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164<br />

P. OVIDII <strong>NASO</strong>NIS<br />

Imposuit coelo, vicinaque sidera fecit.<br />

Intumuit Juno, postquam inter sidera pellex<br />

Fulsit; et ad canam descendit in aequora Tetbyn,<br />

Oceanumque senem: quorum reverentia movit<br />

Saepe Deos; causamque vise scitantibus, infit:<br />

Quseritis sethereis quare regina Deorum<br />

Sedibus rifle adsim ? Pro me tenet altera ccclum.<br />

Mentiar, obscurum nisi nov cum fecerit orbem,<br />

Nuper honoratas summo mea vulnera coelo<br />

Videritis Stellas illic, ubi circulus axem<br />

Ultimus extremum, spatioque brevissimus ambit.<br />

Est verb, cur quis Junonem Isedere nolit,<br />

Offensamquc tremat, quce prosim sola nocendo ?<br />

En ego quantum egi! quam vasta potentia nostra est!<br />

Esse hominem vetiu; facta est Dea: sic ego pcenas<br />

Sontibus itnpono; sic est mea rnapna potestas.<br />

Vindicet antiquam faciem, vultusque ferinos<br />

Detrahat; Argolica quod in ante Phoronide fecit.<br />

Cur non et pulsa ducat Junone, meoque<br />

NOTVE.<br />

Yel where the captives stood, in holy awe,<br />

Rapt on the -wings of cherubim, they saw<br />

Their (aimed sire a_cendmjir through the night;<br />

He turned his face to bless them in his flight;<br />

Then vanished. MONTGOMERY.<br />

11. Per inania: through the void.<br />

12. Vicina sidera: neighboring con<br />

stellations. Arctos and Arctophylux arc<br />

situated near each other, not far irom the<br />

north pole.<br />

13. Intumv.il: swelled with rage.<br />

15. Oceanian. The god of Ocean, ear<br />

lier than Neptune. He was the eldest of<br />

the Titans, the offspring of Ccelus and<br />

Terra. He married his sister Tethys, and<br />

their children were the rivers of the earth,<br />

and the three thousand Occanides.<br />

To Oceao Telhys brought the rivers forth<br />

In whirlpool waters rolled: Eridanns<br />

Deep-eddied, and Alplieus, and the Nile:<br />

And the divine Scamander. Bare she then<br />

A sacred race of daughters, who on earth<br />

With King Apollo and the rivers claim<br />

The first-shorn locks of youth: their dower from<br />

Jove<br />

Three thousand slender-ankled ocean nymphs,<br />

Long-stepping, tread the enrlh; and, scattered<br />

Haunt everywhere alike the depth of lakes;<br />

A glorious sisterhood of goddesses.<br />

As many rivers, also, yet untold,<br />

Rushing with hollow-dashing sound, were sons<br />

Of Ocean, to majestic Telhys born. UESIOD.<br />

17. Regina Deorum: the queen of the<br />

gods, viz. Juno.<br />

18. Hue adsim. The whole address of<br />

Juno is excellent. It is short, sententious,<br />

and violent. The frequent use of the in<br />

terrogation, of antithesis, and of irony,<br />

shows a wrathful and tumultuous spirit.<br />

Do you ask why I, who nm the queen of<br />

the gods, have left heaven, and am here a<br />

LIBER II.<br />

10. Omnipotens ar-<br />

cuil: sustulilque pari-<br />

ter ipsosque nefasque:<br />

el imposuil eos ccelo<br />

raptos per iimnia ce-<br />

15 leri venlo, fecilque vi-<br />

cina sidera.<br />

17. An queeritis qua<br />

re ego reguia deoruin<br />

adsim hue tethereis<br />

sedibus? Alirra le-<br />

nel cerium pro me.<br />

20<br />

23. Esf vero cui<br />

quU nolit loidere Ju<br />

nonem, irem.itiiue of-<br />

fensnm; qua; sola pro-<br />

simnocendo?<br />

J8. Vindieet anliquam<br />

faciem, detra<br />

hatque vultus ferinos,<br />

nr\ quod ant fecit in AroU<br />

golica Phoronide.<br />

poor suppliant ? I am supplanted, Pro me<br />

•net all era ccelum!<br />

