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II<br />

P. OVIDII <strong>NASO</strong>NIS<br />

178<br />

Ergb ubi fatidicos concepit mente furores,<br />

Incaluitque deo, quern clausum pectore habebat;<br />

Aspicit infantem, Totique salutifer orbi<br />

Cresce, puer, dixit: tibi se mortalia scepe<br />

Corpora debebunt; animas tibi reddere ademptas<br />

Fas erit; idque semel dis indignantibus ausus,<br />

Posse dare hoc iterum flammS prohibebere avita;<br />

Eque deo corpus fies exsangue ; deusque,<br />

Q,ui modo corpus eras; et bis tua fata novabis.<br />

Tu quoque, care pater, non jam mortalis, et sevis<br />

Omnibus ut maneas, nascendi lege creatus;<br />

Posse mori cupies turn, cum cruciabere dirae<br />

Sanguine serpentis per saucia membra recepto:<br />

Teque ex ceterno patientem Numina mortis<br />

Efficient; triplicesque decs tua fila resolvent.<br />

Restabat fatis aliquid; suspirat ab imis<br />

Pectoribus, lacrymceque genis labuntur obortse:<br />

Atque ita, Prcevertunt, inquit, me fata; vetorque<br />

Plura loqui; vocisque mea; prcecluditur usus.<br />

Non fuerant artes tanti, quce numinis iram<br />

Contraxere mihi; mallem nescisse futura.<br />

LIBER II.<br />

P. Ergo ubi concepit<br />

fatidicos furores men-<br />

te, iucaluitque deo<br />

in quern habebat claulu<br />

sum pectore.<br />

15<br />

20<br />

17. Tu qnoque, care<br />

pater, jam non morta<br />

lis, et creatus lege<br />

nascendi ul maneas<br />

omnibus revis.<br />

23. Aliquid restabat<br />

fatis: Ula suspirat ab<br />

imis pectoribus, lacry<br />

mteque obortae labun-<br />

tar genis.<br />

27. Artes quffi con-<br />

traxere iram numinis<br />

milii non fuerant ton-<br />

NOTJE.<br />

8. Fatidicos furores: the oracular fury.<br />

_ god; and again rendered immortal alter<br />

9. Intaluit deo. When she became death.<br />

17. Tu quoque. Ocyrrhoe predicts also<br />

heated by the divine impulse.<br />

10. Salutifer: the bringer of health. the death of her father, Chiron.<br />

This is a sublime spectacle where the<br />

17. Non mortalis: immortal.<br />

prophetess Chariclo takes in her arms the That Heaven to me the final seal<br />

child who is the giver of health to the<br />

Of all earth's sorrow would deny,<br />

And I eternally must feel<br />

world. It reminds us of one more sublime, The death-pang, without power to die 1<br />

when the prophetess Anna takes in her<br />

MOORS<br />

arms the infant Jesus, (physician,) who is 18. JEvis omnibus: throughout all time.<br />

to heal alike the maladies of the souls and 18. Nascendi lege: by the condition of<br />

bodies of a sin-sick world; and, the spirit<br />

of prophecy resting upon her, beholds thy birth.<br />

19. Diree serpentis: of the dread serpent.<br />

"the Sun of righteousness arise with Chiron was wounded by one of the poi<br />

healing in his wings."<br />

soned arrows of Hercules, which had been<br />

Great ./Esculapius, skilled to heal mankind, dipped in the gall of the LernEean serpent.<br />

All i uling Preui nd physician kind;<br />

22. Triplices dete. The three fates. Clo-<br />

Who»c urt medicinal can alone assuage<br />

Diseases dire, and top their dreadful rage. tho, Lachesis, and Atropos. They were<br />

Strong, lenient god, re ard my suppliant prayer said to be the daughters of Jupiter and<br />

Bring gentle Health adorned with lovely hair: Themis; or of Nox, or Erebus, according<br />

Convey the mean of mitigalm- pain. to others. They spun the thread of human<br />

And raging d adly p tileuce e train. life; the first holding the distaff, the second<br />

O, power a 1 flourislnn abundant, bright,<br />

Apollo's honored off pring, god of light; spinning the thread, and the third ending it:<br />

Husbnnd " - of - blame e Health, Health, th the constant foe Clotho colum retinet, Lachesig net. et Atropos<br />

