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III'<br />

P. OVIDII <strong>NASO</strong>NIS<br />

Concussse patuere fores: videt intus edentem<br />

Vipereas carnes, vitiorlim alimenta suorum,<br />

Invidiam ; visaque oculos avertit. At ilia<br />

Surgit humo pigra; semesarumque relinquit<br />

Corpora serpentum: passuque incedit inerti.<br />

Utque deam vidit formaque annisque decoram,<br />

Ingemuit; vultumque imaad suspiria duxit.<br />

Pallor in ore sedet: macies in corpore toto:<br />

Nusquam recta acies: livent rubigine denies:<br />

Pectora felle virent. Lingua est suffusa veneno.<br />

Risus abest; nisi quem visi movere dclores.<br />

Nee fruitur somno, vigilacibus excita curis :<br />

Sed videt ingratos, intabescitque videndo,<br />

Successus hominum. Carpitque et carpitur una;<br />

Suppliciumque suum est. (iuamvis tamen oderat illam;<br />

Talibus adfata est breviter Tritonia dictis :<br />

Infice tabe tua natarum Cecrcpis unam, 75<br />

Sic opus est: Agraulos ea est. Haud plura locuta<br />

Fugit: et impressa tellureiji reppulit hasta.<br />

ilia deam obliquo fugientem lumine, cernens ;<br />

Murmura parva dedit: successurumque Minerva<br />

at the door with her hand, but with the<br />

end of her spear. Horace, in like manner,<br />

makes Death knock at the palaces of kings<br />

with his foot:<br />

Pallida niors ccquo pulsat pede<br />

Fauperum tabernns<br />

Regumque turres. LIB. I. Od. iv.<br />

GO. Vipereas carnes: ihe flesh of vipers.<br />

The poisonous food upon which she feeds<br />

is intended to represent the evil passions<br />

in which she indulges.<br />

Cl. Visa. Minerva lurns her eyes from<br />

the loathed view of Envy. The virtuous<br />

can never look upon vice with any com<br />

placency.<br />

62. Surgil humo. Envy is seated on the<br />

ground, an attitude of gloom and despon<br />

dency.<br />

63. Passu inerti: with sluggish step.<br />

This also is an evidence of a disposition<br />

gloomy, morose, and sullen.<br />

65. lnffemu.it: she groaned. On seeing<br />

'he comeliness and beauty of the goddess<br />

she was filled with sorrowful and malig<br />

nant feelings.<br />

65. Ima suspiria: deep sighs.<br />

C6. Pallor sedet: paleness is seated on<br />

her countenance. Her gloom is perpetual.<br />

66. Macies in corpore: there is emacia<br />

tion in all her body. Her evil passions<br />

have wasted her away.<br />

67. Nusquam rccla: her eye is never<br />

straight. She always looks askant. This<br />

3 the manner of envious persons.<br />

68. Peclora felle: her breast ie green<br />

60<br />

65<br />

70<br />

bet fas succcilerc tec-<br />

tis) et pulsat posts*<br />

extrema cuspide.<br />

GG. Pallor ecdet in<br />

ore, macies in toto<br />

corpore: acies est<br />

nusqnam rtc-ta. deu-<br />

tes livrnt rul-Jsjinp,<br />

pectora virem feile,<br />

lingua est sulTusa<br />

veneno.<br />

74. Tritonia quam<br />

vis odcrat, tameil ad<br />

fata est ipain brevitep<br />

talibus dictis.<br />

with gall. Poisonous serpents are oilen<br />

green beneath the throat.<br />

68. Lingua esl: her tongue is suffused<br />

with poison.<br />

With their tongues they have used deceit,<br />

the poison of asps is under their lips.<br />

ROMANS iii. 13.<br />

69. Quem movere dolores: which sorrow<br />

has excited. Hate. Amhition, Guile<br />

Betray no further than the bitter smile BVROH.<br />

There wns a laughing Devil in his sneer<br />

That raised emotions bolll of rage and ftar. ID.<br />

71. Videt ingralos : beholds ungrateful<br />

the success of men.<br />

71. Inlalescitque videndo: and pines<br />

away at the eight.<br />

For, like the soul, pale Envy braves the tomb,<br />

Nor with the body shares an equal doom;<br />

But one, who sickens at another's joy,<br />

Prone lo insult, and eager to destroy.<br />

STATIUS'S <strong>THE</strong>BAID.<br />

73. Supplicium suum est : is her own<br />

punishment. It is the righteous punish<br />

ment of envious persons, that the fortune<br />

nnd condition of others always appear to<br />

them grtater than they really are; while<br />

iheir own seem less than they are.<br />

74. Tritonia. Minerva was called Tri<br />

tonia, either from rpir.i, which, in the lan<br />

