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110<br />


Nata, mihi terras ? Tu, non inventa, reperta<br />

Luctus eras levior. Retices; nee mutua nostris<br />

I)icta refers. Alto tantum suspiria prodis<br />

Pectore: quodque unum potes, ad mea verba remugis. 90<br />

At tibi ego ignarus thalamos tasdasque parabam :<br />

Spesque fuit generi mihi prima, secunda nepotum.<br />

De grege nunc tibi vir, nunc de grege natus habendus.<br />

Nee finire licet tantos mihi morte dolores:<br />

Sed nocet esse Deum: praclusaque janua lethi 95<br />

Sternum nostros luctus extendit in ZEvum.<br />

Talia moerenti stellatus submovet Argus,<br />

Ereptamque patri diversa in pascua natam<br />

Abstrahit. Ipse procul mentis sublime cacumen<br />

Occupat, unde sedens partes speculetur in omnes. 100<br />

Nee superum rector mala tanta Phoronidos ultra<br />

Ferre potest: natumque vocat; quern lucida partu<br />

Ple'ias enixa est: lethoque det, imperat, Argum.<br />

LIBER 1.<br />

nes terras' Tu eras<br />

levior luctus non in<br />

venta reperta. Re<br />

tices ; nee refers dicta<br />

mutua nostris. Tan-<br />

tum prodis suspiria<br />

alto pectore :<br />

91. At ego ignarus<br />

parabam tibi thala<br />

mos teedasque: spes-<br />

que generi fuit prima<br />

mihi, nepotum secun-<br />

dn. Nunc vir est ha.<br />

bendus tibi de grege,<br />

nunc natus de grege.<br />

Nee licet mihi fimre<br />

tantos dolores morte:<br />

07. Stellatus Argus<br />

eubinovet natam palri<br />

riuErenti talis, abstra-<br />

hitque illam in diver-<br />

sa pascua<br />

lUt. Nee rector su<br />

perum potest ferre ul<br />

tra tnntu mala Phoro<br />

nidos; vocatque na-<br />

tuin, quern lucidn Ple-<br />

NOT-ffi.<br />

88. Lucttu eras levior: you were a lighter So live that when thy summons come: lojoin<br />

sorrow. It was a less unhappiness for Ina- The innumerable caravan that moves<br />

To tliat mysterious realm, where each shall take<br />

chus to consider her lost or dead than to His station in the silent halls of Death.<br />

find her changed into a beast.<br />

W. C. URTAXT.<br />

90. Remugis. Unable to address him, Fly fearless through death's iron gate.<br />

the only reply which she can make to his Nor dread the dangers as she passed.<br />

words, is to low after the manner of a<br />

WATTS.<br />

heifer.<br />

9G. JEternum in tcvum: to an eternal<br />

91. Ego ignarui. There is something age.<br />

very pathetic in the relation, which the Ill wouldfit thou bear my miseries, by the Fates<br />

afflicted father gives, of the blasted pros Kxempt from death, the refuge of the nlllicted;<br />

pects and ruined hopes which he had been Hut my afflictions know no liounds, till Jove<br />

cherishing for his child.<br />

Falls from the imperial sovereignty of heaven.<br />

91. Thularrua: marriage-chambers; by<br />

JKscllYLUS.<br />

metonymy for marriage.<br />

97. Stellatus Argut: the starry Argus<br />

91. Tcedas. The bridal torches with having eyes like stars.<br />

which the husband led home his bride. 97. Sulmwet: removes him; repels Ina-<br />

94. Tantoi dolores: so great sorrows. chus from his daughter.<br />

Bring me a father thnt so loved his rhild, 99. Abstrahit: forces away.<br />

Where joy of her is overwhelmed like mine, 101. Superum rector : the ruler of the<br />

And bid him epenk of patience;<br />

gods, viz., Jupiter.<br />

Measure his wo the length and breadth of mine, 101. Phoronidoi. Of lo, who was the<br />

