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I<br />

190 P. OVIDII <strong>NASO</strong>NIS LIBER II.<br />

Denique in adverse venientem limine sedit<br />

Exclusura Deum: cui blandimenta, precesque<br />

Verbaque jactanti mitissima, Desine, dixit:<br />

Hinc ego me non sum nisi te motura repulso.<br />

Stemus, ait, pacto, velox CyUenius, isto;<br />

Cselatasque fores virga patefecit. At illi<br />

Surgere conanti partes, quascunque sedendo<br />

Flectimur, ignavai nequeunt gravitate moveri.<br />

Ilia quidem recto pugnat se attollere trunco:<br />

Sed genuum junctura riget, frigusque per artus<br />

Labitur; et pallent amisso sanguine vena?.<br />

Utque malum late solet immedicabile cancer<br />

Serpere, et ilkesas vitiatis addere partes ;<br />

Sic lethalis hyems paulatim in pectora venit:<br />

Vitalesque vias, et respiramina clausit.<br />

Nee conata loqui est; nee, si conata fuisset,<br />

Vocis haberet iter: saxum jam colla tenebat;<br />

Oraque duruerant: signumque exsangue sedebat.<br />

Nee lapis albus erat: sua mens infecerat illam.<br />

105. Denique. Uncharitable and male<br />

volent feelings towards man, cannot fail<br />

in the end to produce malignity against<br />

God.<br />

He that loveth not his brother whom he hath<br />

seen, how can he love God whom he hath not<br />

seen ! 1 JOHN iv. 20.<br />

109. Isto pacto: to that agreement.<br />

Having told Mercury that she will not<br />

move until she has driven him away, he<br />

tells her, that it shall be so; for she will<br />

be changed to stone, and will not have the<br />

power of moving.<br />

109. Cyllenius: the Cyllenian. Mer<br />

cury, who was so called from Mount Cyl-<br />

lene, where he was born.<br />

110. Illi: of her; the dative being used<br />

for the genitive case.<br />

113. Recto trunco: with erect body;<br />

with erect trunk, that part of the body<br />

between the hips and neck.<br />

114. Genuum junctura: the joint of her<br />

knees.<br />

NOTJE.<br />

What festival was celebrated at Athens<br />

as Mercury was passing along?<br />

With whose beauty was he affected ?<br />

Who was she ?<br />

What were the names of the daughters<br />

of Cecrops ?<br />

105<br />

110 110. At paries, quat-<br />

cunque flectimnr, ee-<br />

dendo, nequeunt mo-<br />

Teri ignavft gravitate<br />

illi conanti surgere.<br />

115<br />

120 130. Nee conata eit<br />

loqui; nee si conata<br />

fuisset, haberet iler<br />

vocis.<br />

115. Labitur: glides; diffuses itself;<br />

creeps.<br />

116. Cancer. A diseased tumor, which<br />

has its name from its supposed resemblance<br />

to a crab. It becomes enlarged, ulcerates,<br />

and continues to spread, destroying the<br />

parts in succession, till the whole texture<br />

becomes diseased.<br />

118. Lethalis hyems: the deadly winter;<br />

the deadly cold. Thomson uses the term<br />

winter for cold: On every nerve<br />

The deadly winter seizes; shuts up sense;<br />

And, o'er his inmost vitals, creeping cold<br />

Lays him along the snows a stiffened corse.<br />

THOMSON.<br />

And, again:<br />

As thus the snows arise, and foul and fierce<br />

All winter drives along the darkened air.<br />

THOMSON.<br />

122. Signum exsangue: a bloodless sta<br />

tue.<br />

123. SIM mens. The dark and gloomy<br />

nature of the envious woman affected even<br />

her statue.<br />


What is the meaning of these several<br />

names ?<br />

Were they real or ideal personages ?<br />

Which one of the sisters attempted to<br />

prevent the ingress of Mercury ?<br />

Why did Minerva dislike Agraulos ?<br />


For what purpose did Minerva visit the<br />

house of Envy ?<br />

Did Envy affect Agraulos with her poison?<br />

Moved with envious feelings towards her<br />

Bister, what did Agraulos attempt f<br />

What did the god do to her?<br />

What color was the stone ?<br />

How is this fable to be interpreted?<br />

By Mercury what are we to understand?<br />

How must we interpret his love for<br />

Henet<br />

How must we regard the envy of Ag<br />

raulos ? »<br />

What renders it probable there were<br />

contests with the country people about the<br />

foreign trade of Athens f<br />

For what were the long walls constructed<br />

that reached from the Piraeus and other<br />

harbors to Athens f<br />

How are we to regard the three cliarn<br />

bers in the palace of Cecrops ?<br />

f I<br />


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