guage of the Cretans, signifies heart, i n al<br />

lusion to her origin; or Irom the lake Tri-<br />

tonis, near which she was born and wor<br />

shipped.<br />

75. Tabetua: with thy poison; with envy.<br />

78. Obliquo lumine: with eye askant.<br />


Indoluit: baculumque capit, quod spinea totum 80<br />

Vincula cingebant: adopertaque nubibus atris,<br />

Gluacunque ingreditur, florentia preterit arva,<br />

Exuritque herbas, et summa cacumina carpit:<br />

Afflatuque suo populos, urbesque, domcsque<br />

Pclluit: et tandem Tritonida ccnspicit arcem, 85<br />

Ingeniis opibusque, et festa pace virentem :<br />

Vixque tenet lacrymas; quia nil lacrymabile cernit.<br />

Sed postquam thalamos intravit Cecrope nata?;<br />

Jussa facit.: pectusque manu ferrugine tincta<br />

Tangit: et hamatis prsecordia sentibus implet: 90<br />

Inspiratque nocens virus: piceumque per ossa<br />

Dissipat, et medio spargit pulmone, venenum.<br />

Neve mali spatium causa per latifls errent:<br />

Germanam ante oculos, fortunatumque sororis<br />

Conjugium, pulchraque Deum sub imagine ponit, 95<br />

Cunctaque magna facit. Quibus irritata, dolore<br />

Cecropis occulto mordetur: et anxia nocte,<br />

Anxia luce gemit; lentaque miserrima tabe<br />

Liquitur, ut glacies incerto saucia sole;<br />

Felicisque bonis non secifls uritur Herses ; 100<br />

duam cum spinosis ignis supponitur herbis ;<br />

(ins ncque dant flammas ; lenique tepore cremantur.<br />

Ssepe mori voluit; ne quicquam tale videret:<br />

Stepe velut crimen rigido narrare parenti.<br />

NOT.&.<br />

88. Sed postquam<br />

inlravit Thalamos na-<br />

tae Cecrope; facit<br />

jussa.<br />

93. Neve cansic ma<br />

li errent per latius spa<br />

tium ; ponit ante ocu<br />

los ger-manam, conju-<br />

giunique fortunatiim<br />

sorons, deumque sub<br />

pulclira imagine<br />

103. Stepe voluit<br />

mori, ne videret quic<br />

quam tale; spepe nar<br />

rare velut crimen ri<br />

gido parenti.<br />

81. Adoperta nubibus. What a gloomy 87. Quia nil. There is keen epigram<br />

investiture !<br />

matic point in this sentence.<br />

She with the dark of air her form arrays, 88. Cecrope natta. Agraulos, the daugh<br />

And walks in awful grief the city ways. ter of Cecrops.<br />

HESIOD. 89. Ferrugine: with canker; the rust of<br />

82. Protcrildrva: blights the flourishing envy.<br />

fields.<br />

90. Pracordia. The parts that encom<br />

The meagre fiend<br />

pass the heart.<br />

Blows mildew from beRveen her shriveled lips, 90. Ilamatis sentibus: with jagged<br />

And taints the golden ear. COWPER.<br />

thorns.<br />

83. Exurit herbst: consumes the grass. 91. Inspiratque: inspires her with;<br />

Her elfin blood in madness ran, breathes into her.<br />

Her mouth foamed, and the grass, therewith He breathes into it the fire of his own courage,<br />

besprent,<br />

a daring and desperate thirst for glory; an ardor<br />

Withered at dew so sweet and virulent. KEATS. panting for great enterprises, for all the storm,<br />

83. Summa cacumina. She is enviously and bustle, and hurricane of life. WIKT.<br />

affected towards the grass and shrubs, and 93. Mali: of unhnppiness.<br />

cuts down the tallest heads.<br />

95. Germanam ponit. Envy ever sets<br />

84. AJ/lalu suo: by her breath. before the eyes of Agraulos a lively pic<br />

85. Polluit: infects; blasts.<br />

ture of the happiness of her sister lo excite<br />

I.o, ill-rejoicing Envy, winged with lies, her malevolent feelings.<br />

Seatlerhur calumnious rumors as she flies, 97. Mordetur: is consumed; is corroded.<br />

The steps of men with hatred doth pursue 99. Incerlo sole. By a slight degree of<br />

AVith haggard aspect, blasting lo the view. heat.<br />

HESIOD. 100. Urilur: she is consumed.<br />

86. Ingeniis: in arts.<br />

103. jU0/-{ voluit: she even wished to<br />

Thus Athens grew, the nurse of arts and arms, die, that she might iiot be ihe witness ot<br />

The eye ol'Greece. AKESSIDE.<br />

her sister's good fortune.<br />

86. Festa pace: in festal peace. Shows, 104. Rigido parenti: her austere father<br />

festivals, and amusements are common in She threatens to accuse her sister as a<br />

timfis of peace.<br />


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