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138<br />


Obstantes findunt nebulas, pennisque levati<br />

Prsetereunt ortos isdem de partibus Euros.<br />

Sed leve pondus erat; nee quod cognoscere possent<br />

Solis equi; solitaque jugum gravitate carebat.<br />

Utque labant curve justo sine pondere naves,<br />

Perque mare, instabiles nimia levitate, feruntur:<br />

Sic onere assueto vacuus dat in acre saltus,<br />

Succutiturque alte, similisque est currus inani.<br />

Gluod simul ac sensere, ruunt, tritumque relinquunt<br />

Quadrijugi spatium; nee, quo prius ordine currunt.<br />

Ipse pavet; nee qua commissas flectat habenas,<br />

Nee scit qua sit iter; nee, si sciat, imperet illis.<br />

Turn primum radiis gelidi caluere Triones,<br />

Et vetito frustra tentarunt asquore tingi.<br />

GLujcque polo posita est glaciali proxima serpens,<br />

Frigore pigra prius, nee formidabilis ulli;<br />

Incaluit; sumsitque novas fervoribus iras.<br />

Te quoque turbatum mernorant fugisse, Boote;<br />

Q,uamvis tardus eras, et te tua plaustra tenebant.<br />

7. Pennis levati; upborne by wings;<br />

mounted upon wings.<br />

8. Ifdemdepartibus: from the Same re<br />

gions as the cast wind.<br />

9. JVcc quod cognoscere: nor such as they<br />

could iecl.<br />

10. Solitnque gravitate : its accustomed<br />

gravity, viz. the weight of the god.<br />

14. 'Succutiturque alte: and is tossed on<br />

high.<br />

11. Simili inanu: like an empty cha<br />

riot.<br />

15. Enunt: they rush forward.<br />

15. Tritumque spatium: the beaten<br />

track.<br />

1C. Quadrijugi: t he four horses abreast.<br />

1C. Quo prius: in which they ran be<br />

fore. Supply currelant.<br />

17. Jnse pavet : he (Phacthon) is af<br />

frighted<br />

17. Commissas Jiabenas: the reins that<br />

had been committed to him.<br />

19. Turn primum: then for the first time.<br />

They were situated near the pole, and had<br />

never been heated by the sun before.<br />

19. Triones. The Triones, or ploughing<br />

oxen, are seven stars near the north pole<br />

in the form of a plough. Some call them<br />

Charles's Wain, from a fancied resem<br />

blance to a wagon. They arc pait of the<br />

stars comprising the Bears; hence Cice<br />

ro, speaking 01 me Bears, says<br />

\Vluch are by us Septentriones called.<br />

Si). Vtlilo aquore: in the forbidden sea.<br />

So Virgil:<br />

Arolos metueiiles fcquore tingi. OEOKGIC i.<br />

Ovid is here guilty of an anachronism.<br />

Alter the conflagration which took place<br />

NOTjE.<br />

LIBER n.<br />

6. Cornpuere viam,<br />

pedibusque metis per<br />

agra, findum nebulaa<br />

obstanles, levatique<br />

pennis, prcetereunt<br />

10 Euros ortos de isdem<br />

partibus.<br />

13. Sic currus dat<br />

saltuB in afire, vacuus<br />

assueto onere, succu-<br />

15 titurque cite, estque<br />

similis inaui.<br />

17. Ipse pavet, nee<br />

cit qu& fleclnt habe-<br />

nas commissns «&i,<br />

nee qu§. sit iter, nee si<br />

sciat, imperet illis.<br />

20<br />

24. Memorant te<br />

quoque Boote fugisse<br />

25 turbatum, quamvis<br />

from Phaethon's inability to guide the<br />

chariot of the Sun, and while about to<br />

repair the injury done by the fire, Jupiter<br />

met with Callisto and fell in love with her.<br />

Callisto was changed into a bear by Juno,<br />

and afterwards transferred with her son to<br />

the heavens by Jupiter. Aggrieved by<br />

this insult, Juno went to Occanus and<br />

Tcihys, and obtained that the Bears<br />

should never descend into the sea; that is,<br />

should never set, for the sun and constel<br />

lations, when they set, were said to de<br />

scend into the sea.<br />

22. Frigore jtigra : sluggish with cold.<br />

Serpents in winter are benumbed with<br />

cold, and live in a torpid state.<br />

23. Fenjoribuss with the heat. Serpents<br />

