Phylum Nemertea (Rhynchocoela)

Phylum Nemertea (Rhynchocoela) Phylum Nemertea (Rhynchocoela)
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Phylum Nemertea (Rhynchocoela) Greek rhynchos, “snout”; coel, “cavity” Triploblasts, bilateral, protostomes, probably coelomates, unsegmented worms. Also called ribbon worms, about 1000 species. Occur in marine, freshwater and terrestrial habitats. With specialized proboscis that lies inside a hydrostatic chamber (rhynchocoel). Eversible proboscis is used to capture prey. Complete digestive tract, with an anus. Protonephridia present. With a closed circulatory system; hemoglobin present in some species Bilobed cerebral ganglion, and 2 or more longitudinal nerve cords The ectoderm is ciliated, and is dotted with gland cells and rhabdites. With 2-3 layers of body wall muscles Most are dioecious; asexual reproduction by fragmentation Cleavage holoblastic; early development typically spiralian, either direct or indirect Baseodiscus mexicanus (0.5 m)

<strong>Phylum</strong> <strong>Nemertea</strong> (<strong>Rhynchocoela</strong>)<br />

Greek rhynchos, “snout”; coel, “cavity”<br />

Triploblasts, bilateral, protostomes, probably coelomates, unsegmented worms.<br />

Also called ribbon worms, about 1000 species.<br />

Occur in marine, freshwater and terrestrial habitats.<br />

With specialized proboscis that lies inside a<br />

hydrostatic chamber (rhynchocoel). Eversible<br />

proboscis is used to capture prey.<br />

Complete digestive tract, with an anus. Protonephridia present.<br />

With a closed circulatory system; hemoglobin present in some species<br />

Bilobed cerebral ganglion, and 2 or more longitudinal nerve cords<br />

The ectoderm is ciliated, and is dotted with gland cells and rhabdites.<br />

With 2-3 layers of body wall muscles<br />

Most are dioecious; asexual reproduction by<br />

fragmentation<br />

Cleavage holoblastic; early development typically spiralian,<br />

either direct or indirect<br />

Baseodiscus mexicanus (0.5 m)

Typical nemerteans<br />

(From Brusca and Brusca 2002)<br />

Probably the biggest evolutionary<br />

advancement of nemerteans is the<br />

ability to grow in great size (30m)<br />

without segmentation or large body<br />

cavity<br />

Size range- less

<strong>Nemertea</strong>n Bauplan<br />

“Functionally” acoelomates<br />

With true coelomic cavities (rhynchocoel, blood vessels) but with<br />

relatively solid bodies<br />

A number of Bauplan “improvements” solve surface/volume ratio<br />

Circulatory system, protonephridia remove waste from blood, rather<br />

than the mesenchyme tissues (flatworms).<br />

a) No relying on diffusion for internal transport and exchange b)<br />

complete gut, so anterior end is specialized on feeding and<br />

ingestion, c) development of layered muscles after the reduced<br />

reliability on diffusion for transport though mesenchyme<br />

Result: Relatively large animals (up to 30 m), with complex<br />

feeding and digestive activities

Key characters:<br />

1) Mesenchyme thickness<br />

2) Muscles<br />

3) Placement of longitudinal nerve<br />

cords<br />

4) Major longit. blood vessels

Feeding and digestion<br />

Proboscis is used to capture prey, - equipped in some species (Hoplonemertea) with piercing barbs or<br />

stylets, which may contain a toxin to subdue the prey. It opens a) through the proboscis pore (in A&B)<br />

or b) or associates with the foregut (C and D)<br />

Stylets are continuously produced in reserve stylet sacs. Used when needed<br />

Made from epithelial cells (styletocytes). Composed of organic core surrounded by crystalline Ca+P

