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140<br />

P. OVIDII <strong>NASO</strong>N1S<br />

Hunc puer ut nigri madidum sudore veneni<br />

Vulnera curvata minitantem cuspide vidit;<br />

Mentis inops, gelida formidine lora remisit;<br />

Q.UJE postquam summum tetigere jacentia tergum,<br />

Expatiantur equi; nulloque inhibente, per auras<br />

Ignotae regionis eunt; quaque impetus egit,<br />

Hac sine lege ruunt: altoque sub sethere fixis<br />

Incursant stellis, rapiuntque per avia currum.<br />

Et mode suinma petunt, mode per decliva, viasque<br />

Pnecipitcs, spatio terras propiore, feruntur;<br />

Inferiusque suis fraternos currere Luna<br />

Admiratur equos : combustaque nubila fumant.<br />

Corripitur flammis, ut quaeque altissima, tellus ;<br />

Fissaque agit rimas, et succis arct ademtis.<br />

Pabula canescunt; cum frondibus uritur arbos;<br />

Materiamque suo praebet seges arida damno.<br />

Parva queror: magnse pereunt cum mcenibus urbes<br />

Cumque suis totas populis incendia gentes<br />

In cinerem vertunt. Sylvae cum montibus ardent:<br />

Ardet Athos, Taurusque Cilix, et Tmolus et CEte ;<br />

NOTJE.<br />

50<br />

LIBER II<br />

46. Puer ut vidit<br />

hunc madidum sndore<br />

nigri veneni, ininitim-<br />

tem vulnera curvHtft<br />

cuspide; inops mentis,<br />

reinisit lora gelida for<br />

midine.<br />

54. El modd pciunt<br />

P-e Biimmo, modi) lerun-<br />

**£* tur per dechva, vias-<br />

que prsecipites, ppatio<br />

propiore lerra;: luna-<br />

que admiratur cquoa<br />

fratcrnos currere in-<br />

ferius BUIB.<br />

60<br />

62. Queror parva-<br />

magnrc urbes pereunt<br />

cum moenibus. Jncen-<br />

diaque vertunl totas<br />

eciitcs cum eujs popu-<br />

ir~ ha in cinerem. Sylvre<br />

*^" ardent cum monlibus.<br />

limbs. The Scorpion extends his claws 57. Combusta ntibila: the burnt clouds<br />

until he encroaches upon the Lion, while The scorched and blackened heavens together<br />

with his tail he occupies a portion of the roll. ANON.<br />

space allotted to Libra.<br />

59. Succit ademtit: the moisture being<br />

46. Ifunc: him, viz. the Scorpion. taken away being dried up.<br />

47. Curvata cuspide: with his tail bent, 60. Pabulacanescunt: the grass becomes<br />

In the attitude of striking. Scorpions strike white. This is in consequence of the dry<br />

with the tail.<br />

ing up of the moisture.<br />

48. Gelida fonnidine: with cold dread. 62. Farm queror: I lament things of<br />

It is the nature of fear to cause a chilly little consequence. The loss of grass,<br />

sensation.<br />

crops, and trees was of but little account,<br />

48. Lora remisil: let go the reins. when compared with the destruction of<br />

Al'OLLO. The poor youth, I suppose, for fear great cities and nations.<br />

of falling, let go llie reins, and clung fast to the 03. Cumque suis popnlis: nations with<br />

chariot DIALOGUES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> DEITIES. their people. In a nation arc generally<br />

49. Smwnitm lirgum: the upper part of several diverse tribes.<br />

the back. Sec Syntax, R. i, n. 8.<br />

65. Atlios. A mountain of Macedonia,<br />

50. Expnliantnr: they leave the track; between Sinus Singiticus and Smiis Stryrush<br />

out of the path.<br />

monicus. Its height is about 4560 feet.<br />

53. Incursant stettis : rush against the The poet proceeds to enumerate all the<br />

stars.<br />

high mountains of which he had know-<br />

54. Siinnna: the highest places. Sup ledpe.<br />

ply loca. Lucian gives a similar account: 65. Tuurusqur Cilix. A very large<br />

JUPITER. You have seen a proof of it in this range of mountains in Asia, commencing<br />

young hare-lirum, with whom they ran n\\uy, in Lycia and Caria, near the Mediterra<br />

now np, now down, now to the right, now lo the nean, and stretching easterly under differ<br />

left, now even in the most contrary directions,<br />

ne heing quite at a loss to govern them. ent natfies. The Cilicians call the range<br />

DIALOGUES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> DEITIES. Tnurus.<br />

65. Tmdlus. A mountain in Lydia,<br />

56. Inferiusque. The moon is much<br />

nearer to the canh than the sun. :~he<br />

abounding in wine, saffron, and honey.<br />

It was here the palm was awarded to<br />

might well he astonished that her brother's<br />

horses were below hers.<br />

Apollo over Pan in a contest upon the<br />

5C. Frnlernos equos : her brother's<br />

flute.<br />

horses. FlifEbus was the brother of Di Nonne vides croceos ut Tmolus odores,<br />

India mitlit ebur GEORGIC i. 56.<br />

ana. The chariot of the sun is represented<br />

with four horses, that of the moon with 65. (Etc. One of the heights of the chain<br />