O f dreud duease, llie minister of wo.<br />

occat.<br />

Come, blessed Saviour, human health defend.<br />

And to this mortal iiuiuuuic««,,«_,..»,...... life afford a prosperous end. ... 23. Restabat aliquid: something re-<br />

OBPHHCS'S HYMS TO jEscuLAi-ius. rnained to the fates of her father. She was<br />

Cresce puer: grow up, boy. about to foretel his transformation to the<br />

11. preset: jiua.- g nj.« «*F, u~j.<br />

13. Semel. When ""' he ' shall ' " restore ' "" Hip constellation Sagittarius, but her own me<br />

polytus to life.<br />

tamorphosis prevented.<br />

14. Flammd avita: by the thunder of his 25. Fatapravertnnt: the fates prevent.<br />

26. Prcscluditur: is stopped; is pre<br />

grandfather.<br />

15. Corpus exsangue: a pale body; cluded.<br />

lifeless body.<br />

27. Artes. The art of prophecy.<br />

16. ID. Bis B IS nmatis: novuvis; thou inuu shah »iuui twice LTVI^ renew «^"-" 28. - Conlraxere mihi: have drawn upon<br />

... , , r __<br />

ihy fate; once having become mortal trom | me,<br />


Jam mihi subduci facies humana videtur:<br />

Jam cibus herba placet; jam latis currere campis<br />

Impetus est; in equam, cognataque corpora vertor.<br />

Tola tamen quare ? Pater est mihi nempe biformis.<br />

Talia dicenti pars est extrema querelce<br />

Intellecta parum: confusaque verba fuere.<br />

Mox, nee verba quidem, nee equce sonus ille videtur; 35<br />

Sed simulantis equam; parvoque in tempore certos<br />

Edidit hinnitus; et brachia movit in herbas.<br />

Turn digiti coeunt, et quinos alJigat ungues<br />

Perpetuo cornu levis ungula: crescit et oris<br />

Et colli spatium; longce pars maxima pallse<br />

Cauda fit; utque vagi crines per colla jacebant,<br />

In dextras abiere jubas; pariterque novata est<br />

Et vox et facies : nomen quoque monstra dedere.<br />

29..Milii subduci: to be taken from me.<br />

31. Cognata corpora: into a kindred bo<br />

dy. Her father was half horse.<br />

32. Tola qttare: wherefore entire ? She<br />

wonders why she should be changed en<br />

tirely into a mare, when her father was<br />

half man and half horse.<br />

36. Simulantis equam: of one that imi<br />

tates a mare.<br />

37. Certoi hinnitus: true neighings.<br />

37. Brachia movit: she moved her arms.<br />

Who was Chiron ?<br />

Who were the Centaurs ?<br />

How do you explain their double na<br />

ture?<br />

Who was Ocyrrhoe ?<br />

What arts did she possess ?<br />

What prophecy did she make in refer<br />

ence to ./Esculapius ?<br />

By whom was ./Esculapius slnin ?<br />

After the prophecy relating to ^Escula-<br />

pius, what prediction did she utter ?<br />

How did Chiron die ?<br />

What became of him after death ?<br />

NOTjE.<br />


30<br />

179<br />

ti; mallem nesciue<br />

futura-<br />

38. Turn digiti co«-<br />

um et levis ungula<br />

olhgat quinos ungues<br />

40 P.erpetuo cornu: spa<br />

tium et oris et colli<br />

crescit<br />

She went upon all-fours, Tmt her arms<br />

were not yet changed into fore-legs.<br />

40. Longce pallee: of her long robe. The<br />

clothes of Lycaon, in like manner, were<br />

changed into hair.<br />

41. Vagi jacebant: lay scattered.<br />

43. Nomen. The metamorphosis also<br />

caused her to have a new name; she was<br />

called Evippe, which signifies one skilled<br />

in horsemanship, from ttonroj, expert in<br />

horsemanship.<br />

. _. .._r(,jned to Ocyrrhoe 1<br />

Whom did Sancboniatho consider JEs<br />

culapius to be ?<br />

Who are the Cabiri considered to be ?<br />

What character of the sun does JEscn-<br />

lapius represent ?<br />

Explain how he is slain by Jupiter.<br />

How d9 you interpret his deification ana<br />

immortality ?<br />

How do you explain the death of Chiron I<br />

How do you explain the account rf<br />

Ocyrrhoe as a real personage ?<br />

How can yon explain it physically ?<br />

r r

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