Publications of the Clan Lindsay Society - Electric Scotland

Publications of the Clan Lindsay Society - Electric Scotland Publications of the Clan Lindsay Society - Electric Scotland
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20 THE UOUSE OF DUNROD. a large foUowiug of sons and grandsons, whom he does not hesitate to lead in the dangerous ways of rebellion. His flimily, as known to us, consisted of: (1) A son, fatlior of David, the fifth luinl.* f (2) Andrew * | (3) John.* (4) Hugo * (5) Robert.* § (6) (?) " Petrus Lindsay de Duurod," matriculated at Glasgow University 14-G4, probably a sou, and — called " de Dunrod " merely in courtesy. || (7) A natural son, Alexander, of Carnduti" and Cross- basket, ancestor of the later lairds of Dunrod. * IT Note.—The relative ages of the various cadets have not always been definitely ascertained. David Lindsay, Fifth Laird of Dunrod, had from the King a charter of all the family estates within the principality, Alexander Lindsay, his grandfather, resigning the same with the reservation of his liferent.** This was in 1502, and soon afterwards the laird Alex- ander died. Previous to this, David and his wife Euphamie Stewart had received from the King twenty pounds of land in Bute to be held during the lifetime of the lono^er liver of them. The orant havini^ been revoked, like all others made during the King's minority, it was in 1498 formally bestowed again on David and Euphamie "for singular favour." ff Including the * Ads of Pari, Vol. XII., Supp., p. 33. t Reg. Mag. SUj., XI., 38 (Vol. I., No. 1621). I Charters and Document.i relating to Glasgoio, Vol. II., p. G03. § Maxwells of Pollok, Vol. I, p. 184. II Mun. Univ. Glasg., Vol. II., p. 70. IT Maxwells of Pulluk, Vol. I., pp. 189, 190, 194, 198 ; Rey. Mag. Sig., XIII., 146 (Vol. I., No. 2229.) ** Reg, Mag. Sig., XIII., 511 and 526 (Vol. I., No. 2640). t1 Ibid, XIII., 370 (Vol. I., No. 2421). j?xc%. Rolls, Vol. XL, p. 6.


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