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146<br />

At pater omnipotens superos testatus, et ipsum,<br />

Q.UI dederat cuirus, nisi opem ferat, omnia fato<br />

Interitura gravi; summam petit arduus arcem;<br />

Unde solet latis nubes inducere terris;<br />

Unde movet tonitrus, vibrataque fulmina jactat.<br />

Sed neque, quas posset terris inducere, nubes,<br />

Tune habuit: nee, quos ccelo dimitteret, imbres.<br />

Intonat, et dextra libratum fulmen ab aure<br />

Misit in aurigam; pariterque, animaque rotisque<br />

Expulit, et stevis compescuit i^nibus ignes.<br />

Consternantur equi: ct salm in contrana facto<br />

Colla jugo excutiunt, abruptaque lora relinquunt.<br />

Illic frffina jacent, illic temone revulsus<br />

Axis ; in hac radii fractarum parte rotarum :<br />

Sparsaque sunt late laceri vestigia currus.<br />

At Phaethon, rutilos flamma populante capillos,<br />

Volvitur in pneccps, longoque per aera tractu<br />

Fertur ; ut interdum dc ccelo Stella sereno,<br />

Etsi non cccidit, potuit cecidisse videri.<br />

Quern procul a patria diverse maximus orbe<br />

Excipit Eridanus, spumantiaque abluit ora.<br />

NOTJE.<br />

151. Propioraque manibus: nearer to the<br />

manes ; nearer the infernal shades.<br />

152. Pater omnipotens: Jupiter, who<br />

possesses all power.<br />

152. Te'statvs: having attested; having<br />

called to witness. Thus Virgil:<br />

Vos ceterni ignefl, et non yiolabile vestrum,<br />

Tester nuinen. ^EHBID ii.<br />

152. Ipsum qui dederats Apollo. *In<br />

the dialogue between Jupiter and Apollo,<br />

Luciau gives an account of this:<br />

JTJPITEH What have you done, you wickedest<br />

of all tlic Titans ? The whole earth is nearly de<br />

near it. anu me UIIMTI ia i?«i.. B .. . ~, __<br />

cause he kept at too great a'distance from it. In<br />

short, he lias thrown al into confus on and ruinP<br />

and had I not in time perce ved what was going<br />

forward, and flashed h.m down from the chariot<br />

with my thunderbolt, there would not have been<br />

a bone remaining of the whole human race;<br />

such a sober coachman have you Gent out "with<br />

your chariot! DIALOGUES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> DEITIES.<br />

154. Summam: the highest eminence.<br />

154. Petit arduus: aloft he mounts to.<br />

155. Latin terris: o'er the broad earth.<br />

156. Fulmina jactat: he hurls the bran<br />

dished ihunderbolts.<br />

159. Intonat: he thunders; sends the<br />

thunderbolt.<br />

1 fiO. Pariterque: and at once ; alike.<br />

100. Hotisque: and the wheels; by syn<br />

ecdoche for the chariot.<br />

161. Compffcuit: restrained; extin><br />

guished.<br />

162. Consternantur equi: the horses are<br />

affrighted<br />

155<br />

160<br />

165<br />

LIBER li.<br />

urn os in se, antraque<br />

propiota manibus.<br />

157. Sed neque lunc<br />

habuit nubes, quas<br />

posset inducere ter-<br />

ris; nee imbres, quos<br />

dimiiteret ccelo. In-<br />

toimt et rnisit fulrnen<br />

Jibratum ab dextra<br />

aure, in aurigam<br />

Phaiithonta.<br />

167. At Phaethon,<br />

fiamma pppulante TU-<br />

tilos capillos, volvi-<br />

tur in prreceps; fcr-<br />

turque per a£ra longo<br />

I7Q tracln, ut imerdum<br />

Stella de ccelo serene,<br />

qua, etsi non cecidit,<br />

potuit videri cecidisse.<br />

162. In contraria: across; opposite.<br />

163. Colla excutiunt: shake their necks<br />

from the yoke. This expression indicates<br />

the great ease with which they freed them<br />

selves.<br />

164. Temone revulsus: torn away from<br />

the tongue.<br />

166. Vestigia: traces; fragments.<br />

166. Lacericurrus: of the shattered cha<br />

riot.<br />

167. Populante: spoiling; destroying.<br />

168. Volvitur in pneceps: falls head<br />

long.<br />

His blood fell on the earth ; his hands,<br />

His feet, rolled whirling; like Ixion's wheel,<br />

And to the ground hie naming body fell.<br />

ElKlrlDEs's PHCEKISSJB.<br />

168. Longoque traclu: with a long<br />

train.<br />

169. Stella. Stars do not fall; what are<br />

imagined to be shooting stars, are only<br />

meteors traversing the heavens.<br />

171. Procul a patria : afar from his-coun-<br />

try, JEtliiopia. It was a melancholy ag<br />

gravation ot Phaethon's death, that even<br />

his bones could not rest in his own<br />

country.<br />

AVeep not for the dead, but for him that goeth<br />

away from his country, for he shall return no<br />

more. ISAIAH.<br />

O thou, to whom I owe my birth, and thou,<br />

My sister, in my native earth entomb me.<br />

And pacify the exasperated state<br />

Be this, al least, of my paternal soil<br />

My portion, though the royal seat be lost.<br />

EinirlDES<br />

172. Eridanus: The Po, called also the<br />

Padus.<br />


What were the names of the horses of<br />

the sun ?<br />

Was Phaethon able to curb them?<br />

Did they preserve the track of the sun?<br />

Whither did they run?<br />

What affrighted Phaethon and caused<br />

him to let falfthe reins 1<br />

At what is the moon surprised ?<br />

What is meant by the horses of the sun<br />

running lower than hers ?<br />

What happens to the clouds 1<br />

What happens to the earth ?<br />

Were any cities destroyed 1<br />

What happened to the fountains ?<br />

What is said of the color of the Ethio<br />

pians ?<br />

How was the Nile afiected ?<br />

Who presented a special appeal to Ju<br />

piter f<br />


147<br />

What did Jupiter resolve to do f<br />

What did he afterwards do 1<br />

Where did Phaethon fall ?<br />

How may this Fable be interpreted »<br />

Do ancient writers record an early partial<br />

conflagration of the world?<br />

To what does St. Chrysostom refer it ?<br />

What other Biblical occurrences more<br />

probably gave rise to the Fable ?<br />

What does Plutarch say of Phaethon ?<br />

What account of him does Lucian give f<br />

Interpreted physically, what does Phae-<br />

thon mean ?<br />

How is he the son of Phcabus and Cly<br />

mene?<br />

Why is he said to be struck with light*<br />

ning?<br />

Does Ovid describe, in the Fable, the di<br />

urnal, or the annual course of the sun?

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