And let it answer every strain for strain.<br />

SIIAKBPEARE. grand-daughter of Phoroneus.<br />

Ah never, never<br />

102. Q uern. Mercury, the son of Jupi<br />

Conceived 1 that a tale so strauge should reach ter, by Maia, one of the Pleiades.<br />

My ears; that miseries, woes, distresses, terrors, Hermes, draw near, and to my prayer incline,<br />

Dreadful to sight, intolerable to sense,<br />

Angel of Jove, and Maia's son divine.<br />

Should shock me thus: wo, wo. unhappy ftite!<br />

ORPHEUS.<br />

How my soul shudders at the fate oflo!<br />

-^SCIIYLUS. Mercury is the source of invention; and hence<br />

he is said to be the son of Maia; because search,<br />

94. Morte. The unhappy father laments which is implied by JUaia, leads invention iato<br />

that he cannot escape from his sufferings liarht. He bestows too mathesis on souls, by un<br />

by dying.<br />

folding the will of his father Jupiter: and this<br />

he accomplishes as the angel or messenger of<br />

Oh ! that this too solid flesh would melt, Jupiter. PKOCLUS.<br />

Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew !<br />

Or that the Everlasting had not fixed<br />

103. Pleias. The Pleiades were seven<br />

His canon 'guinst self-slaughter of the daughters of Atlas by Pleione, one<br />

SHAKSPEARE. of the Oceanides. They were changed<br />

95. Nocet esge Deum: it is a curse to be into the constellation commonly called ihe<br />

a god. In full, the sentence is, nocet Seven Stars, in the neck of Taurus.<br />

mi/ti 7ne esse.<br />

103. Lethoque det: to put to death. This<br />

95. Praxluta janua Ictlri: the gate of is to be understood astronomically. To<br />

death shut against me. Poets often speak extinguish the light of Argus's eyes and<br />

