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80<br />


Nunc quoque adhuc vitse non est fiducia nostrse<br />

Certa satis : terrent etiamnum nubila mentem.<br />

duid tibi, si sine me fatis erepta fuisses,<br />

Nunc animi, miseranda, foret ? .quo sok timorem<br />

Ferre modo posses ? quo consolante dolores ?<br />

Namqus ego, crede mihi, si to modo pontus haberet,<br />

Te sequerer, conjux, et me quoque pontus haberet.<br />

O utiiiam possem populos reparare paternis<br />

120<br />

Artibus ; atque animas formatse infundere terra!! 125<br />

Nunc genus in nobis restat mortale duobus.<br />

Sic visum Superis : hominumque exempla manemus.<br />

'Uixerat, et flebant. Placuit coeleste precari<br />

Numen ; et auxilium per sacras quserere sortes.<br />

NOT^E.<br />

11C. Possedil ccelera: has taken the reel.<br />

117. Non at fducia: we have not yet<br />

sufficiently certain assurance of our lives.<br />

119. Quid libi unimi: what would be<br />

thy mind ? thy feelings ?<br />

119. Sine me: without me. Ibeinijlost.<br />

119. Falis erepta: if you had been<br />

snatched from fate; preserved from death.<br />

1-1. Quo coiisolante dolores 7 who con<br />

soling your Borrows ?<br />

123. Si te modo ponlus. If the sea had<br />

swallowed up thee, I would cast myself<br />

into the sea. Thus, in Virgil:<br />

El tc, pnter optime Teucrum,<br />

Partus babct Libyae. JENEiD i. 555.<br />

124. Paternis arlSius : by paternal art;<br />

viz. by forming men of clay, and animat<br />

ing them wilh fire from heaven, as Prome<br />

theus, his father, had done.<br />

125. A nimas infundere: to infuse souls<br />

into the fashioned earth.<br />

What is the subject of this Fable ?<br />

Do the nncienta describe several<br />

floods ?<br />

Who was Deucalion ?<br />

Who was Ogyges ?<br />

What Biblical personage do they repre-<br />

nent ?<br />

How were the names of Barbarians ren<br />

dered in Greek and in other languages ?<br />

Whom do Sisithrus, Xisithrus, Ogyges,<br />

Mid Deucalion signify ?<br />

LIBER 1.<br />

117. Nunc quoque<br />

non est adhuc fiducia<br />

nostra; vita; satis cer-<br />

ta: etiamnum nubila<br />

terrent mentem. Quid<br />

animi nuuc foret tilji,<br />

iniseranda, Bi erepta<br />

fuisses (alls sine me ?<br />

quo modo sola posses<br />

ferre timorem? quo<br />

consolante dolores ?<br />

126. Nunc mortale<br />

genus restat in nobis<br />

duobus. Sic visum est<br />

Superis; maneimis-<br />

que exempla hoiiiin-<br />

um. Placuit tills<br />

And the Lord Cod formed man of the dust ot<br />

the ground, or.d breathed into his nostrils the<br />

breulli of life; and man became a living soul.<br />

GENESIS.<br />

To mix the earth and water, nnd infuse<br />

A haman voice. HESIOD.<br />

120. Genus morlalc: the human race.<br />

127. Sic visum: so it has pleased. Sup<br />

ply est.<br />

127. Homirtumque exempla : examples ;<br />

monuments of men.<br />

12-fl. Placuit: it pleased them ; they re<br />

solved.<br />

128. Cceleste precari. It is natural and<br />

proper to seek the aid of the Deity in all<br />

difficulties.<br />

129. Sacras sortes: the sacred oracles.<br />

These were given ty drawing lots, which<br />

came forth from the urn, marked with cer<br />

tain signs.<br />

Ex quo Deucalion, nimbis tollentibus tcquor<br />

Navigio inomem ascendit, sffiKqtte.—JVVEXAL.<br />


Recapitulate the poinls ot agreement<br />

between the Biblical account of the flood,<br />

and the different heathen accounts.<br />

Who was Erinnys ?<br />

How many Furies were there, and what<br />

was their office ?<br />

How did the heathens consider the axis<br />

of the earth ?<br />

Who were the Parcaj, or Fates ?<br />

Had the ancients any idea of a future<br />

destruction of the world by fire ?<br />


81<br />

Who were the Cyclops, and what was<br />

their office ?<br />

What different account do other heathen<br />

writers give ?<br />

What physical explanation can you give Does this agree with the Bible ?<br />

of the forging of Jupiter's thunderbolts by Who were the Nereides ?<br />

the Cyclops ?<br />

Where is Aonia? Where Phocis ?<br />

Who was JKolus, and where did he live ?<br />

What winds did he shut up in his ca<br />

On what mountain did the boat of Deu<br />

calion rest ?<br />

verns ?<br />

Why did he shut them up ?<br />

What was the name of the mountain<br />

originally, and why was il so called ?<br />

What wind did he let out upon the earth ? What oihcr mountain was named after<br />

Why is he said to have let out this wind ? the same manner ?<br />

Who was Iris, and what washer office ?<br />

How is Iris said to raise water ?<br />

Where is Mount Parnassus ?<br />

Who was the god of the sea?<br />

What goddess did Deucalion and Pyrrha<br />

go to consult ?<br />

What agency nad he in producing the<br />

flood?<br />

Where was her oracle 1<br />

Who was Triton ?<br />

What does Ovid say became of the ani<br />

mals upon the earth ?<br />

What agency had he in assuaging the<br />

waters of the flood?<br />


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