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120<br />

P. OVIDII <strong>NASO</strong>NIS<br />

Ultimus immense restabas, Nile, labori;<br />

Q,uem simul ac tetigit, positisque in margine ripae<br />

Procubuit genibus, resupinoque ardua collo,<br />

Q.UOS potuit, solos tollens ad sidera vultus,<br />

Et gemitu, et lacrymis, et luctisono mugitu<br />

Cum Jove visa queri est, finemque orare malorum.<br />

Conjugis ille SUSB complexus colla lacertis,<br />

Finiat ut poenas tandem, rogat: Inque futurum<br />

Pone metus, inquit, nunquam tibi causa doloris<br />

Hoec erit; et Stygias jubet hoc audire paludes.<br />

Ut lenita Dea est, vultus capit ilia priores ;<br />

Fitque quod ante fuit. Fugiunt e corpore setae:<br />

Cornua decrescunt; fit luminis arctior orbis :<br />

Contrahitur rictus : redeunt humerique manusque :<br />

Ungulaque in quinos dilapsa absumitur ungues.<br />

De bove nil superest, forms nisi candor, in ilia :<br />

Officioque pedum Nympha contenta duorum<br />

Erigitur; metuitque loqui; ne more juvencte<br />

PEL. What new device to vex the wretched<br />

heifer >.<br />

CHO. A winged pest, firmed with a horrid sting:<br />

Those on the banks of Nile call it the brize.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> SUPPLICANTS, v. 326.<br />