.wo.<br />

of mountains which commences near tl i<br />


Et nunc sicca, prius celebcrrima fontibus, Ida ;<br />

Virgineusque Helicon, et nondum CEagrius Hzemos :<br />

Ardet in immensum geminatis ignibus jEtna,<br />

Parnassusque biceps, et Eryx, et Cynthus, et Othrys,<br />

Et tandem Rhodope nivibus caritura, Mimasque, 70<br />

Dindymaque, et Mycale, natusque ad sacra Cithseron.<br />

Nee prosunt Scythiss sua frigora: Caucasus ardet,<br />

Ossaque cum Pindo, majorque ambobus Olympus,<br />

Aeriseque Alpes, et nubifer Apenninus.<br />

Turn vero Phaethon cunctis e partibus orbem<br />

Aspicit accensum; nee tantos sustinet aestus :<br />

Fervcntesque auras, velut e fornace profunda,<br />

NOTJE.<br />

72. Nee sua_ frigora<br />

prosunt Scythiar. Cau<br />

casus ardet.<br />

75 75. Turn vero Phaf-<br />

thon aspicit orbem<br />

accensum e cunctis<br />

partibus; nee sustinet<br />

tantos eestus.<br />

Isthmus of Corinth, and extends about two 69. Othrys. A mountain which joins<br />

hundred miles to the north-west. The po Pelion on the west, and Pindus on the east,<br />

ets fabled that the sun, moon, and stars and forms the southern boundary of Tempe.<br />

rose by its side. Here Hercules erected It was the scat of the Titans in their bat<br />

his funeral pile, and submitted to the flames tle with the gods.<br />

which consumed his mortal part to ashes. From Othrys1 lofty summit warred the host<br />

6G. Ida. A lofty mountain to the north Of glorious Titans: from Olympus they,<br />

of Troy, celebrated for its streams and The band of gift-dispensing deities<br />

fountains. It was here that Paris adjudged Whom fair-haired Khea bare to Saturn's love.<br />

the prize of beauty to Venus over Juno and<br />

HESIOD.<br />

Minerva, and thus caused the Trojan 70. Rhodope. A mountain of Thraco<br />

war.<br />

covered with perpetual snow. Rhodope<br />

67. Virgineus Helicon. A mountain in the wife of Heemue, together with her hus<br />

Bcaotia, sacred to Apollo and the muses, band, was said to have been changed into<br />

and hence called vireiaeus ; for the muses this mountain.<br />

were all virgins. At the foot of Helicon 70. Mimas. A very high mountain in<br />

were the fountains Aganippe and Hippo- Ionia. The giant Mimas was said to have<br />

crene.<br />

been transformed into it.<br />

67. Haimut. A high mountain in Thrace, 71. Dindyma. Mountains of Phrygia,<br />

separating that country from Mcesia. In sacred to the goddess Cybele. She is<br />

aftertimc it was called CEagrius, because therefore called Dindymene. Dindymus, m.<br />

Orpheus, the son of CEager, was here torn Flur. Dindyma, orum, n.<br />

to pieces by the Bacchanals.<br />

71. Mycale. A mountain, city, and pro<br />

68. JElna. A mountain of Sicily, and montory of Caria.<br />

thf most remarkable volcano in the world. 71. Cithtsron. A mountain in Bo3otia,<br />

The circumference at the base is about sacred to Bacchus, on which Actaeon was<br />

eighty-seven miles, its perpendicular height torn to pieces by his own dogs.<br />

11,000 feet, with an ascent varying from 72. Caucasus. A chain of mountains<br />

twelve to twenty-four miles. It is of the between the Pontus Euxinus and Mare<br />

ehape of a cone, and divided into three re Caspium. Prometheus was chained here<br />

gions ; the first consisting of a rich soil in for stealing fire from heaven.<br />

high cultivation; the second, a woody re 73. Osta. For Ossa, Pindus, and Olym<br />

gion, affording pasturage to flocks and pus, mountains of Thessaly, see notes on<br />

herds; and the third, or highest region, an page 56.<br />

arid waste of lava, scoriae, and ashes, in 74. Alpes. A chain of mountains in<br />

some places covered with snow. As it is the form of a crescent separating Italy from<br />

a volcano, it is here said during Phaethon's Germany, Switzerland, and France. They<br />

conflagration to burn "with redoubled are called aeries, from their great height.<br />

fires."<br />

74. Apenninus. A chain of mountains<br />

69. FamassiLs biceps. A mountain of traversing the middle of Italy.<br />

Phocis with two peaks. See note on page 74. Nubifer; cloud-bearing; cloud-capt.<br />

76. 76. Ncc sustinet: cannot bear.<br />

69. Eryx. A mountain of Sicily, sacred 77. Fervcntes auras: inhales the hot<br />

'.o Venus, who is thence called Erycina. air.<br />

69. Cynthus. A mountain in the island<br />

Breathed hot<br />

)f Delos where Lalona brought forth Apol From all the boundless furnace of the sky.<br />

And the wide glittering waste of burning sand,<br />

lo and Diana. Hence he is called Cyn- A suffocating wind the pilgrim smiles<br />

thius, and she Cynthia.<br />

\Vitli instant death. .THOMSON<br />

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