Rhyncocoel<br />

The proboscis pore leads to rhynchodeum (anterior<br />

lumen), which is continuous with the epidermis, and to<br />

proboscis canal<br />

The rhynchocoel is a closed, fluid-filled space that is<br />

squeezed by the surrounded muscles, causing the<br />

eversible proboscis to be rapidly extended. Squeezing<br />

increases the hydrostatic pressure of rhynchocoel.<br />

Everted proboscis is retrieved by retractor muscle or<br />

hydrostatically. The genus Gorgonorhynchus possess<br />

an unusual, massively branched proboscis that takes<br />

the appearance of a collection of medusa-like snakes,<br />

called proboscides.<br />

Most predators, some<br />

scavengers, few ectoparasites<br />

(e.g. Carcinonemertes errans<br />

infects all Dungeness crabs)<br />

a) A retracted and B) extended<br />

proboscis of a hoplonemertean

Comparison of Proboscis Types<br />

Credit: R. Ritger from adaptation in<br />

Gibson, 1972 (<strong>Nemertea</strong>ns, Hutchinson,<br />

Univ Press)<br />

Palaeo/Heteronemertea Heteronemertea Hoplonemertea

Digestive system<br />

Anus is present (unlike flatworms), one way<br />

traffic of food results in structure<br />

specialization<br />

Mouth opens to ectodermic foregut (buccal<br />

cavity, esophagus, stomach)<br />

Stomach leads to straight, elongate intestine<br />

or midgut with numerous diverticula<br />

Midgut leads to the ectodermic hindgut or<br />

rectum which ends in the anus<br />

Digestive tube is ciliated<br />

In predatory nematodes, endopeptidases<br />

break down the ingested proteins in the<br />

lumen and then phago- and pinocytosis in<br />

midgut. Food is stores mostly in fat.

Circulation and Gas Exchange<br />

<strong>Nemertea</strong>ns are the most primitive metazoans<br />

with a true blood vascular system.<br />

Ribbon worms have no heart, so blood is<br />

squeezed through the vascular system by the<br />

contraction of musculature. Blood is virtually<br />

transparent, but some pigments resembling<br />

hemoglobin have been observed.<br />

The circulatory system consists of vessels and thin<br />

wall spaces, lacunae<br />

Great variation of circulation architecture<br />

Simplest in palaeonemerteans (A).<br />

In more complex forms, compartmentalization,<br />

transverse, middorsal vessels.<br />

Flow could be either way.<br />

Gas exchange (respiration) is epidermal

A: Palaeonemertea Cephalothrix linearis<br />

B: Palaeonemertea Tubulanus annulatus<br />

C: Palaeonemertea Carinoma armandi<br />

D: Heteronemertea Lineus sanguineus<br />

E: Heteronemertea Cerebratulus lacteus<br />

F: Hoplonemertea Amphiporus lactifloreus<br />

Generalized Blood Vessel Systems<br />

A B C D E F<br />

Credit: R. Ritger from adaptation in<br />

Gibson, 1972 (<strong>Nemertea</strong>ns, Hutchinson,<br />

Univ Press)

Excretion and Osmoregulation<br />

2 to 1000s of protonephridia, similar to those of flatworms. Number depends on the<br />

habitat. Some terrestrials may have up to 70,000 clusters of flame bulbs<br />

Protonephridia associated with lateral blood vessels, sometimes immersed in blood (B)<br />

They aid in osmoregulation in freshwater and terrestrial nemerteans<br />

Terrestrial species (e.g. Geonemertes) inhabit moist environments to avoid desiccation.<br />

Also some are covered in mucous. Minimal osmoregulation problems in open water or<br />

benthic nemerteans<br />

In some species,<br />

nephridioducts are syncitial<br />

and open up to 1000s<br />

of epidermal pores

Nervous system<br />

<strong>Nemertea</strong>ns more cephalized than flatworms. Nervous system a simple net, dominated<br />

by a brain derived from 4-5 ganglia. 5 longitudinal nerve processes stem from the brain<br />

and innervate the mouth, proboscis, gut and ocelli. Eyes anteriorly (2-100s in FigureB)<br />

Chemotactic; cephalic slits, cerebral organs, frontal glands (FigD) respond. Cephalic<br />

slits are lined up with ciliated sensory epithilium. Water moved through the slits.<br />