20. Honoratas Stellas: as honored stars.<br />

20. Mea vulnera: my torments; my<br />

wounds, ever rankling in my breast. Thus<br />

Virgil:<br />

Cum Jano eeternum servanssubpectoTe vnlnus<br />

JEvxm i .<br />

23. Est verd cur: is there wherefore 1 is<br />

there any reason why ?<br />

25. Quantum egi! What a great thing<br />

I have done! an expression full of bitter<br />

irony.<br />

25. Quam vasta. Another exclamation<br />

of irony.<br />

26. Esse hominem: to be a human<br />

being.<br />

27. SonlSnui on the guilty.<br />

28. Vindicet: let him vindicate ; let him<br />

restore.<br />

29. InPhoToniie: in the case of Phoro-<br />

nis lo the daughter of Phoroneus. Jupi<br />

ter, after changing her to a heifer, restored<br />

her to the human form.<br />

31. Socerum Lycaona. Lycaon as a<br />

father-in-law, who had once attempted to<br />

kill him, as related in a former Fable.<br />

32. Tangil: touches you ; affects you.<br />

32. Alumnce: of your foster-child. This<br />

may be explained physically. As Juno is<br />

the lower air, she is said to be the foster-<br />

child of Tcthys, or water, because the<br />

lower air is water in a rarefied form.<br />

33. Gurgile cceruleo: from the azure<br />

gulf, here put for the sea by synecdoche.<br />

The other tribes forsake their midnight track,<br />

And rest their weary orbs beneath the wave;<br />

Hut thou dost never close, thy burning eye,<br />

Nor stay thy steadfast Hep. Itul on, still on,<br />


Collocet in thalamo, socerumque Lycaona sumat ?<br />

At vos si Jsesae contemptus tangit alumnae,<br />

Gurgite cosruleo scptem prohibete Triones;<br />

Sideraque in coslo stupri mercede recepta<br />

Pellitc: n6 pure tingatur in aequore pellex.<br />

While systems change, and suns i-elire, and<br />

worlds<br />

Slumber and wake, thy ceaseless march pro<br />

ceeds.<br />

The near horizon temptR to rest in vain:<br />

Thou, failhtul sentinel, dost never quit<br />

Thy long appointed wnich; but, sleepless still,<br />

Dost guard the fixed light oflhe universe,<br />

And bid the north forever know ils place.<br />


33. Septem Triones. The Great Bear<br />

and Arctophylax. See note on pRge 30.<br />

Seven stars<br />

Dwell in that brilliant cluster, and the sight<br />

How do you explain the translation of<br />

Ihe Bears into heaven by Jupiter ?<br />

How do you account otherwise for Cal<br />

listo being made a constellation ?<br />

How do you explain the circumstance<br />

of her son being made a constellation ?<br />

What moral lesson does the story teach ?<br />

Do you recollect any anachronism in this<br />

fabie?<br />

NOT^E.<br />


35<br />

165<br />

Embraces all at once; yet each from each<br />

Recedes as far as each of them from earth.<br />


35. Pellite: expel; drive away.<br />

35. Ne tingatur: let not the harlot be<br />

washed in the pure sea. Diana had driven<br />

Callisto from the pure fountains, and Juno<br />

now prays that she may not be purified in<br />

the ocean. The Bear and the constella<br />

tions adJRcent, on account of the elevation<br />

of the pole, never go below the horizon,<br />

hence they are said not to descend into tho<br />

sea.<br />

When the Bears were received into hea<br />

ven, what visit did Juno make ?<br />

Who was Oceanus ? Who was Tethys f<br />

What request did she make of these two<br />

deities ?<br />

What astronomical circumstance gave<br />

rise 10 this fiction?<br />

What were the Septem Triones ?<br />

In what part of the heavens are they?

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