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FABULA X.<br />


Apollo, whilo tending the herds of Admetus, and singing on h'a pipe the love<br />

of his mistress, forgets his cattle, and a part of them are stolen by Mercury<br />

Battus witnesses the theft, but on receiving from Mercury the present of a<br />

cow, ho promises silence. Mercury i.: sumes a different form, and returns to<br />

Battus, and inquires if he had seen any stray cattle; and promises him a<br />

greater reward if he would tell him where they are. Battus directs Mer<br />

cury to the place where they are to bo found, when the gcd makes himself<br />

known, and, for his perfidy, changes him into a touchstone.<br />


APOLLO, according to Homer, is sometimes fabled to be a herdsman,<br />

because the solar influence is the chief cause of the nutriment and<br />

growth of all things upon earth. As the country of Pherce was particu<br />

larly noted for its fine pastures, he is therefore said to have fed flocks in<br />

that fine pastoral country. The theft which Mercury practised upon<br />

Apollo, is related by Homer in his Hymn to Mercury ; and by Horace,<br />

in his Hymn to the same deity, in Lib. i. Ode x. The great point of<br />

difference between them is, that Homer describes the theft as committed<br />

by Mercury when an infant, not yet done with the cradle; Horace<br />

represents it as committed when the god was a boy ; while Ovid places<br />

it at a more advanced period, when he had grown up and become the<br />

messenger of his father, Jupiter. The story, as related by Homer, ex<br />

tends through four or five hundred lines, and although related in polished<br />

language, is protracted and tedious.<br />

The story of Battus contains a good moral, as it shows the baneful<br />

effects of avarice. When the love of gain comes to be an absorbing pas<br />

sion, it shakes the foundation of all the virtues, and involves the ruin of<br />

truth, fidelity, and integrity. The breast is hardened agajnst all the<br />

finer feelings of humanity; pity, benevolence, generosity, and charity<br />

plead in vain for the unfortunate ; while on the footsteps of unhallowed<br />

cupidity follow not unfrequently treachery, perjury, theft, robbery, and<br />

even murder itself. When Battus had consented to lie for a bribe, he<br />

was fitted for the treachery which he afterwards committed, when a<br />

larger bribe tempted his avarice.<br />

The petrifying effect which it has upon the soul, may be adumbrated<br />

by the metamorphosis of Battus into stone; or as the Index, or touch<br />

stone, is used to test the qualities of gold, and is therefore a discoverer,<br />

Battus may be fabled to be changed into that stone, because he perfidi<br />

ously discovered the place where Mercury had hidden the cattle, con<br />

trary to an espress promise, extracted too by a reward.<br />

180<br />

LEBAT opemquc tuam frustru Philyrri'us heros,<br />

Delphice, poscebat: sed nee rescindere magni<br />

Jussa Jovis poteras; nee, si rescindere posses,<br />

Tune aderas; Elin Messeniaque arva colebas.<br />

Illud erat tempus, quo te pastoria pellis 5<br />

Texit; onusquc fuit baculum sylvestre sinistrtE ;<br />

Alterius, dispar septenis fistula cannis.<br />

Dumque amor est curce, dum te tua fistula mulcet;<br />

NOTjE. f<br />

1. Pliilyrems hens. Chiron, the son of Saturn by Philyra.<br />

2. Rescindere: to rescind; to moke void.<br />

4. Elin. A principal division of Peloponnesus, the Morea, lying<br />

west of Arcadia, bounded on the north by the Larissus, which sepa<br />

rated it from Achaia; on the south by the Neda, and on the west by<br />

the /Egean sea. It was fertile, and used for agriculture and grazing.<br />

The city of Elis was in the north.<br />

4. Messcnia arva. Messenia, a district of Peloponnesus, the Morea<br />

bounded on the north by Elis and Arcadia, on the east by Laronia,<br />

and on the south and west by the Ionian sea. It is a mountainous<br />

country, with rich and well-watered plains, suitable for pasturage.<br />

5. Paxloria pellis : the pastoral skin.<br />

The shepherd's coat, made of skins. When<br />

Apollo killed the Cyclops for making the<br />

thunderbolts with which his son TEscula-<br />

pius was destroyed, he was driven from<br />

heaven, and compelled to tend the flocks<br />

of Ailmetus.<br />

8. Imor eat curce: love is your care;<br />

while your thoughts are turned to love.<br />

While in Messenia, Apollo fell in love<br />

with the daughter of Admetus.<br />

8. Fistula muled.: your pipe solaces you.<br />

Ea sola voluplos,<br />

Solamenquc mail: du collo fistula pendet.<br />

Chnrming shell. Apollo's love, ViEon.<br />

And pleasing 10 the priests of Jove!<br />

Hear tliy poet's solemn praj er,<br />

Thou solace of each anxious care.— HORACE.<br />

Q, 181

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