Frontal glands open to a pitlike-frontal sense organ (FigD). Some spp. have statocysts<br />


Cerebral organs of nemerteans<br />

Most nemerteans possess a pair of complex cerebral organs with a ciliated epidermal<br />

invagination (cerebral canal)<br />

Canal ends are surrounded by nervous tissue of the cerebral ganglion and glandular<br />

tissue and also associated with lacunar blood spaces.<br />

Cilia move water along and aid in prey detection<br />

Overall the complete function of the cerebral organs<br />

is not completely known.<br />

Some pelagic hoplonemerteans and symbiotic<br />

genera (e.g. Carcinonemertes and<br />

Malacobdella do not have cerebral organs)

Reproduction<br />

Most nemerteans are dioecious. Protandry and simultaneous hermaphroditism is known<br />

System not as complex as flatworms. Numerous paired gonads (mesenchymal tissue)<br />

located in pouches in the body wall between successive intestinal diverticuli.<br />

During reproduction, a temporary gonoduct and gonopore develop for each gonad.<br />

Gametes are shed to the sea through gonopores and body wall ruptures. Chemotaxis<br />

plays a role in locating mates<br />

External fertilization. Synchronous spawning with neighboring nemerteans? Several<br />

nemerteans may form a mucous covered mass during spawning<br />

Asexual reproduction by regeneration. Not all species can regenerate in the same<br />

extreme fashion as Lineus

Epidermis<br />

Frontal gland<br />

Esophagus<br />

Rhynchodaeum<br />

Rhynchopore<br />

Circular muscle<br />

Lateral“green<br />

” nerve cords<br />

Frontal<br />

organ<br />

Excretory pores<br />

Cephalic loop<br />

Ovaries<br />

Proboscis insertion<br />

“yellow”<br />

excretory system<br />

Diagonal muscle<br />

Longitudinal muscle<br />

Lateral nerve<br />

Mid dorsal nerve<br />

Rhynchocoel (proboscis is<br />

underneath)<br />

Digestive<br />

system cannot<br />

be seen,<br />

Underneath<br />

rhynchocoel<br />

NSF PEET grant (DEB 9712463) to<br />

Jon Norenburg ( and<br />

Diana Lipscomb (

Reproduction<br />

Internal fertilization. Sperm may be released in the mucous mating mass and move<br />

to the ovaries of a female. The structure of spermatozoa is very different from that of<br />

Turbellaria<br />

Egg capsules may form within the body (Fig 11.13) where part of development takes<br />

place.<br />

Some terrestrial and deep pelagic nemerteans are ovoviviparous, direct development<br />

(Fig. 11.14)<br />

Cleavage holoblastic and spiral. Rhynchocoel is formed through schizocoely, (true<br />

coelomic cavity)

Development<br />

Paleonemertea, Hoplonemertea, Bdellonemertea – direct development within eggs<br />

Heteronemerteans- produce free-swimming planktotrophic larva, pilidium. It is<br />

somewhat similar to a trochophore but lacks anus.<br />

Pilidium with incomplete gut, mouth between a pair of ciliated lobes (A). Ectodermal<br />

invaginations pinch off internally to produce the adult ectoderm(B). Juvenile<br />

metamorphoses in the larval skin during the planktonic stage(C). Skin is shed and<br />

juvenile settles in the sediment<br />

Desor larva is a creeping form. Iwata larva is a swimming form of the former.<br />

These two larvae do not feed when they are in the larval stage.<br />

Brusca and Brusca (2002)