arc rendered more furious by the heat.<br />

Hence Virgil:<br />

rostqunm exhausta palua, terrccque ardore de-<br />

Iiiscunt;<br />

Exilit in siccum, et nammantia lumina tor*<br />

quens<br />

SiEvit agriSj asperque slti, atque exferritus festu.<br />

GEORGIC iii.<br />

24. Boote: Bootes is derived from Bourijf,<br />

and signifies a driver of ozeK. It follows<br />

the Ursa Major, by sonic called the Wa<br />

gon, and hence is named Arctophylax,<br />

keiper of the bear, and Bootes, the ox-<br />

driver.<br />

24. Fugisse: fled. The near approach<br />

of the sun makes the planets move more<br />

swiftly. The same effect was produced<br />

on the constellation Bootes.<br />

25. Tardus. The stars near the pole<br />

move more slowly, because they have less<br />

space to pass over in a rcvoluiion.<br />

25. Plaustra. The principal stars in<br />


Ut vero summo despexit ab osthere terras<br />

Infelix Phaethon penitus penitusque jacentes ;<br />

Palluit, et subito genua intrrmuere timore ;<br />

Suntque oculis tenebroe per tantuin lumen obortoe:<br />

Et jam mallet equos nunquam tetigisse paternos: 30<br />

Jamque agnosse genus piget, et valuisse rogando:<br />

Jam Meropis dici cupiens. Ita fertur, ut acta<br />

Proecipiti pinus Borea, cui victa remisit<br />

Frffina suus rector, quam Dis, votisque reliquit.<br />

Quid facial ? multum cceli post terga relictum ; 35<br />

Ante oculos plus est; animo metitur utrumque :<br />

Et modo, quos illi fato contingere non est,<br />

Prospicit occasus ; interdum respicit ortus.<br />

Quidque agat ignarus, stupet: et nee fncna remittit,<br />

Nee retinere valet; nee noinina novit equorum. 40<br />

Sparsa quoque in vario passim miracula ccelo,<br />

Vastarumque videt trepidus simulacra ferarum.<br />

Est locus, in geminos ubi brachia concavat arcus<br />

Scorpios, et cauda, flexisque utrinque lacertis<br />

Porrigit in spatium signorum membra duorum. 45<br />

the two Bears are thought by some to re<br />

present a wagon.<br />

Saw there the for'tl'ant gems that nightly flare<br />

In the Hun mist of Berenice's hair ;<br />

And there Bootes roll his lucid wain<br />

On sparkling wheels along the ethereal plain.<br />

FlERPONT.<br />

5. Ttnebant : detained you ; retarded<br />

you. . Deepexit: looked down.<br />

APOLLO. But indeed it is extremely natural<br />

thnt one so young as he, on seeing himself sur<br />

rounded l>y so much fire, and looking down on<br />

the immense ab} ss, should lose h's head; and<br />

thnt the steeds, ns soon ns they perceived thnt<br />

the) had not llieir accustomed driver, should<br />

have despised the lioy, and, running away with<br />

him, have created all this mischief. DIALOGUES<br />

<strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> DEITIES.<br />

27. Penilus penitusque : lying far and<br />

far away. The repetition adds force to<br />

the expression.<br />

28. Falluil: he became pale with fear.<br />

29. Per-tantum lumen: by reason of so<br />

great light. He was blinded by the light.<br />

31. Valuisse rogando: to have prevailed<br />

in his request.<br />

32. Meropis : of Mcrops ; the son of<br />

Merops. He preferred now to blfe consi<br />

dered the son of a man, and be safe, than<br />

to be the son of a god, and be destroyed.<br />

32. Firlur: lie is borne; he is carried.<br />

33. Prtrcipiti Borea : by the impetuous<br />

north-wind.<br />

33. Pinus : a pine, put by synecdoche<br />

for a ship.<br />

34. Frccnn: the reins, by metonymy for<br />

the helm. The vessel is spoken of under<br />

he metaphor of a horse.<br />

NOTjE.<br />

139<br />

eras tardus, et tua pla<br />

ustra tenebant te. Ut<br />

vero infelix Pliagthon<br />

summo aiihere des-<br />

pexit terras penitfls,<br />

penilflsquc jacentes,<br />

30. Et jam mallet<br />

nunquam tetigisse<br />

equos patcrnos, jom-<br />

que piget n

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