5. Nile. The Nile is here introduced by<br />

apostrophe. It is a large river in Africa,<br />

which rises in Abyssinia, and empties into<br />

the Mediterranean. See note on page 89.<br />

..Eschylus notices the same.<br />

On the land's extreme verge fi city stands,<br />

Canobus, proudly elevate, nigh where the Nile<br />

Rolls to the sea his rich stream: there slinll Jove<br />

Heal thy distraction, and, with gentle hand,<br />

Soothe thee to peace. PROMI-HHEUS CHAINED.<br />

7. Btsupinoquealtn: high with upturn<br />

ed neck.<br />

8. Quag potuit solos: which alone she<br />

could. She had not arms to raise in sup<br />

plication.<br />

10. Queri: to expostulate. Her feelings<br />

are finely portrayed by ^schylus.<br />

How, son of Saturn, how have I offended.<br />

That with these stings, these tortures lliou pur<br />

sues! me,<br />

And drives! to madness my affrighted soul!<br />

Hear me. supreme of gods, oh hear thy suppliant,<br />

Blast me with lightnings, bury me in the earth,<br />

Or cast me to the monsters of the sea;<br />

But spare these toils, spare these wide-wander<br />

ing errors. PBOMETIIECS CHAINED.<br />

12. Pcsnat. Jupiter entreats that Juno<br />

will discontinue her persecution of lo, and<br />

permit her to resume the human form.<br />

12. Infuturum: for the future ; hence<br />

forth. Supply tempus.<br />

14. Stygias paliidcs. To swear by the<br />

Styx was considered an inviolable oath.<br />

See note on flumina, page 61.<br />

l/ol then imperishable Styx the first,<br />

Swayed by ille careful counsels of her sire,<br />

Stood on Olympus, and her sons beside.<br />

LIBER I.<br />

r, 5. Nile, reltabas<br />

ultimus immense la-<br />

labori. Quern simul<br />

ac tegigit, positisque<br />

genibus in margine<br />

ripre, procubuit, que<br />

ardua reeupino collo,<br />

tollelis vultus Cjuos so-<br />

1Q los potuit ad sidera, ct<br />

visa cat queri cum<br />

II. Ille complexui<br />

colla conjugis SUED la<br />

certis, rogat ut tan<br />

dem finiat pocnas ; que<br />

inquit, Pone metus in<br />

futurum, hffic nun-<br />

JPj quam erit cousa do<br />

loris libi, et jubet<br />

18. SeUE t'ugiunt e<br />

corpore: cornua de<br />

crescunt : orbis lu<br />

minis fit arctior: ric<br />

tus coutrahitur: hu<br />

merique manusque<br />

20 redeunt: ungulaque<br />

dilapsa in qunios<br />

21. Nj mphaque con<br />

tenta ofiicio duorum<br />

pedum, erigltur; me-<br />

Her Jove received with honor ond endowed<br />

With goodly gifts: ordained her the great oath<br />

Of deities. HESIOD'S <strong>THE</strong>OGONY.<br />

15. Lenita est: was appeased.<br />

15. Vultus priores: her former features.<br />

Lucian, who satirized the gods of the<br />

Greeks and Romans, gives a very humor<br />

ous account of her resuming the human<br />

form.<br />

NOTUS. That heifer a goddess!<br />

ZEPHYRUS. Certainly ! and Mercury says she<br />

is to be a tutelnr goddess of mariners, und our<br />

mistress, BO that every one of us is to blow or<br />

not to blow, just as she pleases.<br />

NoTts. Then we should pay our court to her<br />

betimes, Zephyr, since the thing is now as good<br />

as done.<br />

ZEPIIYRUS. By Jupiter! it il the way to ren<br />

der her more benign. Hut, see! the voyage is<br />

over, she is already arrived, and has swum<br />

ashore. Look! already she has done walking<br />

on all fours, and what a fine, stately dame Mer<br />

cury has made of her!<br />

NOTUS. These are wonderful events, dear<br />

Zephyr! Horns, tail, and cloven feet, all gone<br />

at once, and the heifer is a charming maid.<br />

DIALOGUES <strong>OF</strong> MAPINE DEITIBL<br />

15. Ilia: she, viz. lo.<br />

17. Luminis: of her eye. As the eye is<br />

the organ by which light is perceived, lu<br />

men is figuratively used for oculus.<br />

The light of the body is the eye.—MATT. vi. 22.<br />

18. Eedeunt hwmervfue: her shoulders<br />

and hands return. There is a nice distinc<br />

tion in the use of redeunt; for the parts<br />

in men called humeri are called armi in<br />

beasts.<br />

19. Dilapsa: having separated.<br />

20. Forma candor: fcirnessof form. The<br />

use of candor here is metaphorical.<br />

21. Offifio: wilh the service.<br />

22. f.tigilur: stands erect.<br />


Mugiat: et timidS verba intermissa retentat.<br />

Nunc Dea linigera colitur celeberrima turba.<br />

Huic Epaphus magni genitus de semine tandem 25<br />

' Creditur esse Jovis: perque urbes juncta parenti<br />

Templa tenet. Fuit huic animis tequalis et annis<br />

Sole satus Phaethon: quern quondam magna loquentem,<br />

Nee sibi cedentem, Phceboque parente superbum,<br />

Non tulit Inachides: Matrique, ait, omnia demens<br />

Credis, et es tumidus genitoris imagine falsi.<br />

Erubuit Phaethon, iramque pudore repressit:<br />

Et tulit ad Clymenen Epaphi convicia matrem.<br />

ftuoque magis doleas, genitrix, ait, Ille ego liber,<br />

Ille ferox tacui. Pudet hsec opprobria nobis,<br />

NOTjE.<br />

30<br />

35<br />

121<br />

tuitque loqui, ne mu<br />

giat more juvenca:, e<br />

retentat intermissa<br />

verba timid*. Nuno<br />

celeberrima Dea<br />

20. Huic Epaphui<br />

tandem creditur cese<br />

genitus de semina<br />

28. Qucm, quondam<br />

loquentem magna,neo<br />

ceilentem sibi, que su<br />

perbum Phtcbo pa-<br />

rente, Inacliides non<br />

tulit: que ait,l)crm-iis<br />

credis matri omnia;<br />

32. Plmfithon eru-<br />

buit, que repressit<br />

iram pudore: et tulit<br />

ad matrem Clymenen<br />

convicia Epapbi. Que<br />

ait, genitrix, quo raa-<br />

23. Verba intermit fa: words that had<br />

been discontinued; disused speech.<br />

ter and lo. He was worshipped in Egypt<br />

under the name of Apis.<br />

24. Dea colitur: IB worshipped as a god<br />

dess ; as Isis.<br />

Apis, also called Epaphus, ifl a young bull,<br />

whose mother can have no other offspring, ana<br />

MKKCORY. What is to be done ?<br />

who is reported by the Egyptians to conceive<br />

JUPITER. Nothing, but that you fly down to from lightning sent from heaven, and thus to<br />