1)<br />

Emergence of juvenile nemerteans (Cerebratulus sp.)<br />

2)<br />

3) 4)<br />

Adult Cerebratulus

Late-stage<br />

Cerebratulus sp.<br />

Pilidium larvae<br />

Late-stage, side view<br />

Cerebratulus larva<br />

Cerebratulus larva Cerebratulus<br />

<strong>Nemertea</strong>n larva<br />

Side view of a pilidium,<br />

probably Lineus sp.<br />

Bamfield, B.C

Ecological Notes<br />

<strong>Nemertea</strong>ns are found in and among seaweeds, rocks, mussel and barnacle beds, or<br />

buried in mud, sand, or gravel substrates. Most are benthic and live in temperate<br />

areas, but some terrestrial and freshwater species. Few fully pelagic species, that drift<br />

or swim slowly in the open ocean.<br />

Some ribbon worms live in burrows that have been constructed from slime secreted<br />

from their mucus glands. They crawl, leaving a trail of slime similar to that of a<br />

gastropod mollusc. Other species use their extended proboscis like an anchor around<br />

the substrate, from which they ‘reel’ their bodies in. Alternative forms of locomotion<br />

include burrowing and anguilliform swimming.<br />

Some nemerteans actively track prey by following their chemical trails, - common prey<br />

items are polychaetes, snails, small crustaceans, and molluscs. A few are parasitic.

<strong>Nemertea</strong>n Taxonomy<br />

<strong>Nemertea</strong>ns are classified according to the relation of the nervous system to the<br />

musculature, and the structure of the proboscis.<br />

Class Anopla - ‘Unarmed’ Gr.<br />

These animals are characterized by a mouth lying posterior to the brain, a CNS located<br />

directly below the epidermis, and a proboscis that bears no stylets but instead works as<br />

a wrap-around lasso. 2 Orders: Palaeonemertea, Heteronemertea<br />

E.g. Baseodiscus<br />

Class Enopla - ‘Armed’ Gr.<br />

The enoplans have a mouth that lies anterior to the brain. The CNS is located within<br />

the muscular layer, and the proboscis is armed in some species. Where an armed<br />

proboscis does occur, a poison sac lies directly below the stylet, and poison is ejected<br />

into wounds created by the stylet. 2 Orders: Hoplonemertea, Bdellonemertea<br />

Ex. Prostoma - a fresh water armed nemertean. Geonemertes - a tropical terrestrial<br />

genus of armed nemertean, which lives under rocks and stones.<br />

Pelagic nemertean

Are <strong>Nemertea</strong>ns sister taxa with flatworms?<br />

First scenario<br />

• Origin of triploblasty, spiralian condition, a= Acoelomate ancestor<br />

b = ancestor and then flatworms retains all ancestral characters from 1<br />

3. Proboscis, circulatory system, anus (synapomorphies) for <strong>Nemertea</strong><br />

4. Coelom<br />

Alternative scenario<br />

1. Origin of triploblasty, spiralian condition, schizocoely<br />

2. Loss of coelom (so ancestor b and its descendants phyla are acoelomates)

Are <strong>Nemertea</strong>ns sister taxa with flatworms?<br />

First scenario<br />

• Origin of triploblasty, spiralian condition, a= Acoelomate ancestor (characters<br />

from ancestor a are retained in flatworms)<br />

3. Circulatory system, anus<br />

b = acoelomate ancestor<br />

4. <strong>Nemertea</strong>n synapomorphies (Characters from b are retained)<br />

5. Coelom<br />

Alternative scenario<br />

• Coelom. If 1 is coelom, flatworms lost the coelom (2)<br />

3. Coelom. If 3 is coelom, flatworms are primitively acoelomates and nemerteans<br />

either lost the coelom (4) or kept it in the form of rhynchocoel<br />

Coelomate ancestor b gives rise to coelomate phyla

1. Proboscis<br />

2. Body wall architecture (3 types of muscles)<br />

3. Indirect development, free-living larvae<br />

4. Movement of the mouth anterior to the cerebral ganglion<br />

5. Movement of the longitudinal nerve cords to a mesenchymal position<br />

6. Fusion of the proboscis pore with the buccal region<br />

7. Proboscis armature<br />

8. Division of proboscis into distinct regions<br />

9. Reduction of sensory organs<br />

10. Appearance of posterior suckers<br />

11. Elongation and coiling of the gut<br />

12. Loss of intestinal diverticula<br />

<strong>Nemertea</strong>n Phylogeny

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