system<br />

Any system moves with simple harmonic motion<br />

can be described by a single differential equation<br />

as shown in the box to the right. It is critical that<br />

the negative sign appear in the formula; other wise<br />

there will be no oscillations. From this equation we see that if the second derivative of a<br />

function leads to a negative constant times the original function then the system will<br />

oscillate with a natural period that is found from τ = 2π/ω. In order to find the natural<br />

period you can take the following general steps (See bottom half of page 392):<br />

1. Draw a free-body diagram<br />

2. Sum the forces or torques or both making the restoring force negative.<br />

3. Look for small angle approximations in substitution of sinθ ≅θ or S = rθ.<br />

4. Replace the acceleration with the corresponding differential definitions of<br />

a = d 2 x/dt 2 or α = d 2 θ/dt 2 .<br />

5. Collect all constants and the negative sign on the side of equation opposite to the<br />

differential equation.<br />

6. Equate collected and grouped constants to ω 2 = 4π 2 /τ 2 2<br />

d 2<br />

f =<br />

−ω<br />

f<br />

2<br />

dt<br />

.<br />

7. Solve for ω = 2πf = 2π/τ or f or τ.<br />

Example#1-Mass on a Spring (see figure 16-5 on page 390)<br />

ΣFx = -kx = ma ; a = -(k/m) x ; d 2 x/dt 2 = -(k/m) x so that ω = (k/m) 1/2 and you get<br />

equations 16-11 and 16-12.<br />

Example#2-Mass on a String (see figure 16-10 on page 395)<br />

τ = 2π (L/g) 1/2<br />

Example #3- Torsion Pendulum (see figure 16-9 on page 394<br />

τ = 2π (I/κ) 1/2<br />

Example#4-Physical Pendulum (see figure 16-11 on page 396)<br />

τ = 2π (I/mgh) 1/2<br />

You should be able to derive each of the four results above but you should also be<br />

able to write down on paper the above working equation for each system from almost<br />

instantaneous recall. Other physical systems are demonstrated in the Sample<br />

Problems 15:4, 5 and 6; Example 13:4 on page 338<br />

Homework: Prob. Ch 15: 13, 26, 43, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 55, 84, 106c<br />

Take two days to complete. We will do a lab tomorrow.

Lesson 2-11 Energy Considerations<br />

Read Chapter 15:4, 8<br />

From the relationship between force and acceleration and by comparison to one of the<br />

kinematics results we found a method for getting the period of oscillation of any system.<br />

Could a similar result come from using energy and speed? Recall that the key players in<br />

energy considerations are (1) total mechanical energy, (2) potential energy and (3) kinetic<br />

energy.<br />

Again look at the figure of the oscillating mass on page 2 of these notes. If we pull<br />

the object back to x = +A and release we fix the total energy of the system to be a<br />

specific amount. At any instant the total mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic energy<br />

and potential energy. Since M is released from rest the initial kinetic energy is zero. The<br />

potential energy at the instant of release is PE = ½ kx 2 or since x=+A the potential energy<br />

is ½ kA 2 . The total energy at release is E = KE + PE or 0 + ½ kA 2 . As the mass moves<br />

in towards the center the PE decreases while the KE increases yet the total energy will<br />

remain fixed at ½ kA 2 . Shown below are graphs of total mechanical energy, potential<br />

energy and kinetic energy as functions of position for the mass on page 2. The mass is<br />

pulled back to x = +1m and released from rest. Spring constant is 10 N/m; mass is ½ Kg.<br />

Total Mechanical Energy Spring Potential Energy Kinetic Energy<br />

E = ½ kA 2 = 5J<br />

No matter where M is<br />

located the total energy is a<br />

constant value of 5 J.<br />

PE = ½ k x 2<br />

The potential energy goes<br />

from a maximum of 5J at<br />

either end to 0 J in the<br />

center.<br />

KE = ½ k(A 2 – x 2 )<br />

The kinetic energy is<br />

merely total energy minus<br />

potential energy or the<br />

difference in the graphs.<br />

Although potential energy and kinetic energy vary, they do so in such a way to keep the<br />

total energy constant. What is also nice is the result you find algebraically if you take the<br />

expression in the third column and set it equal to ½ mv 2 . By allowing ½ k (A 2 – x 2 ) to<br />

be equal to ½ mv 2 and solving for the speed in terms of x you get the result shown on<br />

page 4 and the result shown on page 5.<br />

____ _________ _____<br />

v = √(k/m) √ (A 2 – x 2 ) where ω = √(k/m)<br />


6<br />

Energy vs. time<br />

The previous text demonstrates conservation of energy in terms of position. What about<br />

conservation of energy in terms of time? What do the equations and graphs of time look<br />

like? We shall use the numbers from our previous example: k=10N/m, m = ½ Kg &<br />

