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FABULA IX.<br />


Ocyirhoe, the daughter of Chiron by the nymph Chariclo, besides learning<br />

her father's arts, covets the gift of prophecy, and under an oracular frenzy,<br />

predicts future events. She predicts the medical ability of JEscuiapius,<br />

and his destruction by a thunderbolt. She also foretels the sufferings and<br />

death of her father, whan her further prophecies are prevented by her<br />

own transformation into a mare.<br />


THIS fable is somewhat complicated, as it relates to no less than three<br />

personages. ./Esculapius, according to Sanchoniatho, was the same as<br />

the Phenician Esmun, and the brother of the Seven Cabiri. He is the<br />

same as the Egyptian Ptha, and, like him, is the guide of the Cabiri,<br />

who are the seven planets. As a solar deity, the son of Apollo, he is<br />

like the Phrygian Atis, the fair Adonis, or the chained Hercules, and<br />

represents the sun without strength, in the Spring, and in Autumn, as<br />

the author of health. As the insalubrious seasons follow the period<br />

which is designated by this solar deity, hence, he who is the giver of<br />

health, is fabled to be slain by Jupiter, or the pestilent air which falls out<br />

in the unhealthy seasons of the Spring and Autumn. Purged from<br />

these infections, and assuming recovered vigor, he is fabled to be changed<br />

inio a deity. Or, his fabled deification and immortality may represent the<br />

continued succession of the seasons.<br />

In the story of the death of Chiron, by one of the poisoned arrows that<br />

were dipped in the blood of the serpent of Lerna, we have an astronomical<br />

and physical fact presented to us. The constellation Scorpio is intended<br />

to represent the pestiferous airs and miasmata that abound during the<br />

period when the sun is in that constellation; and as Sagittarius follows<br />

next in order, and is fabled to be the Centaur Chiron; hence, the latter<br />

is said to be slain by the poisoned arrows of a deadly serpent; in other<br />

words, by the malignant rays of the autumnal sun during the sickly<br />

season.<br />

The account of Ocyrrhoe involves a good deal of difficulty. Considered<br />

as an actual personage, it is to be presumed she was instructed by h er father<br />

in all his accomplishments, and that being expert at horsemanship, she<br />

was fabled to he changed into a mare ; since the Centaurs were described<br />

as lialf man and half horse, because they were skilful horsemen. Or, as<br />

Chiron, the ideal physician, dwelt upon Mount Pelion, we may consider<br />

Ocyrrhoe a stream flowing from Pelion, as used for medical purposes,<br />

and, hence, said to be the daughter of Chiron, and changed into a mare;<br />

for several streams (among them one in Colchos flowing into the Phasis)<br />

Lave the name of Hippos, a mare.<br />

176<br />

II<br />

jEMIFER interea aivinae stirpis alumno<br />

' Loetus erat; mistoque oneri gaudebat honore.<br />

Ecce venit rutilis humeros protecta capillis<br />

Filia Centauri: quam quondam nympha Chariclo,<br />

Fluminis in rapidi ripis enixa, vocavit 5<br />

Ocyrrhcen. Non base artes contenta paternas<br />

Etlidicisse fuit: fatorum arcana cane bat.<br />

NOTVE.<br />

1. Semifer.. Chiron, who was half man ana half beast.<br />

1. Alumno: his fosier-child ; viz. ./Esculapius.<br />

4. Cintuuri: of the Cenraur; of Chiron. The Centaurs were a<br />

race of beings half man and half beast, said to be born of Ixion and a<br />

cloud. They were a rude race of mountaineers, who first tnught the<br />

practice of riding on horseback, and who, descending from the cloud-<br />

capt heights of Thessaly, were fabled to be born of a cloud. Again,<br />

the fiction may have arisen from their coming from the city of Nephele,<br />

which signifies a cloud ; or, as they probably were predatory in their<br />

habits, they may have been called in the old Greek langunge, which<br />

contained many Phenician words, Nephclim, which means ctants;<br />

and by mistaking Nephde, a cloud, for the root of Neplielim, the Cen<br />

taurs may have been called the sons of the cloud.<br />

4. Cliariclo. Was a nymph beloved by ther, viz. Astronomy, Music, and Mcdi<br />

Chiron, and the mother of Ocyrrhoe and cine.<br />

Tircsias. 7. Arcana caneliat: she sang the secrets<br />

6. Ocyrrlwen. The daughter of Chiron of the iates. Cano is employed, because<br />

and Chariclo; she was born on the banks oracles were given, for the most part, in<br />

of a rapid stream, and hence her name, verse.<br />

which signifies fouling fuiiflly. Sola ,;],; I Bies casus Cassandra canetat<br />

6. Artes •/•alernas : t he arts of her fa- Vitjc.<br />

*J 177 I

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