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FABULA 11.<br />


HavL-g mounted the chariot of the Sun, Phaethon is unable to curb the horses,<br />

or keep the path which his father had designated. They bear the chariot<br />

at times aloft to the stars, and again depreGs it towards the earth, which is at<br />

length set on fire. To prevent a conflagration, Jupiter strikes Phaethon with<br />

a thunderbolt into the river Po.<br />


THIS Fable may be interpreted historically or physically. Many an<br />

cient writers speak of a partial conflagration of the world. Aristotle<br />

states, that in the days of Phaethon flames fell from heaven which con<br />

sumed several countries. Eusebius supposes the event to have happened<br />

about the time of Deucalion's Flood. St. Chrysostom thinks in the cha<br />

riot of the Sun, guided by Phaethon, he recognises the fiery chariot ol<br />

Elias, and is disposed to lay considerable stress on the resemblance of his<br />

name to "HX«OJ, the sun. If any part of Biblical history forms the sub<br />

ject of this Fable, it is more probably the destruction of the Cities of the<br />

Plain the stoppage of the sun in the days of Joshua, or the retrograda-<br />

lion of the sun in his course, in the days of Hezekiah.<br />

Plutarch considers Phaethon a real character, and tells us that he was<br />

a king of the Molossians, who devoted much time to the study of Astro<br />

nomy, and was at length drowned in the river Po, whence the origin of<br />

the fable. Lucian, who diverts himself with the fabulous story, and<br />

especially with the changing of the sisters of Phaethon into trees that<br />

distilled amber, nevertheless tells us, in his treatise on Astronomy, that<br />

Phaethon was a prince much addicted to that study, who endeavored to<br />

find out the course of the sun, whence he was said to be the son of<br />

Phoebus, and that dying before he had completed his investigations, he<br />

was fabled to have been §lain while driving the chariot of the sun.<br />

Intense heat prevailing during his life may have caused the fiction of<br />

setting the world on fire.<br />

Physically considered, Phaethon, which signifies a burning inflctmma-<br />

tioii, may mean the electric fluid. He is said to be the son of Phccbu"<br />

and Clymene, (water,) because the heat of the sun, acting upon water<br />

causes a rapid evaporation to take place, which carries up the elec<br />

tricity into the clouds. Thunder and lightning succeed, whence Phae<br />

thon may be said to have been struck with lightning. He is said to<br />

fall like a shooting-star; and as these are but meteors, depending on<br />

electricity, the very simile may adumbrate the true character of<br />

Phaethon.<br />

136<br />

NTEREA volucres Pyroeis, et Eous, et ^Ethon,<br />

Solis equi.quartusque Phlegon.hinnitibus auras =S=i,- -<br />

Flammiferis implent, pedibusque repagulapulsant.<br />

Q.ua3postquamTethys,fatorumignaranepotis,<br />

Reppulit; et facta est immensi copia mundi;<br />

Corripuere viam, pedibusque per aera metis<br />

NOTjE.<br />

1. Volucres: swift; winged.<br />

2. Solis equi. The names of the four horses<br />

of the sun are of Greek derivation: Pyroeis<br />

is frorn.rop, fire; Eous,from t£y. the morn<br />

ing; jEthon, from aiSu, to inflame; and<br />

Phlegon, from tptiya, to burn.<br />

2. Ilinnitibns flammiferis: with fiery<br />

neighings. The horses of the sun were said<br />

to breathe flame from their mouths and nos<br />

trils.<br />

3. Sepagula: the barriers. These were<br />

bars placed before the goal to prevent the<br />

horses in the chariot-race starting before the<br />

proper time.<br />

4. -- Nepotv -.-j,.,-..,. Phaethon was the son of Clymene. and the<br />

grandson of Tethys.<br />

5. Copia: expanse; full scope.<br />

C. Corripucre: seized upon; entered upon with alacrity.<br />

1 hus Virgil:<br />

Corripuere viam interea qua semita monstrat. JEifEiD tv.<br />

He starts; the coursers, whom the lashing whip .<br />

Excites, outstrip tlie winds, and whirl the car<br />

High through the airy void, liehiiul the s re,<br />

Borne on his planetary steed, pursues<br />

"With eye intent, and warns him witli his voice,<br />

Drive there! nowhere! here! turn the chariot here<br />


M 2 s

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