of the court and halls of death.<br />

put him to death, as related in the subse<br />


Parva mora est, alas pedibus, virgamque potenti<br />

Somniferam sumsisse manu, tegimenque capillis.<br />

HZEC ubi disposuit, patria Jove natus ab arce<br />

Dcsilit in terras. Illic tegimenque removit,<br />

Et posuit pennas : tantummodo virga retenta est.<br />

Hac agit, ut pastor per devia rura capellas,<br />

Dum venit, abductas : et structis cantat avenis,<br />

Voce novae captus custos Junonius artis,<br />

Quisquis es, hoc poteras mecum considere saxo,<br />

qucnt fable, means the extinguishment of<br />

the light during an eclipse of the sun.<br />

Mercury or Anubis being the horizon ac<br />

cording to the Egyptian myth; for these<br />

two are the same. Isis or lo is the upper<br />

or visible part of the earth.<br />

The Eg>ptians esteem the sun to be the De-<br />

miurgus, and hold the legends uhout Osiris and<br />

Isis (lo) and all their mythological fables to have<br />

reference to the stars, their appearance and oc-<br />

cultaliona, and the periods of their risings, or to<br />

the increase and decrease of the moon, to die<br />

cycles of the sun, to the diurnal and nocturtial<br />

hemispheres, or to the river (Nile.) EusEatus.<br />

Anubis is the interpreter of the gods of 1 lea<br />

ven and of Hades ... holding in his left hand u<br />

cadueeus, and in his right shaking a poplar<br />

branch. AruLEtus METAMORPH.<br />

Annliis (Mercury) was supposed in one of his<br />

diameters to represent the horizontal circle<br />

which divides the invisible part of the world,<br />

called by Ihc Egyptians Neptliys from the visi<br />

ble which they term Isis. PLUTARCH DE ISIDE ET<br />

OslRI.<br />

101. Parva mora est: the delay is slight;<br />

immediately. Obedience to the commands<br />

of God, should be prompt and cheerful.<br />

He spake. The God who mounts the winged<br />

winds<br />

Fast to his feet the golden pinions binds,<br />

That hiirh through fields of air his flight sustain<br />

O'er the wide earth, and o'er the boundless main:<br />

He grasps the wand that causes sleep to fly,<br />

Or in soft slumbers seals the wakeful eye;<br />

Then shoots from heaven to high Pieria's steep,<br />

And stoops incumbent on the rolling deep.<br />


101. A las. The talnria or winged shoes<br />

which lie was accustomed lo bind to his<br />

feet. The wings of Mercury may reier<br />

physically to the swiftness of the planet,<br />

v, liich is the most rapid of the seven in its<br />

course; or, allegorically, to his volubility<br />

oi speech, as the god of eloquence.<br />

104. Virgam. The rod which Mercury<br />

was accustomed 10 carry in his hand, called<br />

also Caduccus. It was wreathed wiih two<br />

serpcms, and had irresistible power. Wiih<br />

it he could rail the spirits of the dcadirom<br />

Orcus, seal tlie eyes of ihe living in sleep,<br />

and perform many other prodigies. By<br />

the virtue ot this rod, we are to understand<br />

the power of eloquence in persuading or<br />

dissuading, which attracts and impels ihe<br />

minds of men.<br />

105. Tegimenque capillis. His winged<br />

NOT-ffi.<br />

111<br />

iai enixa est partu.<br />

t ~_ anperatque det Ar-<br />

lUu gum leto. Mora e«t<br />

Bumsisse alas pedi<br />

bus, virgamque<br />

109. line, ut pastor,<br />

agit, dum venit, ea-<br />

pellas abductas per<br />

devia rura; et cantat<br />

.. structis avenis. Ar-<br />

1JU gus Junor.ius eustos,<br />

captus voce novae ar<br />

tis, ait, Quisquis es,<br />

poteras considere hoc<br />

eaxo mecum; enim<br />

cap, called also Petasus. By this we are<br />

to understand the disguised art of the ora<br />

tor, by which he conceals the fallacy of his<br />

arguments.<br />

106. Disposuit: arranged these, viz. his<br />

talaria, rod, and cap. We have here a de<br />

scription of the messenger of Jupiter; we<br />

give one of a messenger of Jehovah by a<br />

Christian poet.<br />

At once on the eastern cliff of Paradise<br />

He lights, and to his_proper shape returns.<br />

A seraph winged: six wings he bore to shade<br />

His lineaments divine; the pair that clad<br />

Each shoulder broad, came mantling o'er his<br />

breast<br />

With regal ornament; the middle pair<br />

Ciirt like a starry zone his waist, and round<br />

Skirted his loins and thighs with downy gold,<br />

And rolors dipt in heaven; the third his feet<br />

Shadowed from either heel with fenther'd moil<br />

Sky-tinctured grain. Like Mnia's son he stood,<br />

And shook his plumes, that heavenly fragrance<br />

filled<br />

The circuit wide. MILTON.<br />

106. Patria ab arce. From heaven,<br />

where Jupiter his father reigns.<br />

107. Ittie: there; when ne reached the<br />

earth.<br />

108. Potuit pcnnas: laid aside his wings.<br />

109. Hac: wiih this; his cadueeus, used<br />

now as a shepherd's crook.<br />

110. Abductas: taken away; driven<br />

away, as he came along. He seizes upon<br />

pome one's goats, as lie passed through<br />

the country, and having put on the ap<br />

pearance of a shepherd, drove them near<br />

the place where Argus was watching lo.<br />

110. Slructit avenis: on the oat-straws;<br />

reeds joined together. The pastoral pipe<br />

was formed of reeds, oaten-straws, or, like<br />

hollow cylinders of unequal length, joined<br />

together by wax.<br />

Fistula ciii semper decrcscit nrundinis ordo,<br />

Nam calamus cera jungitur usque minor.<br />


Fist mihi dippanhus septcm compacta cicutis<br />

Fistula. VIEGIL.<br />

111. Voce: with the voice; the sounil.<br />

111. Novtzartis: ihencwart; the new<br />

invention viz. the pipe the abstract he<br />

ing put for the concrete.<br />

111. Custos Juiwnitis. The keeper<br />

whom Juno had employed.<br />

112. Hoc taxo: upon this rock. Upon<br />

the rock on which Argus was sitting.

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