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The scientific concepts of the tantras run parallel to the<br />

metaphysical. While the latter provide an inherent teleology and<br />

ontological framework grafted mainly on the Samkhya system<br />

(c. 500 BC) of Vedic and Vedantic thought (c. 2000-1000 BC),<br />

within which ritual and art were assimilated, science helped to free<br />

dogmas and gave tantric rituals an empirico-experiential dimension.<br />

The tantrikas conducted experiments mainly in the field of<br />

chemical operations, particularly in the preparation of medicines<br />

consisting mostly of mercury and sulphur. Otherwise, tantra did<br />

not evolve any system of scientific thought independently, but<br />

drew freely for its own purposes from the various aspects of<br />

ancient Indian scientific knowledge. Those aspects of science<br />

which had a practical ritualistic interest were of utmost importance.<br />

Thus, astronomy and astrology, which revealed the<br />

movement of the vast spectrum of celestial bodies and their<br />

interaction on man, mapped out the heavens and determined<br />

ceremonial periods. Similarly, notions of molecular and atomic<br />

structure in the Nyaya-Vaiseshika system were useful for the<br />

preparation of chemical formulae; and the polarity principle of<br />

tantra was supported by the theory of cosmic evolution derived<br />

mainly from the Samkhya-Patanjali system. Mathematical and<br />

geometrical knowledge provided useful keys to the construction<br />

of various kinds of yantras. This syncretic trend made tantra an<br />

elastic and assimilative system and a fusion of many disciplines.<br />

Men's age-old questions about the origin and nature of the<br />

cosmos are not new; only the contexts and the methods of the<br />

search for conclusive answers can be unique. Science, by the very<br />

definition of its pursuit, bases its investigations on observations and<br />

experimental methods susceptible to verification. It is the realm of<br />

posterior knowledge based on empirical facts, and in diametrical<br />

opposition to it is another domain of knowledge which pursues its<br />

search principally along a priori lines of knowing. Paradoxically,<br />

the empirical and the intuitive disciplines share a common<br />

denominator: both transcend the appearances of the phenomenal<br />

world and go into the realm of the unknown to unravel the<br />

mysteries of the universe. Both these methods were applied by the<br />

Opposite and above: Creation of<br />

the universe showing the energy<br />

circles in the course of evolution<br />

emanating from a single<br />

transcendent source. Gujarat,<br />

c. 18th century. Gouache on paper.<br />


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