A=1m. As a result ω = √ ( 10 / 0.5) or 4.47 radians / second. The position graphs and<br />

velocity graphs are shown below.<br />

Position vs. time graph<br />

x = 1m cos (4.47t)<br />

__<br />

Y1= 1cos(√(20)x)<br />

for TI-83<br />

Velocity vs. time graph<br />

v = -1m (4.47/sec) sin(4.47t)<br />

___ __<br />

Y2= -(√(20) sin (√(20)x)<br />

for TI-83<br />

With the above equations and graphs in mind we can now consider graphs and equations<br />

for PE , KE and ETOT.<br />

Potential Energy vs. time<br />

PE = ½ k x 2 = ½ (10){1cos(√(20)t)} 2<br />

Y3 = 5 Y1 2 for TI-83<br />

Note there are no negative energies.<br />

Kinetic Energy vs. time<br />

KE = ½ m v 2<br />

= ½ (0.5){-1m (4.47/sec)sin(4.47t)} 2<br />

Y4 = ¼ Y2 2 for TI-83<br />

Again there are no negative energies.<br />

By combining the equations for PE and KE you can conclude the total energy to be a<br />

constant of E = 5Joules. You could also graph Y5 = Y3 + Y4 to convince yourself that the<br />

total energy is time independent. Both of these recommendations are left as an exercise<br />

to the diligent student.<br />

Homework Problems Ch 15: 27 – 33, Good AP problems are 14, 35, 36.

Lesson 2-12 Energy Considerations<br />

Read These Notes<br />

Recall that we found the speed of a particle as a function of position in the first lesson of<br />

this unit. When finding this expression we had not yet specified what type of system we<br />

were considering. The expression is shown below.<br />

By isolating v you get the result:<br />

We now see a second method for determining the natural period of a spring system using<br />

energy considerations.<br />

1. You can use write an energy equation in terms of kinetic energy terms and a<br />

position term for potential energy.<br />

2. You then set your equation equal to ½ kA 2 .<br />

3. Isolate or solve for speed.<br />

4. Group all constants in front of the radical.<br />

5. Set the constants equal to ω.<br />

6. Use τ = 2π/ω to get the equation for the natural period.<br />

I would not attempt this method on pendulum systems such as plane pendulums, torsion<br />

pendulums or physical pendulums.<br />

Some examples are shown below.<br />

Example#1-Mass on a Spring (see figure 15-5 on page 390)<br />

E = U + K or ½ kA 2 = ½ kx 2 + ½mv 2 and v = (k/m) 1/2 (A 2 – x 2 ) 1/2 so that ω = (k/m) 1/2<br />

Example#2-Sample Problem 15:6 (see figure 15-12 on page 398)<br />

E = U + K or ½ kA 2 = ½ kx 2 + ½ Iω 2 so that ½ kA 2 = ½ kx 2 + ½ (1/3 ML 2 )(v 2 /L 2 ) or<br />

v = (k/3M) 1/2 (A 2 – x 2 ) 1/2 . You find that ω = (k/3M) 1/2<br />

Example #3<br />

Consider figure 15-60 and problem 106. For this case the object rolls without<br />

slipping and there are two kinetic energy terms, translational and rotational.<br />

E = U + K or ½ kA 2 = ½ kx 2 + ½ Iω 2 + ½ mv 2 so that ½ kA 2 = ½ kx 2 + ½ (1/2<br />

MR 2 )(v 2 /R 2 ) + ½ Mv 2 or kA 2 – kx 2 = (3/2)Mv 2 so that v = (2k/3M) 1/2 (A 2 – x 2 ) 1/2 .<br />

You find that ω = (2k/3M) 1/2 .<br />

One final note about objects that roll without slipping must be made. You can use the<br />

differential equation method discussed in a previous lesson with one twist. Summing the<br />

torques about the contact point with the floor enables you to construct a pure rotational<br />

equation, like a torsion pendulum about the contact point. Don’t forget that the inertia is<br />

modified using the parallel-axis theorem.<br />

Expect a test real soon!<br />

_______<br />

v = ±ω √ A 2 – x 2<br />


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