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•H<br />

P. OVIDII <strong>NASO</strong>NIS<br />

Tempera cum blandis absumsit inania verbis; 45<br />

Vim parat, et sequitur. Fugio, densumque relinquo<br />

Littus, et in molli nequicquam lassor arena.<br />

Inde Deos, hominesque voco: nee contigit ullum<br />

Vox mea mortalem: mota est pro virgine virgo,<br />

Auxiliumque tulit. Tendebam brachia coelo: 50<br />

Brachia coeperunt levibus nigrescere pennis.<br />

Rejicere ex humeris vestem molibar: at ilia<br />

Pluma erat; inque cutem radices egerat imas.<br />

Plangere nuda meis conabar pectora palmis;<br />

Sed neque jam palmas, nee pectora nuda gerebam. 55<br />

Currebam; nee, ut ante, pedcs re^nebat arena:<br />

Et summa tollebar humo. Mox acta per auras<br />

Evehor, et data sum comes inculpata Minerva?.<br />

Quid tamen hoc prodest, si diro facta volucris<br />

Crimine, Nyctimene nostro successit honori I 60<br />

NOTVE.<br />

Lorenzo dc' Medici. His villa, called Am-<br />

bra, and situated on the banks of the Om-<br />

brone, was overflowed during an inunda<br />

tion, and the prince commemorated the<br />

circumstance by an agreeable fable, which<br />

formed the subject of one of his beautiful<br />

poems, and was also exquisitely carved on<br />

an amber Fiaschetto.<br />

A nymph named Ambra, bathing in ihe Om-<br />

brone, the river god is enamored of her; he<br />

cndeavorp lo seize upon lier, and she flies away<br />

along the banks. The river overflows, but cnn-<br />

not overtake her. He calls for assistance to<br />

Arno, his elder brother, who swells up his<br />

stream, and prevents her further flight. Om-<br />

brone has nearly reached her, when she pours<br />

out her supplications to Diunu; and, ns Dnphne<br />

was transformed into a laurel, she is changed<br />

into a rock. It appears to me, that it was the<br />

intention of Lorenzo to celebrate his villa of<br />

Ambra, which, at a time of inundation, is fre<br />

quently surrounded by water, and to give a<br />

poetic origin to his favorite residence, ami the<br />

lovely eminence on which it is placed- ILLUS<br />

TRATIONS <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> LIFE <strong>OF</strong> LoilEXZO DE1 MEDICI.<br />

44. Pelagi Deus. This whole storj of<br />

Coronis is susceptible of a fine historical<br />

interpretation. Corone of Messenia was<br />

situated upon the Sinus Messeniacus,<br />

which was subject to sudden risings of the<br />

tide. Coronca in Bceotia was near the<br />

Copatc lake; which, like the Nile, often<br />

overflows the whole adjacent country.<br />

Hence Neptune may be said to fall in love<br />

with Coronis, and pursue her. As the<br />

name Coreiie signifies crow, hence the fa<br />

bulous transformation into that bird. In<br />

the vicinity of the town of Coronea was the<br />

temple of Minerva Itonis, in which the<br />

general council of the Boeotian states as<br />

sembled. Hence Coronea, the crow, is<br />

under the protection of Minerva. Calli-<br />

machus, in his- Hymn to the Bath of'Pal<br />

las, speaks of Coronca and its adjacent<br />

LIBER II.<br />

48. Inde voco Decs<br />

hominesque: nee \ ox<br />

mea contigit ullum<br />

mortnlem: virgo esl<br />

mota pro virgine, tu-<br />

litque auxilium.<br />

£4. Conabar plan-<br />

gere nuda pectora<br />

meis palmis- sed ne<br />

que jam gerebam pal<br />

mas, nee uuda pec<br />

tora.<br />

jrove as dear to Minerva. The august<br />

ceremony of the Bath probably took place<br />

here. As the owl was a symbol of that<br />

goddess, it is said to supplant the crow<br />

in her affections.<br />

46. Vim parat. Pan, in like manner,<br />

after employing words of blandishment,<br />

pursues Syrinx with all his speed, as re<br />

lated in a former Fable.<br />

47. Nequicquam lassor: I am wearied in<br />

vain; I weary myself in vain.<br />

48. Inde Deos. After making every ex<br />

ertion of her own, she implores the assist<br />

ance of the gods, and of men. Heaven<br />

may be supplicated wiih confidence, after<br />

we have done all that is in our own power.<br />

God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be<br />

lempted above that ye are able; but will with<br />

the temptation also make a -way to escupe.<br />

1 CORINTHIANS x. 13.<br />

49. Mota est virgo : a virgin was moved<br />

in behalf of a virgin. Minerva wns moved<br />

for Coronis. Heaven interposes to save<br />

the virtuous, when every human means<br />

fails.<br />

52. Eejicere vestem: to throw off the gar<br />

ment. The garment had already begun<br />

to change into feathers.<br />

53. Egerat imas; had driven the lowest<br />

roots.<br />

57. Tollrlar humo: I was raised from<br />

the ground. Coronis was now upborne by<br />

wings, being changed into a crow.<br />

57. Acta per auras: impelled through<br />

the air.<br />

58. Comes inculpata: a blameless com<br />

panion. She was inviolate from Nep<br />

tune.<br />

59. Diro crimine: a dreadful crime ; the<br />

crime of incest.<br />

59. Volucris: a bird. She was changed<br />

to a night-owl.<br />


Who was Coronis of Phocis 1<br />

Who fell in love with her ?<br />

When pursued by Neptune, into what<br />

was she changed ?<br />

Who effected the transformation ?<br />

How do you explain Neptune's pursuing<br />

her?<br />

How do you explain her transformation<br />

to a crow ?<br />

How may this whole fable be explained<br />

historically ?<br />

What similar fable in the history of Lo<br />

renzo de' Medici ?<br />

How may the city of Coronea be fabled<br />

to be the daughter of Cproneus ?<br />

Who was Erichthonius, and how pro<br />

duced ?<br />

What is the meaning of the word Erich<br />

thonius ?<br />

How do you explain the attempt of Vul<br />

can upon Minerva ?<br />

How do you explain the circumstance of<br />

Erichthonius being half man and half<br />

Bcrnentf<br />


171<br />

What was the basket of Attic oziers?<br />

What is the second interpretation "of<br />

Who was Cecrops said to be ?<br />

How do you explain the double nature<br />

of Cecrops ?<br />

What were the names of his daugh<br />

ters ?<br />

Explain the meaning of these different<br />

names 1<br />

How dp the three Cecropidie guard<br />

Erichthonius in the ozier basket ?<br />

How do you interpret the action of Ag.<br />

raulos ?<br />

Wherefore does the crow become dis<br />

agreeable to Minerva?<br />

Explain this! Of what is the crow the<br />

symbol ?<br />

Is there especial enmity between the<br />

crow and owl ?<br />

Why is the owl sacred to Minerva?<br />

Why is the owl said to be preferred to<br />

the crow by Minerva ?

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