Nvmea, kill Argus, carry off lo into Egypt, and produce the god Apis. He is known by certain<br />

make Isis of her. There she shall henceforth be mark?; his Lair is black, on his forehead is a<br />

worshipped as a goddess, preside over the in white triangular spot, on his back an eagle, and<br />

mutations of the Nile, and grant favorable wind! a beetle under his tongue, and the hair of his<br />

to the mariners, and be their tutelar deity. tail double. HEEODOTUS, iii. 23.<br />


Of his high race a son,<br />

To versa caput primps mugivernt annps The dusky Epaphus shall rise, and rule<br />

Nunc Dea, quoe Nili flumma vacca bibit. The wide-extended land o'er which the Nile<br />

PBOPBRTIUB ELEG. Pours his broad waves.<br />


tuTba; linen-wearing throng.<br />

The priests of Isis wore garments of linen. 26. Juncta parenti.- joined to his parent;<br />

The following reason is given by Plutarch jointly with his mother.<br />

in his Moials.<br />

Before the enclosure where Apis is kept, is a<br />

For tlie greater part of men are ignorant, even vestibule, in which also the mother of the Sacred<br />

of this most common ami ordinary thing, for Bull is led; and into this vestibule Apis is some<br />

what reason the priesta (of Isis) lay aside their<br />

times introduced, to be shown to strangers.<br />

hair, and go in linen garments.<br />

STKABO xviL<br />

The true reason of them all, ie one and the I have seen an instance of a bull, with the<br />

same, "For it is" not lawful (as Plato saitli) for globe and feathers between its liorits, standing<br />

a clean tli ng to be touched by an unclean." on a monument built at the side of a mountain.<br />

But now no superfluity of food or excrcmeiui- On the other side was a cow, al«o coming from<br />

tious substance can be pure or clean ; but wool, n mountain with a similar head-dress, and the<br />

down, hair, and nails, come up anil grow from long horns usually given to Athor, over which<br />

superfluous excrements. It would be an absnr- was the name Isis.<br />

dity. therefore, for them to lay aside, their own<br />


hair in purgations, by shaving themselves, and<br />

by m;ikiri£ their bodies all over smooth, and >et<br />

27. Animis: in spirit; in pride.<br />

in the nieiuitnne to wear and carry about tliem 28. Phaethon. He was the son of Apollo<br />

tlie hair of brutes. For we ought to think that and the nymph Clyinenc. The name is<br />

the poet llesiod, when he saith,<br />

derived from the Egyptian phre, the gun,<br />

At the rirh banquet of the gods forbear and uFS'ti), to burn.<br />

The dr> excrescence from the quick to pare; 28. Ma«iialoquentem; speak ing proudly.<br />

would teach us to keep the feast already 30. Inachides: Epaphus, the grandson of<br />

cleansed from such things as these, and not in Inachus.<br />

llie solemnities themselves to use purgation or 31. Imagine: with the idea.<br />

removal of excrementitious superfluities. But,<br />

31. Genitoris falsi: of a fictitious father.<br />

now, flux springs up from an immortal being,<br />

the Earth, nnd bears an eatable fruit, and affords Epaphns insinuated that Clymcne had con*<br />

& simple and cleanly clothing, and not burder cealed her unchaste actions by giving out<br />

some to him that's covered with it. and conve .hat Apollo was the father ot" Phaethon,<br />

nient lor tvery season of the year, and which, who was born to her before she had mar<br />

bosideR, is the least likely to engender vermin. ried Merops.<br />

DE ISIDE ET OSIEI. 33. Clymenen. Clymcne was the daugn-<br />

25. ITuic: to her; to lo.<br />

ter of Oceanus and Tethys, and the mother<br />

25. Epaphus. He was the son of Jupi-, of Phaethon by Apollo.<br />

16<br />

li<br />

f<br />

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